☁ Chapter Fourteen ☁

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I was sitting at a table at The Wreck sipping a coffee slowly. JJ sat beside me, looking just as rough as I was. I think to say I was hungover was an understatement. I was pretty sure I was going to die. Especially since I remembered the events of last night. I could have forgotten and not had to worry about this whole mess, but I remembered. I thought I couldn't look at JJ without blushing before, now it was ten times worse.

Pope looked like he couldn't be happier as he sat beside the two of us.

"I'm sorry, you're staying where?" Kie asks angrily as she passes John B who was sitting a little ways down on the bar.

"Tannyhill." John B responds. He was better now, he had a cast on his arm and told us he was on a whole bundle of pain meds.

Kie pauses, "So you're living with Sarah Cameron?"

"Okay look," John B groans, "The only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right?" He pushes away from the bar and follows kie over to us, "And its way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where I would be going if ward-"

Pope interrupts with the questions that really matter, "Hey, so do you have memberships to the clubs now?"

"I don't know pope." John B groans, sitting down in the chair across from me. The chair squeaks along the floor and I cringe, digging my face into my arms which were resting on the table.

"What about those golf carts they drive around?" JJ loudly asks from beside me and I fight the urge to smack him, "Do you get one of those?"

Pope tucks his arms behind his head as he jokes, "Does it come with its own sweater-vest? Or do you have to buy that on your own?"

"Look." Kie sighs, "You promised. You said you weren't with her."

"Bro, just own it." JJ calls, pushing himself obnoxiously out of the chair and walking around the empty store, "She got you."

"Look if you want to hang out with her, that's fine." Kie reasons, "But I'm letting you know now, I'm not doing anything with Sarah."

"Do you guys see her here?" John B asks harshly, "No, right. Okay, a little focus would be fantastic. We've got the map?"

JJ nods hesitantly, "It's out of wack cus the guy was genja'd when he drew it."

"Its 'cause the coast changed." Kie informs JJ, unimpressed with him.

Pope shrugs, "So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed."

"What about the old forts?" I ask, taking my head off the table and looking at the map they had spread across it.

"Battery Jasper." Kie agrees, looking down at the yellowing paper.

I nod and reach forward, pointing to it on the map. I remembered taking a hike over there on one particularly warm day, it was still standing and probably hadn't gotten up and moved anytime in since the map was made.

"Well, let's go." John B shrugs, grabbing the map and shoving it into his backpack.

I hear Pope and Kie rushing towards the door with him but I couldn't bring myself to get up out of the chair. Maybe if I played here for long enough I would just die. That would probably be better than the headache I had right now.

"You good, homeschool?" JJ asks and I groan, slumping down further.

"I think I'm dead." I groan, "Like, I think I have genuinely died and am in heaven." I sit up and look at him, "Oh wait, hell."

"Har har." He deadpans, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the chair, "They're going to leave us here and go find the gold themselves."

"Like they could do it without us." I shake my head, following him out to the Twinkie. I wondered if JJ even remembered last night, he was just as fucked up as I was - if not more.

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