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Luna was sitting on Polo's office chair, her legs resting on the bed

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Luna was sitting on Polo's office chair, her legs resting on the bed. The three were studying while Valerio gave Polo a foot massage and Polo was rubbing the boy's back. They were playing a game, whenever you got an answer wrong you had to take off a piece of clothing. Polo was in just his underwear, Valerio had on everything but socks, and Luna was fully clothed.

"Your turn" Luna smirked at the curly haired boy. "What? Ok, potassium nitrate." The boy answered with confidence. Luna giggled, "Take it off."

"What? He got it right, didn't he?" Polo asked the girl, clearly confused.
"Well duh, but he's clearly wearing too much clothing." the girl shrugged with a smirk attached to her face. As Valerio is unbuttoning his shirt he smirks, "This girl learns fast."

"Not as fast as you." Luna smirked at the boy as she got up
from her chair laying down right next to Polo kissing his jaw. "Oh really? Not as fast as me?" The big smirks before crawling on top of her kissing all over her face, jaw, and lips.

Luna sat up when Valerio did, the boy than resting on her lap, Polo crawling over to the boy, obviously checking him out, which turned Luna on.

"I never thought studying could be so much fun." Valerio smiled at his two significant others, Polo tapped his pen on Valerio's chest.

"You could graduate if you wanted." Luna informed the boy with a smile, running her fingers through his curls, "You could even go to University!"
The girl informed the boy with a smile, Polo than looked at the girl with a smile.

"I don't know, I never thought about my future, I didn't even know I could have one." Valerio told the two, all three of the lightly laughing.

"Of course you do, love." The girl smiled at the boy. Valerio just took the girl's hand, giving it a light squeeze before kissing her hand.
"You're going to london, right?" Valerio asked Polo, receiving a nod from Polo, the boy than looked up
at Luna, "After you both take a gap year, right?"

"Yeah, why don't you join us?" Luna asked the boy. "No way! I don't have the grades, or the ability to get into a college so easily, or the money to get into a place like that." Valerio smiled at the girl.

"His mom could maybe help." Luna shrugged at the boy, ducking down and giving Valerio a small kiss on the nose.

Polo looked at the girl before looking at Valerio, "We got in with our connections. My mothers are friends with the dean, so were Luna's parents."

"Really?" Valerio asked the boy, feeling a small ounce of hope.
"Yeah." Polo confirmed to the boy.

"I don't suppose they could ..." Valerio asked the boy, only for Polo to look up at Luna begging her to stop feeding things into Valero's mind, the girl soon realizes and just gives him a small nod.

"Well... my mothers are vouching for luna because they have known her, her whole life, and they love her as if she's their own daughter, and she's also my girlfriend, sort of? Well, we aren't official, but it makes it easier for them to think her and I are together." Polo looks at the boy seeing the sad look on his boyfriend's face than continues, "I'm not saying that we're not a couple... but they just know her more than they know anyone else i'm involved with, as a friend or more. They just don't know who you are yet."

Valerio gives the boy a half smile, half frown, "So, I'm nobody, right?" Polo looks at the boy with wide eyes, "I didn't say that." Luna than speaks up, "No, it's not like that at all."
"It's okay." Valerio says at the same time as Polo says, "I didn't mean that."

"There's a word for what you two have, but...there's no word for this." Valerio tells the two moving his fingers in a direction to point at both of them. "Don't worry. You've done enough for me. It's fine." Luna and Polo both look at eachother before Luna speaks up,

"We would be considered a polyamory, there is a word for it, Valerio, so you aren't just the extra piece, you are just as equal as Polo and I." The girl tells the boy before sliding from under Valerio's head and climbing on top of him before kissing his lips, than his cheek, than his jaw, than his neck.

"Once all three of us are comfortable with this we will tell the whole world, including Polo's parents, than you will come with us to college, and on our gap year trip, but for right now can we just netflix and chill." Luna smirked at the boys before kissing Polo.
Luna was in the hall walking rather slower than usual, the girl hears Lu's voice.

"Someone really got dicked down last night." Lu smirked at the girl. "You seem nicer." Luna told the girl.

Lu frowned at her best friend, "I'm sorry for all of it. I know Valerio told Polo, and if you want to have some weird threesome thing like Carla had, do it, i'm the last person who should judge you. You're my best friend, and i'm sorry."

Luna just smiled at the girl before hugging her, "You're forgiven, always."
Luna had her head rested on Polo's shoulder while talking to Valerio and Polo, when she saw Ander walk in the room with his hair shaved off causing Luna to lift her head, his new appearance catching her attention.

"Hey! Wow!" Valerio shouted loudly, cat calling the boy.

Ander just stopped walking and stood in front of the classroom, "It's from the chemo. I have cancer." Luna's heart stopped, the girl just looked at the boy, who was once her best friend, who she hasn't talked to in what feels like decades.

Ander walked to his seat, "I'm sure you have lots of questions, but that's what Wikipedia is for. I get tired real quick.
Luna was sitting at the student lounge with Polo and Valerio. She heard her former friends talking about Ander's cancer. The girl was still in shock and both of the boys knew, so they decided to leave her be until she talked to one of them.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Polo speak up.
"Of course he will. It's Ander, he doesn't deserve it." Polo looked at Guzmán.

"Not everyone gets what they deserve." Guzmán told the boy before walking away.

Polo leaving right after, Valerio lightly taking Luna's hand taking her with him.
It was the next day and Luna had finally cleared her head and decided to look for Ander. Once the girl found the boy she tapped him on the shoulder, "For the last time google i- oh, hi Luna."

"People really are getting on your nerves huh?" Luna asked the boy with a small smile.

"Happens, I guess, what's up?" Ander asked the girl facing his locker again.
"I, just wanted to tell you, I'm sorry, that I stopped talking to you, I wish I was there for you and-" The girl ranted nearly in tears.

Ander interrupted the girl by pulling her in for a hug. He grabbed her and pulled her into an empty classroom.

"None of this is your fault, remember what I told you, I'm always here for you, but I have my own shit, that I couldn't be there for you as much as I wish I was." Ander told the girl.

"I am here for your shit, always. I love you so much Ander." Luna told the boy before hugging him again.

"I love you to Lun, so much." Ander told the girl with a smile.

"You do look hot though." Luna winked at the boy, nudging her shoulder into his causing the boy to just laugh.

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