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Polo had gone to see Ander

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Polo had gone to see Ander. The two boys were sitting outside, Ander held a joint and Polo had a beer.

"How much chemo is left?" Polo asked the boy. "I don't know. The last session is next week." Ander told the boy looking at him before shifting his gaze back at his joint, "Than I'll get the results, and they'll tell me if I'm done." "Right" Polo replied, sadness clear in his voice.

Polo looked at the boy, "Are you really fucked up after?", "Omar says I look like the girl from The Exorcist." The boy's laugh, Polo glances at the boy with a smile, "How are things with him?"

Ander stared at his joint yet again, "This whole thing's a bummer. Awful things."

"Well...bad times are great for finding out who'll stick with you." Polo told the boy thinking about a certain blonde he loves more than anything in the world, and another new addition to their complicated relationship, a curly haired boy, someone who makes him feel alive, it was like all along he was the broken piece they both needed to move on from the trauma they are both dealing with, he can't say he's in love with Valerio the way he is with Luna, but he can say he sees a future, he wants a future with both of them.

"Do you mean Luna?" Ander asked the boy with a small smile, Polo looked in front of him with a small smile, "And Valerio."

Ander looked at the boy with wide eyes, a frown and a smirk coming on the boys face. Of course he would kick Polo's ass for cheating on the girl, but he also finds the choice of who amusing, but yet again they are still broken up as far as Ander was aware, so it wouldn't be cheating, once Ander realized that, the smirk took over his whole expression.

"You're fucking Valerio behind Luna's back?"

"No! Luna, she's everything I could ever want. I could never fuck it up again, I'm in love with her, and will wait an eternity until she's ready to give us a chance again. The three of us, are together, sort of, I mean it's complicated because Luna isn't ready for a relationship, but to make it a little more simple, we just say we are together, although we aren't but that makes it much more complicated than it already is." Polo ranted to the boy, finding the relationship more complicated after each word he spoke.

Ander just laughed at the boy, "Fuck! You're getting laid more than anyone."

Polo laughed, "But it's not just about fucking. There's something else. I think it's going well. I guess it's not very normal..." Polo laughed before continuing, "but... who cares about being normal... if you can be happy."

Polo looked at the boy, Ander just smiled at how happy his friend looked. The boy's mind drifting to luna, "How is she? Luna. She used to be like an open book to me now I can't tell." Ander frowned at the boy.

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