☁ Chapter Eight ☁

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People say my mom looked like me. I never saw it but I definitely took it as a complement. She was taller than me, smarter too. But we had the same face. Same eyes and mouth. If I didn't lighten my hair we would have the  same hair too. 

"Where have you been?" She asked, casually leaning on my counter. Her eyes scanned me, lingering on my leg where I had a long scrape. 

"The beach." I lie, shifting so my bleeding leg was turned away from her. 

She hums lowly, not believing me, "I asked the neighbor and she said you had left with that Maybank boy." My mom knew about JJ but she had never met him. That was probably a good thing, she would hate him. 

I chewed on my bottom lip and nodded, "Yeah, he wanted to go surfing and I wanted to chill on the beach." 

She nods slowly, "You like him." 


"You like that boy." 


She slyly grins and walks over to me, throwing her arms around my shoulders and pulling me into a hug, "Your blushing." She whispers. 

I childishly stomp my foot and step away from her, "I am not." She laughs and glances around my house, her eyes narrowing at the garbage which was full of empty beer cans. 

"This place is filthy." She  mutters, walking back into the kitchen. 

I shrug and lie, "I go to work a lot, don't  have time to clean." 

She smirks, "I'm sure. So I'm going to be staying at the beach house for a little bit-" 


"The midsummers  festival." She explains, "We're all going to it. Your dad is coming too but I figured I should come back and make sure you weren't dead." 

I groan, "We have to go to the midsummers festival?" Kie had been complaining about having to go to that and I would always make fun of her, the last thing I wanted was to have to go as well. 

My mom nods, placing her purse on the counter and digging through it, "You do, I'm having your dad bring a dress I found for you in Greece. I think you'll love it." 

I cringe. JJ  could never figure out I was going to wear a dress made in Greece, he would never let me hear the end of it. I had just barely gotten him to stop calling me a Kook. 

"I'm going to be staying at the beach house." She informs me. My parents had a house over in Figure Eight that they stayed at when they came here. The Pogues and I had tried to sneak in numerous times but they had installed motion sensing cameras. 

"How long will you be here?" 

"Only until the festival." My mom nods, "Then we're going to Lagos." 

"Lagos!" I gasp, I had wanted to go there when I was younger. 

"You can come with us, you know." My mom sighs. She pulls they keys to her car out and glances sadly at me. I knew she wanted me to come with them on their adventures, but I had  never been happy moving around constantly. I wanted to settle down somewhere and have a house. Make some friends. 

I give her a small smile, "I don't want to leave my friends." 

She nods and turns  towards the door, "Well, I'll be at the house. If you need anything while we're here stop by." 

"Okay." She walks towards the door and throws it open, jumping back with a startled gasp, "Hello?"

"Who the fuck are you?" 

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