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Luna was sitting at the bar drinking her champagne when she saw Polo walk into the club

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Luna was sitting at the bar drinking her champagne when she saw Polo walk into the club.

The girl just stared at him and the two finally make eye contact and the girl shoots him a questioning look asking why he had come.

The boy sent her a small smile in return, she than saw him make his way to Cayetana and Valerio causing her to roll her eyes before turning back around and ordering something much stronger.

The girl than heard a voice, "Why the hell is he here, Luna?"

She turned around to see Rebe, "Like I would know? He told me he would stay away." Luna than got up from her seat, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a drink to down, alone." The girl told the brunette emphasizing the 'alone' before walking away.
Luna was sitting next to Valerio, while Rebe kept pacing the hallways.

Nadia had come up to the group, "Is it true? Were you dealing drugs?"

When she received no answer from Rebe she looked at Valerio, "Valerio, were you?"

When Valerio didn't answer she just walked away when she heard the door open.

Azucena looked at the three, "Come on you three." The woman said with a very disappointed tone.

The three students had moved towards the door when Begoña had demanded to speak to the principal. Begoña than glanced at Luna,

"Why is she in trouble?" Begoña asked pointing at the blonde girl she loved dearly.

Azucena just gave the woman a long face before following down the hall to discuss something after the back and forth bickering.

Luna had been sitting in her office, the girl was very confused on to why she had been in the office with Rebe and Valerio when their troubled actions had been very different. The woman had talked to both Rebe and Valerio, she had told Luna she was there because she was the only one that was known to be buying drugs from them and because of her violent behavior to Samuel.

The woman had come back and told them to wait she than returned with Guzmán and Samuel. Luna just covered her face clearly unamused with all of this.

The students had been arguing with the woman's decision while Luna just stayed silent. She didn't want any more trouble with the teens or the principal. She had defended Polo, she didn't regret it. Yeah she felt back for kicking Samu, but she didn't know how else to get him off of the boy. She knew Polo was scared to fight back, he didn't want to lash out and kill someone else or hurt anyone else more than he already has.

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