☁ Chapter Five ☁

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I had ran home in order to change and grab a keg before we went to the beach. I jumped slightly as I pulled up a pair of ripped white shorts and slipped into a black tube top. It had been a little bit since I made it to a part of the beach and I wanted to forget everything, even if it meant drinking beer to get drunk. 

JJ was downstairs rolling the keg into the back of my jeep as I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pocket. It wasn't much use since there was no service but I didn't want to go somewhere without it. Having it in my pocket was comforting. 

"Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing a large bag of solo cups.  

JJ nods, patting the keg before jumping into the Jeep happily. I sped to the beach, getting there in record time as JJ loudly screamed the lyrics to the songs playing from the aux.

"Please never sing again." I say as we climb out of the car. John B, Kie and Pope were already waiting there. They climbed out of John B's old beat up VW, grabbing all of the supplies I had in the back of my car. 

"Tally-ho!" John B yells as we near the ocean. Him and JJ were lugging the keg behind them as Kie held the tubbing for the keg, and Pope and I were carrying cups. 

The boys set up the keg and begin pouring beer for the five of us as we waited for other people to show up at the beach. Normally we didn't have to tell people about it, they just found it. 

JJ pours a cup and tries to hand it to Pope, "No, Hell no." Pope shakes his head. 

"I'll take it." I grin, snatching the cup away from JJ. 

He grins down at me, "Really?"

"Really." I mock in a high pitch voice, causing him to chuckle. 

"What are you, five?" 

"Four actually." I correct before walking over to Kie who was perched on a piece of drift wood. 

It had only been a half hour and the beach was full of people. Somewhere in the crowd someone was chanting chug as I stayed sitting on the brach, watching the crowd. Keggers brought in all different types of people, especially in summer. 

There were the locals who lived in the cut. They all showed up later  because they had just gotten off work. Each of them came in large groups of friends who banded together pretty closely, like the pogues. 

Then there were the kooks. They were the ones who lived in Figure Eight and got all their clothes from daddies money, not that I could talk. They tended to come to the parties in pairs, like they didn't know anyone else. 

The ones that came alone though were the vacationers, we called them the tourons. They never knew anything about the Outer Banks and I was always really fun to mess with them since they didn't know anyone here. I got called out a couple of times for fucking with them, but it didn't stop me. 

I turned to see Sarah Cameron climbing up a washed up hunk of metal that had ended up partially buried in the sand. She sat on top of it and looked out over the water. Kiara hated her but she never really told me why. I didn't think Sarah Cameron was too bad, I had hung out with her a couple times at the parties when her dick-face boyfriend left her. She seemed nice. John B worked on Mr. Cameron's, her dad's, boat and he said that she wasn't as bad as Kiara made her out to be. 

Topper was trying to get her to come down but she smacked his hand away, stopping him. Topper was a world class asshole. He treated all of the Pogues like they were just trash beneath his feet. 

"All hail to the king and queen kook." A husky voice says in my ear and I turn to see JJ watching the pair as well, "The hell are they doing here?" 

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