☁ Chapter Three ☁

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We slowly pulled up alongside the large fishing charters that were tethered to the docks. They all looked somewhat beat up but overall in good shape. 

"Uh... Good morning!" John B called to a man working on cleaning his boat. He waved back at us, giving what I thought was supposed to be a smile. Not many people were happy right now. 

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink." JJ comments, peering through the boats to try and see if any were in the water, "He doesn't have insurance." 

"Yeah." John B agreed as JJ and I wave to more people on the shore. The land looked more beat up from the water than it looked from the road earlier. I could see into everyones back yards and none of them were saved form Agathas wrath. 

"Hey Miss Amy!" I call, seeing the woman standing on her pier, "You guys get through it?" 

"Still here!" Amy responds, throwing a thumbs up towards us. 

I mimic her actions and shout, "Good to hear!", as we continue to drift further. 

"She totally looked at me." JJ swoons, glancing excitedly over at John B. 

I feel a spike of annoyance as John B responds, "I saw." I didn't know why JJ was so entranced by Amy. She was a grown woman with kids. 

"Damn, look at this place." I change the topic, looking out across the water as we turn the corner. Garbage was floating on top of the waves. Boats had crashed into each other and sunk into the ocean. 

JJ whistles lowly and questioned, "Agatha, what did you do?" 

"She is a crazy lady." John B replied as he turned the boat closer to the docks to avoid a large pile of garbage in the water. 

"Hard-core." JJ mumbles, "Hurricane surge?" 

"Yeah." John B nods. 

"We'll be cleaning this up all summer." I grumble, bending over the side of the boat to pick up some garbage. I throw it back onto the docks when I realize I don't have any place to put it on the boat. Better that its out of the water instead of in it, I guess. 

"This is my nightmare." John B complains, swerving to miss another pile of garbage. 

I saw another boat completely submerged in the harbor and I cringed. I hoped those people had insurance but not many of them did. Or if they did it wasn't enough to cover all of the damage. 

We slowly approach a dock that was out further than the others and JJ calls out in a funny voice, "Well look who we have here." 

I narrow my eyes and hold my arm up to block the sun, seeing Pope hosing down the edge of the pier. "Don't let Kie know your washing it into the ocean!" I call, watching a bottle fall into the water. Pope was standing near a piece of wood that had Bring it on, Aggie, you bitch spray painted onto it. I chuckle lightly as Pope glances up, seeing us approaching. 

John B ducks his head down and acts like he was talking into a walkie talkie, "We have a safety meeting." He calls to Pope, "Attendance mandatory." 

Pope turns the hose off and shakes his head, walking to the very edge of the pier, "I cant. My pop's got me on lockdown." 

"Come on man!" JJ calls. He mimics static and talks into his shoulder like John B had just been doing, "Your dad's a pussy. Over." 

"J!" I scold, smacking his leg which was the only part of him I could reach from where I was lounging.

I watch in horror as Popes dad stalks down to the end of the pier, "Oh, I heard that, you little bastard. 

"Sorry about him Mr. Heyward!" I call, grabbing JJ's arm and yanking him down onto the ground by where I was sitting, "He isn't trained yet, but we need your son!" 

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