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Luna had gotten home late that night

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Luna had gotten home late that night. The girl ignored her brother's calls and went straight to her room. She had locked her door and had gone to sleep.

It was the next day at the lovely Las Encinas, she was sitting at her spot next to Polo. The two haven't spoken since the moment in the locker room the previous day.

Polo looked at her hand to see no ring. Polo had frowned and tapped the girls finger on the spot the ring usually sits.

"Um- where is the ring?" Polo barely musters out catching the blonde off guard.

She looks at him with disbelief, "You told me to give you space so I put it in the same space I had put it when we were not on any type of romantic terms." The girl than looked at his broken eyes and frowned, "It's safe, it just hurts to look at right now."'

Polo just nodded than their phones went off, same as everyone else's. Luna had looked at her phone to see an invitation, a pool party invitation at Carla and Yeray's place. Luna just looked at Polo with a questioning look and he just gave her a tight smile signaling he would accept the invite.

Lu had walked in extremely loudly and congratulated Nadia on her win for the scholarship spot in New York. Luna just looked at the girls with a smile, her and Nadia were never the closest and her and Lu's friendship grew to be complicated but she was happy for Nadia. She was very sad for Lu knowing about her circumstances, but she knew Lu would figure it out and Luna knew if she needed help she would help her best friend no matter what.

Luna had noticed a large change in Lu's character ever since what had happened with her father. Lu had grown more kind, more opened, and more pleasant. Luna was proud of Lu's character development and she was well aware she wasn't the only one who was proud.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud clap that than was joined by claps throughout the whole classroom. Luna saw her ex standing smiling at the girl causing Luna to smile. Guzmán had confessed his love for the girl to Luna, he deserved to be happy. Luna knew the feelings were mutual, it was very obvious. She had just prayed that they would break society's ridiculous rules and acted out and took what they wanted. Guzmán deserves to be happy, and so does Nadia.

Luna had walked to the hangout area to grab a snack when she saw Cayetana next to Valerio and Polo. Luna rolls her eyes before typing in the number for a bag of chips and moving to walk away until Cayetana called her name. The girl sighed before walking over to the three.

"Valerio was kicked out." Cayetana told the girl. Valerio just gave her a glare.

"Wait what?" Luna questioned pulling up a seat from an empty table and sitting down.

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