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Luna was in her bathroom, doing her hair for school when she heard her door open

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Luna was in her bathroom, doing her hair for school when she heard her door open. The girl smiled with excitement and ran down stairs to see her brother, and a girl. The girl ran to her brother. "Ceaser!" The girl smiled at the boy, excitement laced in her voice at the sight of her brother.

She ran into his arms, giving him a huge hug. The boy just laughed at the girl's reaction, the girl than looked at the girl who was watching the whole scene happen with a smile on her face.

She was thin, she seemed to be maybe around 5'10, she looked to be about as tall as her brother, him having an inch on the girl. She has beautiful brown hair that was in a ponytail, and very fair skin, her eyes were a very pretty brown, Luna had to admit the girl was gorgeous.

"Luna, this is Laura, my uh- girlfriend." Ceaser introduces the two girls, nervous, Luna and Laura both being important girls in his life, and he knows if Luna didn't like the girl, he wouldn't have a choice but to leave her, which he hoped wouldn't be the case.

Luna smiles at the girl, "You're so pretty" Luna looked at her brother and raised her eyebrows, "American?", "American." The boy confirmed with a unreadable expression, "But her foster family, they spoke very fluent in spanish, and she grew up in their home, she was lucky and didn't get tossed around like a baseball, so she is fluent in spanish as well."

"Ma and Papa wouldn't improve, C, I like her already." Luna smirked, Luna than looked at her phone, "Shit, I need to finish getting ready for school, talk later?" The girl smiled at the two before running upstairs.
The couple looked at eachother with a big smile, "Welcome to your new home, my love."
Luna was in class, fiddling with Polo's fingers, as he has his arm wrapped around her shoulders. The girl was telling him how Ceaser had arrived home, with a girlfriend. The teacher was handing out papers when the couple heard Valerio cheer about his grade. The two just looked at eachother laughing at the boy's reaction.

Valerio than looked at the two, "We go hard too." Luna just sends the boy an awkward smile, knowing Lu would give her hell for this, Lu sent a glare at Polo and Luna's direction, Lu still being pissed at the blonde.

Luna watched Lu roll her eyes before turning around, Valerio than turns to the two with a large smile showing his grade. Luna just blows a kiss in the boy's direction and he pretends to catch it placing his hand on where his heart is. The girl just lets out a small giggle, unaware of the two boys staring at her in awe.
The day came to an end, Luna was at her locker grabbing her belongings when Lu walked up to the girl closing her locker, barely crushing the girls finger.

"What the fuck Lu!" Luna scolded the girl, annoyed that she had to now open her locker, again. Luna went to open it but Lu slams her hand on the girls locker.

"You are not only fucking a murderer, but also my fucking brother!" Lu hissed at the girl. Luna just rolled her eyes at the girl before taking her hand and throwing it at the girl's side, moving her body so her back was facing Lu so Lu would have no access to her locker.

"Lu, I never once judged you, so why judge me?" Luna asked the girl calmly, angering Lu more.

Lu moved her lips to the girls ear, "Stop sleeping with Valerio, or your dear brother will find out about your, ah how should I phrase this, you're lovely affair with anything sharp to your precious skin." Lu harshly whispered to the girl with a fake smile  before walking away only for Luna to catch the girl's attention.

"Tell him. I'm done with you thinking you can treat me this way, fucking bitch." Luna snarled at the girl before taking her bag out of her locker and slamming it closed before walking away.
Luna had arrived home to grab what she needs to go to Polo's so she can study with him and Valerio. The girl took off her uniform before walking over to her new mirror and staring at the scars all over her skin.

The girl just frowned as she ran her finger tip lightly against each scar. "Never again." the girl breathed out tears running down her cheeks at the sight.

The girl than heard her brother yelling her name as footsteps appeared closer, the girl ran to her door, locking it.

"I'm naked." The girl informed her brother. The boy waited until the girl got dressed and opened the door.
"Where are you going?" Her brother asked, placing his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.

"Polo's, to study. Don't go waiting for me, okay? I'm spending the night." The girl shrugged as she packed the things she needed, her skin care, makeup, hair stuff, all of her other hygiene needs.

The boy looked at the girl, "Okay miss.boss." The boy laughed at her bossiness. "I spent all of my time with Polo, because you left me here alone, longer than what you promised. My living habits will stay, how they were, okay?" The girl snapped at the boy, attitude clear in her voice. The boy raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, Lu and I got in a fight." The girl apologized to the boy, he just gave her an understanding nod before walking out of her room. He came to a stop by her door, "Have fun." The boy smiled at the girl, she gave him a smile back before watching him leave her room.

The girl sat on her bed, pulling her hair to the side, looking at the hickeys, Polo and Valerio left on her collar bone and lower. The girl just smiled at the thought of their bodies on her before texting the group chat.
"Be there in 20."
authors note:
additional cast-

"—————-authors note: additional cast-

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Phoebe Tonkin as Laura Jones

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