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Luna looked at her phone to see more tweets, "The only way I keep Luna's mouth shut is by shoving my dick in her mouth

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Luna looked at her phone to see more tweets, "The only way I keep Luna's mouth shut is by shoving my dick in her mouth." Luna had enough if it.
She drove to Samuel's house. Banging on the door.

Samuel opened it, the girl saw Omar, Ander, Guzmán, and Valerio, who told her about the secret meeting. Valerio happened to be half naked so she assumed he was just listening in.
Guzmán stood up at the sight of her, Luna walked over to the boy, anger taking over. "You fucking bastard!" Luna shouted at the boy.

"Luna, relax!" Rebe grabbed the girl.
"So those marks you left on him and me just weren't enough? huh!" Luna shouted at the boy. Guzmán looked at the girl to see marks on her neck and wrist, she must have covered them with makeup for school.
"That is an amazing idea for our next tweet!" Guzmán smirked, with the idea of mentioning her bruises and pinning it on Polo, that would tear both of them to shreds. Luna looked at the boy with hatred in her eyes and slapped him. "Don't you fucking think about it." Luna glared at the boy.

"If you just stopped protecting him, and told them what you saw." Samuel but in to the conversation.

The three who had no idea about Luna seeing and knowing anything stared at the girl in shock. "There's nothing to tell." Luna glared at the boys, walking away. She stopped at the door and turned around. "These tweets, the beatings, all of it, makes you the monsters, not him." The girl blurted out, tears in her eyes, she had went to walk away only for Guzmán to grab her bruised wrist, and stared at her in the eyes, with a death stare. "Guzmán let go of her." Valerio warned the boy, when he saw the girl wince. Luna just tore her wrist out of his grip and walked out of the apartment.

The teens could hear her heels, "Well that was exciting!" Valerio smiled at the teens before walking into his room, knowing exactly what it was he would offer to the hated couple at Las Encinas.
Luna had seen Polo wasn't in class, so the girl decided to see him. She knows he wants to be alone, but she needs him to know she cares. "Polo, Luna is here." His mother told the boy. They received silence, Luna frowned. "Nothing. Luna, lovely, go to class. Come after,yeah?" The woman looked at the girl. "Just let me try something real quick, yeah?" Luna smiled at the women she knew since her birth. "What are you doing?"

"Please, just let me." Luna smiled looking for a pen and piece of paper.
The girl wrote on the paper, "You aren't what they are saying. You are better than that. Forever and always?" Luna slid the paper under his door. "Polo, my love. Please let me in." Luna pleaded the boy, sliding against the door. Waiting for a few minutes, before getting up, only to hear the door open.

Polo grabbed the girl's wrist gently, and pulled her in for a hug. The boy silently cried into the crook of her neck. Luna whispered calming words into his ear, she heard his mom's walk away. The girl pulled him into his room, and closed the door. "I'm here, forever and always."
Polo and Luna had decided to go to the club. They walked in and Luna felt stares burning into her face. The girl looked in the direction to see Guzmán, Samuel, and Rebe. Luna just rolled her eyes and gave Polo's hand a light squeeze. Luna was standing next to Polo, he looked scared. The girl gave him a smile.
"I'm glad we are here." Luna smiled at the boy, he gave her a big smile back, they both knew it was very fake.
Luna took a sip from her drink when Polo leaned down to her ear. "Has anyone talked to you?" Luna looks at the boy, "If we leave, they win. But Carla has." Luna shrugged at the boy.
"What do we gain? What do we gain by standing here? Being looked at like zoo animals?" Polo questioned the girl, frustration in his voice.

The two hear a voice, Valerio's voice.
"How's your night going?" The boy asked the two teens who are sitting uncomfortably. "Valerio, what is it you want? Were you sent by Guzmán or Samuel?" Luna asked the boy with her brows raised. "What are you talking about? No one. It's not like that. I'm not one for obeying orders, and I don't like bullies either."

"Okay Val." Luna smiled at the boy, believing him.

"I don't like how they look at you." Valerio told the two, looking at both of them. "Why's that?" Polo questioned. "I was looked at like that my whole life." Valerio frowned at the boy in response. Luna looked at the boy with a sad look, knowing how much impact was on him for being seen as a reject or outsider. "Valerio, you don't have to risk losing so many people just to hang out with us." Luna told the boy. "Do I look like someone who cares? Besides Luna, you still have Carla, Lu, and Rebe, who's been looking at you with such admiration all night." Valerio winked at the girl.
Polo scowls, knowing that Luna has hooked up with Rebe, multiple times. She's allowed to be with anyone, Luna isn't his anymore he fucked it up, he knew that which angered him more.

"I'm here because you are the hottest couple at Las Encinas." Valerio smirked at them. "Okay..." Luna replied slowly not believing him.
"Who? I mean... are you talking about us two?" Polo questioned the boy, confusion laced in his voice." Yes, Polo, I am. I know it all... your threesome with Christian... which also really turned me on." Polo started to smirk. Valerio continued, "You know why? Because you're different." Valerio than turned around to Luna. "And you, the gorgeous Luna George. We've hooked up a few times but you've taken care of your sister your whole life, you would put her first always. Or when you walked into Samuel's home and told Guzmán off. You are fascinating, a bad ass, and incredibly sexy, both of you are." Valerio smirked at the girl before turning his body straight.
"What do you two think? Because it's pretty clear to me we're unique. Let's toast to that...cheers!" The boy smiled. Luna looked at the boy, "You did indeed get one thing wrong though... Polo and I aren't a couple." Luna winked at the boy.

"Well you are the hottest "not" couple at Las Encinas, i'm intrigued by you both." Valerio winked back at the girl.

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