twenty five

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A few weeks have past and Luna had gone with Guzmán to meet Ander at his house

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A few weeks have past and Luna had gone with Guzmán to meet Ander at his house. The two were going to go with him as support for his test results after continuing the chemo.

Luna had already said goodbye to Lu and Nadia, her and Nadia have grown incredibly close over the past few weeks and the blonde girl was quite upset over the departure of her two friends.

Luna has slowly grown closer with those who her bond has broken with as weeks have gone by and will only grow closer to the ones staying in Madrid to be able to graduate and move on from las encinas.

Luna had seen Ander and his mom walk out of the house, the Muñoz's smile at the two teens before leading the way to the car.

Once the four have arrived at the hospital Guzmán had walked off to send Nadia a message.

Luna smiled at the boy before sitting next to Ander. After moments of waiting they had finally found out Ander was in remission. The girl took his hand and squeezed it, "Polo is your guardian angel, this will all work out for the better."

Ander gave the girl a smile. Luna looked up to see Omar walking over to the three. Luna looked at Azucena and the two had the same thought before both standing up to give them privacy.

Luna had walked over to Guzmán and smiled at the boy.

"Nadia will come back one day, and you will have the happy ending you deserve."

Guzmán smiled at the girl in front of him before pulling her in for a side hug, "One day you will find that happy ending too."

The boy than heard his phone ding he than smiled when he saw the message was from Nadia. The girl looked at him, "I need to get a cab to say bye to Carla."

The boy gave her a small smile and hugged her before walking off to play the message. Luna said goodbye to Azucena, Ander, and Omar before calling for a cab.

Once Luna had arrived at Carla's home she ran to the girl blessing herself for deciding to wear pants and sneakers for once and embraced the other blonde in a hug.

"You are going to do amazing things, Carla." Luna told the girl wiping away the tears that have ran down her best friends face.

"I love you so much, Luna." Carla told her best friend.

"I love you so much too. Now go study abroad it's been your dream for as long as I known you." Luna told the girl with a smile.

Carla gave the girl one last hug before sitting in the car and rolling down the window.

"Promise me, when you graduate you will live your dreams, keep living, Luna George."

"I promise, keep in touch marchioness." Luna told her best friend. Carla sent the girl one last smile before the car started moving.

Luna watched the car move with a smile on her face as tears of happiness for her friend ran down the girl's face.

2 months later—

Luna had walked down the halls of Las Encinas with a small smile in her face. She had greeted every unknown face with very small confidence. She felt as if she was shrinking under their stares. It felt strange not knowing anyone.

The girl had walked to her new locker. She had come into sight of Polo's locker and frowned. She walked up to it very slowly and ran her hand over it.

Luna had heard a voice behind her, "Stop frowning princess, and come to class with us."

Luna looked at Rebe with a smile before looking at the only familiar faces in the school consisting of Omar, Ander, Guzmán, Samuel, and Rebe.

"Never thought I'd be so excited to see your faces." Luna jokes with the teens she has grown close to over the summer.

Guzmán threw his arm over the blonde's shoulders and smiles at the girl, "I said the exact same thing to Samuel." the two than lead the way to class.

Rebe smiled at the teens before speaking with excitement, "Let's see what surprises awaits in class."

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