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It had been graduation day

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It had been graduation day. Luna had gone with Polo to support him and the others. She had been wearing a mini floral dress that had a connected choker that matched that dress, it hugged her curves perfectly.

Luna had been walking with Polo in front of his mothers when Cayetana called Polo over. Luna had kissed him before walking off to look for Lu.

"Why her? Why not me?" Cayetana asked the boy after making sure Luna was gone.

When Polo didn't answer she just sighed, "They still haven't signed the papers. We'll talk to your-"

"Cayetana. Why are you so set on Valerio graduating? Luna isn't even graduating, I tried everything. It won't work, especially for him."

"I want him to be able to be happy."

"Or, you think because Luna will be stuck here that I will just be with you. That us three can be an item and Luna just gets tossed away?"

"Polo, please don't do this. I get it, you're under a lot of pressure. You don't know what you're saying. I've stood by your side. I love you, Polo."

"No. For the first time in a long time, I know. You don't love me, Cayetana. You love the idea of a perfect life. What we had was no where near what you created in your fantasy. We've slept together, once. We will never be more than a one night stand." Polo than paused before bringing her further away from his moms.

"I'm so grateful for what you have done for me. I am, but Cayetana, I am in love with Luna. You have been an amazing friend, and you are an amazing person. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Now I have to go, I'm sorry."

Polo gave her a small smile before leaving to look for Luna.

Polo had found Luna in the auditorium saving seats for him and his moms. The boy kissed her before sitting next to her.

When the ceremony had started Azucena had congratulated the graduates.

She has than announced Lu and Nadia onto the stage to take their award and to give a speech

Lu had go on thanking everyone but she than paused as soon as her eyes landed on her best friend. She had begged Nadia to take over. Nadia has denied before she than took the microphone speaking for Lu, "I would just like to say that...I would like to— well we would like to...I think I speak for us both. We dedicate this our classmates. Especially everyone in the back...who, for various reasons, cannot join us...up this graduation ceremony." Nadia than ended her speech with a round of applause.

She than spoke again, "Not being able to have them here with us...makes this moment...less happy than we would have liked."

"That's right. We should be jumping for joy. But we're not. Because we deserve...this award. We deserve this moment, Nadia."

Nadia spoke again, "My friends are back there due to a series of injustices. Including the most serious one. The one that deprived us...of Marina."

Luna stared at the girls with shock and holds Polo's hand. Lu gives her sorry eyes but they continue.

"These are injustices...that we both denounce."

Lu speaks up, "That's right! And one person is responsible for all those injustices. Polo... how are you? Happy? Look this award that she and I are receiving... was created by your moms to clean up your image, basically. And we're accepting it because, I repeat, we deserve it. What else should we do?"

Begoña started to get up as Lu continued, "Polo, sweetheart, you not only destroyed all of our lives and took away one but most of all the life of the one you claim to love. She is trapped, you drown her. She deserves to be graduating with me! My best friend, but you-"

Luna just stared at the girl with wide eyes shaking her head as a plead for her to stop.

"If you feel so conflicted, don't worry. The scholarship's called off." Begoña informed.

"We have always wanted to support Las Encinas and every student in it." Begoña than left the stage and sat back down. Polo had been squeezing Luna's hand even harder.

"You know what? I made a promise to someone I love very much that we would celebrate this day together. And that we would have lots of fun, and that nothing and nobody would fuck it up. Let's go celebrate at Teatro Barceló!"
She had sat in her car with tears streaming down her face. The girl had decided to go to the club although Polo told her he wasn't going she wanted to see everyone one last time before those who graduated go their separate ways.

Luna was sitting at the bar drinking her champagne and playing with a locket her sister and aunt had mailed her as a graduation present without knowledge that the girl had to repeat the year. There was a photo of her sister on one side and a photo of Polo on the other. The girl looked up to see Polo walk into the club.

The girl just stared at him and the two finally make eye contact and the girl shoots him a questioning look asking why he had come.

The boy sent her a small smile in return, she than saw him make his way to Cayetana and Valerio causing her to roll her eyes before turning back around and ordering something much stronger.

The girl than heard a voice, "Why the hell is he here, Luna?"

She turned around to see Rebe, "Like I would know? He told me he would stay away." Luna than got up from her seat, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a drink to down, alone." The girl told the brunette emphasizing the 'alone' before walking away.

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