☁ Chapter Thirteen ☁

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"Good  question!" John B points to Pope, "Sarah Cameron is coming tonight. She'll bring the original survey map."

"Hold up!" Kie cuts in, "Sarah, wh-why Sarah?"

"Uh-" John B cringes.

JJ yanks his hat off his head and I grin at his messy hair, feeling my heart  rate pick up, "This is gonna be good."

"Sarah, um, she..." John B struggles to come up with a good excuse, "She got me into the archives at Chapel Hill yesterday, and that's where I got the letter."

"You were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron?" Kie scoffs, standing up.

"Yeah, uh-"

"He was mackin' on her." JJ cuts in, a smug smile on his face.

John B's face falls, "I wasn't macking-"

"You were totally macking Sarah Cameron."

"I wasn't macking her," John B shakes his head, "I was using her for access."

"There was access all right." JJ mutters and I narrow my eyes at him, "J, shut up."

"Did  you tell her about the treasure?" Kie scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

John B sighs, "I was trying to get into the archives."

"Is that a yes?" Kie lets out a dry laugh. I glance over at Pope and he has the same annoyed expression on his face.

"I-I left out key details."

"You what?" Kie hollers, glaring at the boy from across the fire, "You let a kook in on our secret? What about pogue Lyfe? What about the T-Shirt company, bro!"

"I was just using her for information!" John B defends himself. You would have to be dumb and blind to figure out he wasn't just using her  for information. 

"Why don't I believe you?" Kie snaps.

"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here! So you can pay off the boat, or - or send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies!" John B runs an angry hand through his hair, "Look, you guys know me!  Do I look like the type of person who would fall for Sarah Cameron?"

"Uh-" JJ starts, before he can say anything I put my hand over his mouth, shooting him a glare.

Kie voices what  he was thinking though when she says, "Do you really want someone to answer that?"

"Just- Just stop." John B snaps.

Kie shakes her head, "You don't know her yet. I do! You can't trust her."

"Her brother did hit me in the back with a golf club." Pope nods, glancing at John B. When the aforementioned boy glares down at him he turns and stares into the fire again.

"Rafe and Sarah are different human beings."

I turn to Kie, "What did she do to you?"  None of us actually knew the answer to that.

"She's like a - like a spitting cobra," Kie groans, "First she blinds you and then she - she-"

"This is a bad analogy." I inform her, leaning back into JJ's  chest. I feel his hands rest on my hips slightly.

"Listen to me!" Kie cries when she realizes John B is focused on anything but her, "Whatever we get, she is gonna try and take."

John B groans, "Okay  well  can you put this  aside for long enough to get the map? Because we have to leave now."

Kie reluctantly agrees  and follows us to the  VW where we speed to a lookout point. Apparently John B and Sarah had made a plan to meet here.

"All right," John  B calls from the front.

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