☁ Chapter Four ☁

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"Damn." I whisper as we pull up to the motel. The sign that normally stood proud was tipped over and laying on the ground. 

"I thought the Chateau looked bad." JJ cringed as we grew closer. 

John B nods, "This place is a shitshow." 

All of the rooms had their mattresses outside the doors drying off and the branches scattered across the ground  made it look more sketchy. 

"Motel or meth lab." Kie offers, glancing up at the place. I shift uncomfortable, worried about John B and JJ  who plan to go up to someones toor here. They're going to get shot. 

"You be the judge." Pope solemnly says. 

John B shakes  his head, "This doesn't look like a place someone with a Grady-white would stay." 

I shake my head, "No. It looks like  a place someones its a Grady-white would get killed." 

JJ shrugs, perching himself at the front of the boat, "Here we go." 

John B doesn't slow down until the front of the boat is rammed up onto the shore. I slide in my seat slightly with a small grunt. My hands fly out in front of me to stabilize myself as JJ and John B climb onto dry land. JJ ties the rope down to a pole that was in the ground and I slouch back in my seat, glancing up at the motel. I think the more I looked at it the worse it looked. 

"Well here goes nothing." John B shrugs and the pair start waling towards the place. 

"Hey." Pope calls, stopping the two of them. 

"Yeah?" John B turns around, glancing at his friend. 

"Don't let him do anything stupid." Pope points to JJ who was resting his leg on the boat. 

JJ nods confidently, "Oh we will." 

"I'm not making any promises." John B responds and Pope rolls his eyes, "Yeah I know." 

"Be careful." Kie mutters, handing the key (haha) to John B. 

"You too, stupid!" I command JJ, hoping that he for the most part stays out of trouble. 

"Common, homeschool." He grins, "When am I not careful." 

I just look at him, choosing not to answer that question. I don't  think I could come up with a single situation where JJ used any sliver of caution. 

"I mean it." Kiara says to John B when he didn't respond. 

He lets out an airy laugh and nods, "Yeah." Then he turns around and jumps out of the boat, patting JJ on his shoulder, "Lets go." 

"Why are all these mattresses out here?" JJ cringes, stepping around a mattress as the two of them walk away. 

I slump down in my seat with a groan and run a hand through my still wet hair, attempting  to put it in a braid, "They're going to get into  trouble." I mutter and Pope and Kie nod in agreement. 

"Of course they are." Pope answers, sitting down next  to me, "Want to play a game while we wait?" 

"Sure." Kie nods, sitting down across  from us and tucking her feet up under her, "If you could move anywhere, where would you go?" 

"New Zealand." It was where they filmed Lord of the Rings and I would never admit it to any of them but I loved those movies, "Pope?" 

He thinks about it for a moment, "I'm not sure, I havn't really thought about it. Some big city probably, with a good crime lab." 

"I bet you'll end up in a place like that." I nod. He was way too smart to not end up working in a big crime lab, "Kie you?" 

"Right here." She holds her arms out and then cringes slightly, looking at the motel, "Okay well maybe not right here. But I can help the environment here, I can change something."  

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