☁ Chapter Ten ☁

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I follow after the boys as we walk into The Wreck. Kiara had told us that she could probably swindle free food for us and that wasn't an opportunity we were going to pass up. John B and Pope had  managed to carry the drone out of the Junk yard so we had all we needed to find the Royal Merchant. 

We all huddled near the back corner as Kie tried to convince her dad to give us food. He glanced over at us cautiously. I knew he wasn't the biggest fan of the guys. He was okay with me though, I worked for him and he knew my parents. I raise my hand and wave at him, a grimace on my face. John B and Pope followed suit while JJ threw up a peace sign. 

Kie jumps forward and giver her dad a hug. 

"I think that's a good sign?" I whisper, glancing at JJ who shrugs.  

Kie turns to us, a wide smile on her face as her dad disappears into the back, "Sit." 

"Oh thank god!" JJ cries, diving towards the table. 

Kie brings out food for us and I thank her, digging into he fries. I felt bad for her dad, they guys were messy. John B threw his food at JJ who poorly attempted to catch it in his mouth. 

I giggled quietly and rested my arms behind my head, closing my eyes slightly. The song shifted to a more up beat song and I opened my eyes to see Kie beckoning John B up. He begrudgingly agrees and got up and danced with her. 

I smirked and looked at the other  guys. Pope was angrily eating his pudding, watching Kie and John B carefully, I could almost feel the jealousy radiating off of him. 

"Pope!" I call, pushing myself off the seat, "Commere." I hold my arms out, shaking my shoulder slightly as I danced around the nearly empty restaurant. 

His eyes snap to mine, confusion filling them, "What?" 

"You heard me," I laugh, walking towards him, "Dance." I  grabbed his arms  and pulled him out into the open area, forcing him to sway lightly. He was hesitant at first, just barely moving to the beat. His eyes were still on John B and Kiara. 

"Pope." I whisper quiet enough where no one else could hear, "She turned him down, they're just having fun." I raise my voice and jerk  his arms from side to side, making him dance, "It wouldn't kill you to have some."

He groans but starts to move a bit more freely. Soon enough I have him dancing around in sloppy circles with me as John B and Kie laugh nearby. I glance over and see JJ angrily picking at his fries. Well aren't we all upset about Kie. I think to myself, skipping over other blond boy. 

"You too." I laugh, taking his hat off my head and shoving it back over his messy hair. I grab the brim and pull him out of the seat. 

He looks down at me, a sour expression on his face, "Oh, are we dancing now?" He grumbles. 

"Why so glum, sugar plum?" I smirk, dancing in circles around him. 

He sighs, glancing at Pope who was now flailing around by himself, "I'm not." 

"Great!" I beam, grabbing his arms and doing the same thing I had done with Pope. JJ didn't take as long to loosen up and soon enough he was right with Pope and I, jumping in circles. I threw my head back and laughed, stumbling on my sandals. 

JJ's arms fell to my waist as he kept me from colliding with the ground. They hesitated there for a moment before he took them away and started doing a crude rendition of the Macarena. I laughed, my heart hammering in my chest as I looked into his light eyes. 

You do not like JJ.  I remind myself, spinning in a circle. You do not.

I turned and danced with Pope for a little bit, screaming as he attempted to dip me and failed. I gripped onto his neck, my legs flailing as I tried to stand up again. Pope chuckled, setting me upright and continued to dance around. 

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