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After seeing Valerio they decided to go to Luna's house

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After seeing Valerio they decided to go to Luna's house. Luna had her head rested on Polo's lap, while Polo played with her hair and Valerio told them about how Lu kicked him out. "I can't believe Lu kicked you out to please Guzmán, that's fucked." Luna told the boy, shocked and confused. "Technically, I wasn't kicked out, I left voluntarily" Valerio informed the two, Luna taking a large sip of her beer before flipping her body so her head was on Polo's stomach and her legs and feet were on Valerio's lap.

"She's a little out of her mind ever since my dad disowned her." Valerio informed them, well Polo, since Luna already knew of this information. "What?" Polo questioned. "Valerio..." Luna warned the boy. "You knew?" Polo asked the girl with disbelief, the girl just replied by chugging her beer. "She's penniless, completely broke.", "Holy shit!" Polo laughed taking a sip from his beer.

"That's why the whole party was about, people bringing their own drinks." Valerio told the two. He than took the girls feet, spreading her legs and laying between them so his head was on her stomach.
"Honestly, I would have loved to see you boys the way you see us girls all the time, you know?" Luna gave them a half frown half smile, playing with Valerio's hair.

"That's an easy fix," Valerio got up from his position, placing her feet how they were, "You can look at us however you want." Valerio smirked, placing his beer on Luna's night stand. The boy took one hand and placed his hand dangerously close to her heat, and his other hand on Polo's  crotch, "Right Polo."

Polo smirked at Valerio, "Of course," The boy than brought his lips close to the girls, "I'm fact tonight, you're in charge." Polo told the girl kissing her jaw. "I'm in charge?" Luna laughed.
"You're in charge." , "Whatever you want." The two boys smirked at the girl. Luna smirked at the boys, "Kiss eachother." , "Just like that?" Valerio questioned. "Yeah, just like that." Luna smirked. "Okay." Valerio shrugged before the boys started making out.

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"Go slow, I want to enjoy the moment much longer." The girl smirked, as she started taking off her dress while they were making out, leaving her in just her panties.

"Polo, my love, undress him, but slowly." The three started laughing as Luna started to feel her sensitive area grow wetter by the second. The boys started kissing eachother's skin.
"Down." Luna told Valerio as he started kissing lower and lower after each command. Once Valerio made his way by Polo's length, Luna made her way over to the boys. She started kissing Polo, the boy whispered very quietly, "I love you." and the girl whispered the same words back.

She than began to kiss his neck, Valerio than started kissing her neck.
Polo started kissing her neck while Valerio started pulling down her underwear. The girl than fell back, all three completely naked. Polo than made his way down to her heat very slowly, he started rubbing circles into the girls clit while she was making out with Valerio. The boy connected his mouth to the girls vagina, Valerio than fit one finger inside of her, while kissing her. The girl kept moaning their names. Polo than made his way back up to the girl's lips, letting her taste herself.

Valerio than pushed Polo onto the bed and began to give him head when Polo took the girls hips and placed her on his face. It was a moaning mess, thank god Luna had the house to herself. The girl had an orgasm all over Polo's face, as did Polo in Valerio's mouth. Valerio than made his way up and licked Luna's juices off of Polo's face.

The girl pushed Valerio so he was sitting on the edge of her bed, the girl took his dick with her hands before placing it on her mouth, Polo than went behind the girl and took her from behind. Luna's moans would vibrate leaving Valerio a mess. Luna worked her magic slow and fast. The girl than felt Polo pull out so she took that as her que, the girl took her mouth off of Valerio before allowing Polo to finish in her mouth. She than went back to Valerio, pushing him onto the bed, she crawled on top of him, and placed her entrance onto his tip and sank down, while she rode him to finish them both off, Polo came from behind the girl, sucking her skin and fitting his finger into the girls entrance, causing the girl to throw her head back onto Polo's shoulder as they both helped the girl finish.

Once the girl finished she got off of Valerio and connected her mouth back to his length. The boy finally finished in her mouth. The three teenagers were laying on Luna's bed.

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Polo had his head rested on Luna's exposed center, and Valerio's head was on Polo's stomach. "That was something." Luna smiled at the boys.
"Hot, extremely hot." Valerio smirked at the two

Luna started playing with Polo's hair, "It was amazing." Polo breathed out, his eyes closed in pleasure as Luna played with his hair.

The teens just laid on Luna's bed enjoying eachother's company until they fell asleep.
Luna was at Las Encinas when she saw Polo talking to Lu. When he walked away, Lu stared at the blonde girl in anger, before storming off. Luna followed the girl, "Lu!"

"How could you?" Lu asked her best friend. "What?" Luna asked confused.
"Your fucking boyfriend blackmailed me. How could you tell him about my issue." Lu looked at the girl with betrayal. "I swear on Nina's life, I didn't. Lu he isn't my boyfriend." Luna told the girl, Lu just walked away from the girl. Luna just watched the girl walk away, "Fuck." the girl muttered, before walking the opposite direction.
"Lu, look at me." Luna told the girl holding her shoulders very lightly.

"What happened was an accident, he wouldn't want anyone's life ruined, okay?"

Lu looked at the girl, and saw how heartbroken the blonde was. Lu just embraced the girl, crying in eachother's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I'm so sorry." Lu cried again and again. "Don't apologize, make it right, and lie. That's what Polo would have wanted, trust me."

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