☁ Chapter Nineteen ☁

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My feet were swishing in the water as I watched Kie and Pope tinker with the pulley system for the gold. He had tethered the pulley to a tree branch and was lifting Kie up and down.

"How's it feel?" Pope asks, tethering git so Kie was a few feet off the ground.

She nods, sitting down on the edge of it, "Feel's good."

Pope, satisfied with that answer, says "Taking you down."

I turned to JJ who as also sitting on the edge of the hot tub. I kicked my foot out and splashed him with the warm water. He grins over at me, slapping the water to get me wet too.

"John B, pulling a Houdini." JJ comments, passing me the beer he was nursing. I took a small sip before putting it into the cup holders that the Cat's Ass had built in her.

"Yeah, where is he?" I question, glancing around us. He should have been here awhile ago, his fishing trip was supposed to be early in the morning and it was getting pretty late now.

"I got my scholarship interview tomorrow," Pope informs us for what seemed like the thousandth time, "We gotta get this done."

"Speak of the devil." JJ points towards the water where John B was angrily stomping up to the Chateau, "Hey!" JJ motions towards the bucket where Kie was still perched, "I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."

"No he did not," Pope shakes his head, "I did that."

He storms past us and into the chateau, "Hey!" Kie calls after him, glancing at us when he doesn't stop.

"What was that all about?" I ask, standing up and walking to the other side of the hot tub, the water at my waist. I was wearing a swim suit so I was too worried about it.

"I was going to ask you two the same question." Pope says, walking over to he hot tub as we climb out of it. We rushed into the house after John B.

I paused at the door, watching as John B dug through his drawers. Pope was the closest to him as he pulled open a glass cabinet, "You all right, man? What-what's up?"

"What are you looking for?" I ask, tilting my head at him.

John B doesn't answer, instead he walks over another dresser and flings the doors open, shifting through the things in it.

"Bro, what is going on?" JJ snaps, crossing his arms as he watched his best friend dig under the couch cushions. John B straightens up and pulls out the gun JJ had stolen, holding it in his hands. "John B what do you need a gun for?" JJ rushes towards John B.

"Just-" John B shoves JJ away, "No!"

"Talk to us!" JJ cries out, before John B pushes him hard enough to fall onto the couch.

"Chill!" I snap towards the angry brown haired boy. "J, you good?" He nods slowly, staring up at his best friend.

Pope holds his arms out across the doorway, trying to stop JB as he tried to leave. "What are you doing?"

"What are you JJ now?" Kie challenged angrily.

John B grabs Pope and launches him into the table nearby, not stopping to see if he was okay. He throws the front door open and disappears through it.

"Shit.. you okay?" Kie asks as she helps Pope stand back up.

JJ gets off of the couch, readjusting his hat on his head as he mumbles, "John B, what are you doing?"

We spare a glance at each other before the four of us rush outside after him. He was flipping the kick stand up on JJ's bike, revving the engine loudly.

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