☁ Chapter Twenty-Two ☁

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I backed into the launch and switched seats with JJ after one failed attempt and a broken tree. "You literally only had to drive backwards!" JJ cried, rushing out to examine the boat.

I jumped out after him, throwing my arms out, "I told you I have no idea how to drive with a boat!"

"You could have hurt her." JJ rubs the boat, dusting off the small mark.

I put my hand on my hip and narrow my eyes, following him as he stalks towards the drivers seat, "But I didn't!"

"But I didn't." He mocks, easily backing the boat back into the water.

I gnaw on my lip as Pope jumps out and maneuvers the boat into the water. JJ pulls back up and parks the jeep up against the side by the butchered tree. I cringed slightly, I really did some damage to it.

I climb into the back of the Jeep and fix the box of food that had spilled out during my messy driving. Pope and Kie were standing a few feet away, not talking to each other. I jumped onto the ground and glanced at Kie, feeling the awkward atmosphere from here. 

I handed the box to JJ who was setting the Phantom up, and I jumped after him and helped him organize the food in the cargo hold so it wouldn't blow away when the boat got up to speed. 

"They'll be okay, right?" JJ nervously asks, tossing they keys back and forth in his hands. 

I nod, "Yeah." I say, although I had a slight feeling that this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it felt, "They will be." 

He nods slowly and I can tell he is thinking the same thing. 

"Dude where is he?" Kie asks, watching the long driveway that lead towards the boat launch. 

Pope glances up at her, "Give him a second. He'll be here." 

"He's coming." I agree, "He'll be fine." I wasn't sure if I sounded very convincing, but I needed to say it otherwise I wasn't sure if I would be convinced. 

I hear sirens wailing and I freeze, my eyes rolling back. This day really couldn't get any worse. 

"JJ!" Kie cries as a large police truck pulls up to the boat. 

JJ jumps for the ignition and the boat stutters to life, "Hey yeah." I grab the end of the pier, ready to push off and get away from the cop, "Get back on the boat." 

"I'm untying it." I say, tugging at the roads. 

Kie jumps onto the Phantom, "Shit." 

"Wait!" JJ says and I glance up, seeing John B  climbing out of the truck. "No way." 

"No effing way." Pope chuckles. 

Kie glances at me, baffled, "I'm sorry, uh..?"

"You've got to be kidding me." JJ excitedly laughs, glancing at me in disbelief.  

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin." John B  calls as he walks over to the boat. 

I laugh and retie the boat back to the pier, "You sure he willingly let you?" I didn't need an answer, anyone with more than one brain cell could figure out he stole it. I wasn't sure how the crazy son of a bitch did it, but he did.

"Yeah, no that's super believable."  Kie grins, "I'll buy that for now." She jumps  off of the boat and wraps her arms around John B happily. 

"It wasn't easy bro, but I got the Phantom for you." JJ holds his arms out and motions to the boat, "And she runs like she was made yesterday." 

"You have an unhealthy obsession with this thing." I say, glancing up at JJ  with a smug smile. JJ tosses the keys to John B and holds his arm out to me, helping me off of the boat. 

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