☁ Chapter Sixteen ☁

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"You got rope?" John B asked as we drove towards Mrs. Crain's house once more, this time under the cover of night.

I was leaning up against Sarah as I swayed slightly to the music playing. I didn't really want to go back to her house now that it was dark. She could sneak up on us much easier and I didn't have my stick this time.

"Yep." Pope nods, from the front seat.

"Grappling hook?" John B asks excitedly.

Pope shakes his head, "No grappling hook, We're not batman."


"Check!" Kie calls, holding it up.

"Dark clothes?"

I glance down at my all black outfit. I was wearing leggings and one of JJ's hoodies that I had definitely not stolen from him. He had yet to notice I was wearing it, "Got it."

"Flashlight?" John B continues down the list as he pulls to a stop outside the wall we had jumped over.

"Check." JJ calls, holding them up.

"All right." John B cracks his knuckles, "Good. We're ready."

I pull the door open, "Let's go."

"Let's go get rich guys!" JJ laughs following after me. I jump easily over the wall, waiting for the rest of my friends as I watch for any signs of cars coming down the road.

"Wiat!" John B says and I peer over the wall, seeing them waiting near the car, "Wait."

"Seriously." I hiss, jumping up and sitting on top of the wall so I could hear them better.

"I want to say thank you guys." John B sincerely says, "You too, Sage! It means a lot that you guys are here tonight."

"Always." Kie responds softly.

Pope was the next to speak up, "Of course man."

"You know we'd follow you to the ends of the earth, John B." I call over to him, swinging my feet as I try not to think about Mrs. Crain sneaking up on me and attacking from behind.

"All right, we done with the circle jerk?" I hear JJ asks and I bite my lip to keep from laughing, "Can we go do this?"

"Let's get that wheat in the water." Pope says as he climbs out of the van.

"Weed?" JJ perks up, "I'm up for weed."

"Wheat." Pope groans, "I said wheat."

I grin as Sarah and Kie get to the wall, "After you." Sarah says and Kie pauses before saying, "Ladies first."

"Oh boy." I roll my eyes, tipping backwards off the wall so I landed on the ground on the side of Mrs. Crain's property. It was significantly more scary now that it was dark.

Sarah and Kie join me on the property, standing close to me as they shine their lights into the bushes.

Since I didn't have a flashlight I stayed close to JJ, watching the light from his as we walked towards the house. "Are we really going to find it?" I whisper to him, fiddling with the end of the large rope he was carrying.

"I hope." He admits, pulling the rope away from me so I stopped fraying it.

We paused, looking up at the house when a bright flood light turned on, illuminating the dark yard.

"Shit!" Sarah gasps as we duck into the bushes to stay out of the light. "Oh shit!"

"Flashlights!" Kie snaps and most of the flashlight go off.

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