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Luna was standing by the door of Las Encinas waiting for Polo

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Luna was standing by the door of Las Encinas waiting for Polo. She saw him and Caye walk in when he saw luna frowning at him. He than saw everyone's eyes on him.

Luna walks over to her confused friend and shows him the tweets that have been made in his name.

"Of course I killed Marina. Did you still doubt it?" The girl whispered to the boy.

She than showed him another.
"I force Luna into head so she isn't my next victim." The boy whispered back at her with wide eyes.
Polo was in the locker room waiting for Luna.
The girl finally met him in there, getting many stares in her direction and many people asking, "Going to keep your life?" "Better hurry, he may already have your death planned." And many other harsh comments, Luna just flips every single one of them off.

"Look at me!" Luna whispered to the boy. "They don't know shit. Only a few months, and this is over. Go to a different school, Polo. It's better for you."

The boy looked at her tears in his eyes, "The Marina tweets are terrible, but what they said about you. I can't handle this, Lun. I would never hurt you."

Luna looks at him, "I know. Screw the world." The girl takes his face with her hands and kisses the boy. He kisses back, and hides his face in the crook of her neck. The girl felt his tears. She took hold of his face gently, wiping the tears that were streaming down his face. The girl looked him in the eyes she than  took in his features, something she did a lot before kissing him again.

"You will always have me."
Luna and Polo were walking to Cayetana when Valerio walks up to the three. " okay?" Valerio asked the boy. Polo stares at him dead in the eyes. "Leave me alone." he spat before walking off.

"Polo!" Luna walked for the boy only for Valerio to grab her. "Hey!" Cayetana scolded the boy. Luna just looked at her with a fake smile, "Go talk to Polo, I'm fine."

"I think he needs to be alone right now." Valerio shared his input.

"I think you need to leave us alone." Cayetana sassed the boy.

Luna just looked at her, "Go talk to him." The girl just sent her a look before walking away.

Valerio just looked at the girl with admiration. He's always admired her. They hooked up a few times before he left to live with his mother. "Thought you hated the girl?" Valerio smirked at the Luna.

Luna laughed, "I don't hate her. Very strongly dislike her? Yes. But despite everything she did to me, she's an amazing friend to Polo, and he needs as many as those as he can get."

"You sure, they are just friends?" Valerio asked the girl.

"Well him and I are no longer together so if they are hooking up that's good for them I suppose but I'm sorry about him." Luna gave the boy a smile, referring to how Polo treated him minutes ago, he just smiles back knowing there's more the blonde girl wanted to tell him.
"I know about you and Lu. Yes, it's well different, but at this point I have no room to judge."
"Is that all?" Valerio asked, hiding a smile.
"No. You know you can stay with me. Your stuff was gone. You don't have to keep living in your car, Val. I'm your friend, I care about you." Luna told the boy, taking one of his hands as a way to show comfort. Valerio looks at the shorter girl, "I don't want to be more stress for you to deal with. I'm staying with Samu, trust me i'm okay."

Luna looked at the boy, "An apartment isn't really your style, Valerio. Stay with me, no cost, nothing."

Valero steps back from the girl, "I'll think about it future Mrs. Polo Benavent-Villada." The girl just laughs, rolling her eyes jokingly, before walking off to find Polo.

Luna had seen Polo. The boy saw Luna walking over to him and approached her,
"I'm going home." Polo frowned at the girl.

"I can leave with you." Luna suggested. Polo just looked at her with sad eyes, "I want to be alone, if that's okay."

"Of course. Please don't hurt yourself."

"Of course." The boy smiled, kissing her forehead, before walking off.
It was the end of the day, everyone had been getting into their vehicles when Luna saw Rebe and Samuel talking. Rebe than kissed the short boy, when he walked away, Luna made her way over to the girl.

"Ah! So you're with him now?" Luna asked the girl trying to hide her jealousy, clearly it didn't work. Rebe looked at the blonde girl. Her hair was in a very pretty braid, she looked at the girl's finger to see that ring she hated so much. Rebe walked over to the girl, "You're with Polo, after be cheated on you. Now i'm with Samu." Rebe shrugged.

"I'm not with Polo." Luna muttered, being sure Rebe heard. Rebe looked at the girl and raised her eyebrow, "So why wear that ring?" Luna looked at the ring, before taking it off. "Forever and Always." The girl said out loud reading what the ring said before continuing, "He needs me. I'm by his side, forever and always." Luna told the girl.

Rebe got as close as she could to the girl, she took one of the loose strands of the girls hair before curling it around her finger, and smirking at the girl. She than took her finger that was twirling the piece of hair, and very slowly and lightly ran her finger down the girls face and neck untill she reached her collar bone. She than moved the piece of clothing revealing a hickey Polo had left a few nights ago which did prove her point, before whispering in her ear, "You will always chose him. He could become the next Jeffery Dhamer, or he could hurt you like no other, and you will always chose him." The girl stopped before kissing the soft piece of skin in front of her ear, "See you around, princess." The girl left her ear a little nibble before walking away with a satisfied smirk.

Luna stood there stunned, What the hell just happened?

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