☁ Chapter Two ☁

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"Settling in boys?" I call as I walk around to the back porch. Pope had gotten his hands on the power tools that were left there and he grinned sheepishly. JJ was sitting on the scaffolding and I continued looking up to see John B standing on the ridge of the roof, a beer in his hands. "Oh you've got to be kidding  me." I grumble before climbing up the scaffolding and sitting next to JJ.

"You're really going to let your best friend  die?" I whisper, snatching his beer and taking a sip. JJ watches with amused eyes as I cringe and fight the urge to spit the beer back out. I hated the taste of beer, no matter how many different times JJ tried to get me to drink it. I suffered through it  though because sometimes you just needed to not be sober.

"He won't die." He shakes his head, grabbing his drink back from me and taking a long swig from it. Above us, John B holds his converse clad foot over the edge and sways dangerously.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Pope calls, "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

John B plants his two feet on the roof before humming and licking his finger. He holds it out in front  of him, testing the wind, "Should I  do it?"

"Yeah jump."  Pope deadpans as I shake my head and mutter, "No." Pope holds a power drill out in front of him and closes one eye, "I'll shoot you on the way down."

"You'll  shoot me?" John B  laughs, taking another sip of his beer.

I groan and take JJ's beer again, not wanting to be as sober as I was when John B fell off the roof  and broke himself. "You know I can just get you your own." JJ mumbles as he watches me drink his drink.

I shrug and hand it back to him, "I can't finish my own drink."

"Yep." Pope calls from below us and I turn my attention back to the two of them.

John B makes a finger gun and points it down at Pope, "Pow." He jests.

I hear footsteps approaching and I lean across JJ to see Kiara walked out from the house finally, "There going to have Japanese toilets and towel warmers."

"Of course, why wouldn't they." JJ calls, blowing out a harsh puff of air as he inhales my hair.

I  laugh and lean backwards, throwing one of my legs over his lap and helping him get all of  my hair out of his mouth.

"This used to be a turtle habitat." Kie snaps, walking under the scaffolding JJ and I were perched on, "But who cares about the turtles, I guess?"  She pauses  next to Pope, glancing up at John B. 

"I can't have cold towels." JJ mocks, shaking his head as he forces a fake look of sincerity.

I  put my hand in his hair and shove his head back, "Shut up." I laugh.

"Could you please not kill yourself?" Kiara calls up to John B, ignoring JJ's quip.

"Yeah and don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ calls, apparently not caring about John B's safety as much as Kie and I did.

John B holds his leg out above  the edge again, teetering on the edge. I sigh and rest  my head on JJ shoulder, not wanting to see John B fall.

"Woah!" John B calls and for a moment I though he fell, "Oh shit!"

When I look up I see his beer that he had previously been holding hitting the ground and I chuckle lightly, "Can I give my beer to John B?" I ask JJ who only rolls his eyes in response.

"Of course you did." JJ calls to his best friend, pushing his blond hair out of his eyes to see him better.

"Smooth." Kie calls, amusement clearly lacing her voice as she kicks the empty can.

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