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Luna was dancing with Polo and Valerio

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Luna was dancing with Polo and Valerio. The girl started making out with Polo. When she whispered against his lips, "What if we made this a thing? Us three?"
Polo looked at the girl with a smirk than kisses her.
Luna was standing in front of the boys. "One more round than we are out of here." The girl smirks. "Last one?" Valerio pouts. "Yes, last one." Luna and Polo both laugh. Valerio went off to get them a drink.

"Well... do you like him?" Luna smirks at the boy. "No! Why would you think that?" Polo questioned the girl. "Why not?" Luna smirks
"I'm just... glad someone can bear to talk to me." Polo told the girl.
"It's fine if you like him. I wouldn't mind if you would be down to like try it." Luna laughed, losing her balance a little bit only for Polo to hold on to her and to kiss her. "Shut up." Polo laughed at the girl. "Excuse me. I hate to interrupt, but you're looking a bit shy." Valerio smirked. Look at him...lets dance some more." Luna gave Polo puppy eyes. "I'm good but you two are free to go dance." Polo pointed in the direction of the dance floor.

"Who cares what these people think? I mean, Polo, you aren't what they think you are. So now... you're going to have fun and have one last dance with us. Last dance. Come on!" Valerio told the boy dragging him to the dance floor. Luna was dancing with Polo and Valerio. The girl couldn't help but admire how happy Polo looked. She knew he deserved it, he deserved to be happy.

Luna heard phones go off, the girl looked at Polo. Luna looked at her phone to see two new tweets.
The first one reading, "Stop staring at me. Being a murderer isn't easy. I even tried killing myself." The second one reading, "Yeah, my girlfriend is a bitch, she was another reason to why I tried killing myself. Who would want to deal with her?"
Polo walked away, Luna following him. Valerio saw Guzmán and walked over to him. "This needs to end." Valerio told the boy before walking away for another drink, deciding to leave the two alone.
Luna and Polo arrived at his house. His mothers were there, in tears.
"I'm going to wait in your room, okay?" Luna gave him a kiss on the cheek before smiling at his moms and making her way into his room. Luna sat on his bed, and saw him walk in with tears in his eyes.  "I'm leaving." The boy told the girl, sitting next to her. "Baby, that's good. You deserve the fresh start, to not be sad all the time." Luna smiled at the boy. Polo looked at the girl, "Do you think, we will ever be together, officially, again?" Polo asked the girl. Luna looked at Polo, "Of course, just not right now." Luna smiled at him, kissing his lips.
It was the next day. It was raining hard. Luna had been telling Cayetana about Polo's plan, when she saw the boy walking up to Guzmán drenched. "Hey! You wanted to get rid of me? You just fucked that up!" Polo yelled at the boy. "What the hell?" Guzmán looked confused. "I want to leave, too. I want out. I was going to leave! But now I can't get admitted anywhere. You used a new account to forward tweets to every school." Polo spat in the boy's face. Luna glances at Cayetana, and saw her looking guilty.
What if she did it? Luna thought to herself. No that's crazy the girl shook the thought out of her head.

"No one wants to be involved with-"
"A murderer." Samuel spat back. "With all this fucking shit." Polo looked into Samuel's eyes.
Polo looked back at Guzmán,"Happy?" Guzmán looked at the boy, "No. We didn't do it." "Than who did?" Polo asked the boy.
The bell rung, before Rebe left she whispered into the girl's ear.
"I told you, you always choose Polo." She than walked off with Guzmán and Samuel. Cayetana tried confronting Polo, only for him to wave her off. The girl just threw her arms up before walking away, clearly frustrated with the dark hair boy.

Polo just looked at the girl with sad eyes, the girl held out her arms and he walked into them. Crying into her neck. "I love you Luna." The boy cried out. Luna looked at Polo in his blue broken eyes. "I love you too. When we graduate, I want to be with you. Screw it, but right now it's best we aren't, but I do love you." Luna told the boy. Polo smiled at the girl before kissing her.

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