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Luna was walking to her locker when she saw Lu

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Luna was walking to her locker when she saw Lu. The girl makes her way over to the girl.

"Explain." Luna demanded, Lu looks at her than looks around them, before pulling the girl into an empty room. She shuts the blinds and closes the door.

"Promise me, you won't think of me any differently. Promise me you won't tell a soul, not even Polo." Lu begged the girl. Luna looked at her,

"I promise." Lu took a deep breathe before looking at the girl, she explained everything.

She explained how her and Valerio have been hooking up for months, how she began to feel something for him. She explained how he made sure his father caught them, and how she was disowned from her family, and so was Valerio.

Luna didn't say anything, she just hugged the girl. Lu embraced the hug with wide eyes, not expecting the girl to be so calm after finding out about the incest love affair they were having.

"I love you, Lu. I'm here for you, through everything. If you need a place to stay, money, anything, i'm here." Lu looked at her best friend with admiration.

Luna messed up
bad with Guzmán, but that doesn't mean Lu will ever give up on Luna.

She's her best friend, the thought of losing Luna scares Lu to death.
"I love you so much Luna."
Luna was sitting next to Polo, while Azucena was explaining a scholarship, his parents have offered the school, teamed up with Columbia in New York.

"Who's paying for it?" Samuel asked the principal. Luna took his hand giving it a squeeze.

"A generous sponsor. As I was saying-" She continues, only for Samuel to interrupt her yet again.

Luna was about to say something when polo just squeezed her hand, a sign to not say anything, not wanting to make anything worst for her or him.

"This all happened yesterday? Because I saw Polo's mother in your office yesterday."

Luna saw Polo's eyes widen. The girl just took his hand, giving it a kiss.
Luna looked at her phone to see a message from Polo.

"I wasn't feeling good so I went home. My mom's said it's best you don't come, so you don't get sick either."

The girl frowned.

"Okay feel better soon, my love."
There was no way in hell she believed him.

Luna knew something was wrong, she just didn't know what it was.
Rebe was sitting next to Ander at the hospital with him, waiting for answers.

The girl scolded him for being so silent.

"Don't be a pain in the ass. I'm just not talkative." Ander sassed back at the girl.

"You're the definition of pigheaded."
"And you shouldn't be here." Ander told the girl.

Rebe agreed, "You're right. Your mom should be—"

"Enough! They'll tell me what the treatment is. It'll be no big deal, and i'll go home. I don't see the fucking need to tell anyone." Ander spat at the girl.

"Well, you told me." Rebe frowned.
"I mean the people who love me."

"Hey, I love you."

Ander scoffed, "You don't love me. I just turn you on."

"It's a form of love, hot stuff."
They both chuckle.

"See how good it feels when you just relax a bit?"

Ander just breathes heavily before looking at Rebe with a smile,

"Tell me something personal. Tell me a secret that nobody knows. You know mine."

"Well, I mean, it's something, but it's not... I think that... sometimes, some girls turn me on, too."

Rebe confessed to the boy, never saying it out loud and actually accepting herself with the thought of woman, especially a certain woman, Luna George.

"Ah. Congratulations." Ander pats her back with a huge smile,

"Nadia, right?"

Rebe looks at the ground, "No way! Worse, Luna George."

Ander laughs at the girl, "Of course. She turns me on too. She even turns Omar on." Rebe laughs at his comment.

Ander continues, "I saw the way you two were acting at the club, a little while ago. Just know, she's been my friend for a long time. I know her like the back of my hand. She may not admit it, given she has always been blinded for her feelings for Polo, even if they are toxic. She does like you. You are better for her, trust me. I'm team Rebna." Ander smiled at the girl.

The two teens talk some more, until the stress-free moment was ruined when Ander was called into the room.
Luna was walking with Carla, telling her how Guzmán and Polo were both out of school, and how Polo told her not to check up on him, so she didn't get his illness.

The two girls were interrupted by Yeray.

"Carla, are you okay?"

Luna just looked at the girl for approval to leave, not knowing if Carla was comfortable or not.

Carla gave the girl a smile, "You can go, i'm sure everything is okay."

Luna just gave her a small smile before walking away.
Luna had been at home. Valerio wasn't at her house, her brother isn't home yet. It was quiet. She liked quiet.

Luna had called Polo, only for it to go to voicemail. She than received a call from his mother.

"Hello." Luna spoke sadly in the phone.

"Luna, honey, do you know where Polo is?" She asked the girl.

"No, I thought he was home. He told me he wasn't feeling well, and you both said it was best I don't visit him." Luna spoke in the phone.

"Luna, you are always welcomed at our home. He hasn't been home since the morning."

Luna's mouth dropped, her heart shattered. What if something bad happened to him?

"I'll ask around. I promise to get him home." The girl than hung up and called Guzmán.

The call went to voicemail.

"Fuck!" The girl screamed.

Luna looked at her phone too see a call from Samuel,

"Polo is at Guzmán's. Hurry."

The girl cursed to herself before running to her car and driving as fast as she could.

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