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Luna had woken up in Rebe's room

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Luna had woken up in Rebe's room. The two girls had gone to her house and had many rounds.

Luna got out of bed and put her hair in a messy bun and looked for her underwear and put it on and a shirt. She had walked down to Rebe's kitchen to see her putting more drugs into the packet.

Luna sat on the counter, "You are crazy, Rebe." The blonde told the brunette with wide eyes.

Rebe let out a very loud laugh, "Princess, you are the one who bought some and came home with me instead of your boyfriends."

Luna took Rebe's hand pulling her between the blonde's legs, "I don't see you complaining." Luna smirked at the girl, tightening her legs around Rebe's waist. Slowly tracing her index finger over Rebe's face.

Rebe than took the girl's hand and interlocked it with her own, "You are evil princess."

Luna smirked pulling the girl closer, "Maybe you should show me what happens to evil girls."
After yet another round Luna had gone home to change into her uniform and shower.

The girl was at Las Encinas, she had been sitting in her seat next to Valerio when she heard Rebe walk in. The girl coughed loudly when she walked past Samuel causing Luna to laugh.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Rebe asked Polo when she received no answer she sat down, "Great! Well now I am." Causing Luna to only giggle louder.

Polo and Valerio both looked at the girl confused when she just shrugged at both of them.

Luna had been taking her test when she felt a hand on her thigh. The girl looked at Valerio with wide eyes. As the boy inches his hand closer to the girl's heat she just lets out a loud cough. The boy than looked down for a second and saw a very large hickey.

"Neither Polo or I left that." The boy whispered to the girl.

"What are you talking about?" The girl asked before looking at her inner thigh and seeing a very large hickey. The girl looked at it wondering how she didn't notice it. The girl looked at Rebe who just smirked and winked at the girl.

Luna just closed her legs and carried on with her test ignoring Valerio's questions.
The girl was at her locker when Polo walked up to the blonde girl,
"Show me your thigh!" The boy told the girl grabbing her wrist lightly turning her to look at him.

The girl gave him wide eyes, "What the hell?"

"Valerio told me about the hickey. Show me!" Polo told the girl through gritted teeth.

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