☁ Chapter Twelve ☁

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When I walked into my parents house I could feel the tense atmosphere. I knew it was because I was here along with my father. I didn't get along with him. Ever since I moved to the outer banks permanently it started to feel like I didn't have parents. Hell they didn't act like parents. My mom was more of a drunk aunt who came for holidays and gave me alcohol.

My dad was where the problem was. He wouldn't talk to me at all when he was gone and then he would try to be a parent for the few days he was back.

"Sage?" I heard his voice call when I walked into the house and I contemplated walking back out. I knew my mom would find me though, she had a whole costume she was going to put me in.

I cringe and call out, "Yeah?"

"Come here please."

I still had time to make a run for it, I could do it. I could be out the door and to my jeep before he even noticed I was gone. The house was silent, so when my dad appeared behind me - blocking my escape - I jumped.

"Hello." I sounded too formal, but I didn't know how to talk to him.

He nods, "How are you?"

"I'm fine."

He continues nodding for an observed amount of time, "I've been hearing some stories about your little friends."


"Heard Luke's kid got arrested." My dad grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, "You know anything about that."

I cringed, "No, did he?"

My dad takes a threatening step forward, "You sure you don't know anything about that? From what I hear you're pretty close with him and his little friends."

I don't respond, instead I look at the decor my mom had placed in the front doorway. There were several large fake plants and I couldn't help but find it amusing. She wanted the plants but wasn't around enough to keep them alive.

"Sage," My dad stresses, "You cant be hanging around with these hooligans."

"They aren't hooligans." I snap, glaring up at him.

His eyes widen at my sudden change of tone, "They aren't good influences on you." He argues, "Especially if they're going about sinking boats!"

"They're fine! And they are my friends!"

"Not the Maybank kid." He points a finger at me like he was scolding a dog, "I don't want you around him."

"You don't get to pick who I hang out with!" I yell, throwing my arms out beside me. I felt anger coursing through me. I couldn't explain that JJ had actually taken the fall for Pope, even if my father did believe me he still wouldn't care.

"I can too, pick!" He screams, "I am your father."


He falls quiet, his chest raising and falling as he glares down at me, "Young lady," He fumes, "You will listen to me and you will not hang around that boy. He isn't good for you, we have a reputation to keep."

I scoff, stepping away from him, "Some reputation you're keeping by not being here."

I didn't wait for a response as I turned around and stormed up the stairs to the room I had deemed as 'mine'. When I threw the door open my mom was sitting on the bed, a tense smile on her face. I was sure she had heard the argument from here.

"How are you, dear?" She questions, standing up and brushing off her legs. She already was wearing a fair amount of makeup and I knew I would be wearing the same soon.

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