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Luna was standing by Rebe after being pulled back from walking too him

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Luna was standing by Rebe after being pulled back from walking too him. She watched the boy walk past her, he looked at her, his blue eyes showed fear. The girl just gave him an assuring smile.

Luna had walked into the classroom and had taken a seat by Carla. The night before the girl had asked her to sit by her and Luna accepted the offer.

"You are awfully quiet, or will you just keep quiet as usual?" Lu asked one of her best friends.
Guzmán spoke up, "At least Carla finally talked. Some people knew and never said a damn word." Guzmán spat looking at Ander than Luna.
"Ander! Holy shit! You knew too? Luna! So that's why you kept giving him another chance? So, everybody knew but me?" Lu questioned the teens.

"Lu, stay out of it. This has nothing to do with you." Guzmán scolded the girl.
Lu rolled her eyes, "Correction. I have nothing to do with you. I just would've liked to have known that the boy sitting next to me was a fucking killer. Creepy."
Cayetana spoke up, "Except Polo isn't a killer."
Lu turned around, "And we're supposed to believe you of all people, right, liar barbie? Should we remind the class who you are?"
"Lu..." Luna warned the girl. She is still angry with what Cayetana did but Cayetana saved Polo's ass, the least she can do is defend the girl.
"It's fine Luna. No, that won't be necessary, thanks. Um, look, all they have against him is a statement from a jealous ex." Cayetana spat, her statement angering Luna. Carla protected her so now the girl doesn't know what to do, but she knows deep down what Carla did was right.
Carla glared at the girl, "You really don't get it, do you?"

Luna just zoned out of the conversation, annoyed with everyone's childish behavior. She sees Ander's mom walk in, "Your classmate has been released on bail. This means there are charges against him, and he's still being investigated." Luna looks over her shoulder to see Polo walking in the hall. The boy and her makes eye contact and she just shoots him a smile and he gives her a small one in return. "I've told his family that given the circumstances, I can't allow him to come back."

Lu spoke, "So he won't be able to graduate, right?"
The principal answers, "Fortunately, it looks like all this will be resolved soon."

Guzmán speaks up, "What?"
"The judge has ordered a confrontation between Polo and his accuser tomorrow in order to compare their accounts and decide whether to charge him formally or to drop the charges. I know it's hard to distance yourselves from this, but I urge you to do it for your own good. This week, we have representatives from the world's best universities coming to meet you. And with a bit of luck, you might be accepted to one or even awarded a scholarship. This is a crucial moment. There's a lot at stake. Stay focused. Don't let the past ruin your future."

The students than hear a knock, they look over to see Valerio.
"Merry Christmas, happy New Year, happy holidays, happy everything, everyone's happy." The boy laughed.
It was the next day. Luna had gone home and studied, she called Polo and fell asleep on the phone with him, but that was all. The girl was feeling empty and hopeless.
She had been walking when she walked past Guzmán and Samuel, with no idea on what it is they were talking about.

When Guzmán saw Luna walk by he told Samuel, "What if we convince Luna?"

"She won't." Samuel told the boy.
"You don't know her. If you get it through her head she will do the right thing. If Carla can't, Luna definitely can get him to confess."
Luna had gone with Cayetana to Polo's after school.

They were asking him to keep trying to get through to Carla when Cayetana spoke up.

"I could forgive a person in love for almost anything, but there's no excuse for what you did."
"Mom." Polo glared at the woman.
"It was a scam. You can't afford to be seen with someone like her. Luna, your parents would agree."

"My parents didn't give a shit about me. You both are aware I love you both so very much, but she's a good friend to Polo. What she did to me, can't be forgiven for a long time, but we all make mistakes. She shouldn't be consistently judged for a mistake, she's already learned her lesson for." Luna told the two women.

"Cayetana is my friend, okay? She's
staying for dinner, if she wants too."
Cayetana smiled, "Of course."

His parents than walked away. Luna just looked at the boy with sad eyes.
"Forever and Always." The girl smiled taking his hand, he feels the ring and looks at her.

"You put the ring back on?"
"Yeah." The girl smiled he than took her face giving her a kiss on the forehead, "forever and always."

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