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Luna had barged into Guzmán's home

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Luna had barged into Guzmán's home.

"Guzmán!" The girl yelled walking to his room. She came across Polo tied up, Samuel helping him.

"What the hell, Guzmán!"

The girl shouted, storming over to the boy, shoving him.

Guzmán looked at the girl than at Samuel.

"Why the hell did you tell her?"

"You nearly killed him, what choice did I have?"

Luna walks over to Polo. She kneels in front of him,

"Are you able to walk?"

The boy nodded. The girl just sent him a smile.

"Go to my car, here are the keys. It's locked." Luna told the boy, "I'll be out in a minute."

Polo started walking away when Samuel looked at Polo, "It's your word against ours." Polo just stopped before Luna told him to leave, so he kept walking.

Luna walked to the window, to make sure Polo was in her car and not listening to the conversation.

She saw the boy making his way to the car.

She looked at Guzmán, before walking to him and slapping him.
She than picked up the weapon he used to nearly beat the boy she loves to death. And she chucked it at him, making sure it didn't hit him.

"What the hell!" Luna screamed at the boy.

"Why are you protecting him?" Guzmán asked the girl.

Luna just looked at the boy. She than took a look at Samuel and Guzmán's phones laying on the nightstand, she than checked to be sure no recordings were happening.

"I was there." Luna told the boy.
Guzmán stared at the girl in shock.

Luna continued, "That is why i'm protecting him. I know what happened. It was an accident Guzmán, everything you are doing to torment him, makes you more monstrous, than him." Luna told the boy, tears in her eyes, his as well.

The boy than had a mood swing and saw nothing but red, he pushed the girl against the wall.

He squeezed her wrist so tight. The girl winced. Samuel started yelling at the boy to let go. Guzmán than gripped her throat, ignoring Samuel's yells.

"All the love I ever had for you is gone. You are no longer my ex, or my best friend. You are my enemy, and that's the wrong side to be on." The boy spat in her face through gritted teeth, veins popping in his neck.

Samuel finally got Guzmán to let go of the girl, she didn't even bother to fight back, she knew she deserved it.

The girl just looked at the boy who was once her best friend.

She just muttered a simple apology before walking away tears streaming down her face. Guzmán watched the girl walk away, his heart shattered.

He slid down the wall tears streaming down his face.

He hated Polo Benavent and Luna George.

Luna had gotten in her car and looked at Polo, tears streaming down her face.

"Text your mom, tell her you had gone to get a drink, and it turned into more, you lost track of time. I had found you, and am bringing you to my home. Tell her you're safe and okay."

Polo did as she said. The car ride to the girl's house was silent.
They had gotten to Luna's house. Luna just walked into her house, grabbing her first aid kit and a wet cloth.

The girl sat Polo on her bed before she took off his shirt.

The girl's heart stopped at the sight. She started crying more.

He had slashes and bruises everywhere. Polo's eyes haven't left the floor.

Once he finally looked up he saw Luna's neck, he than looked to see her wrist were completely bruised.

He looked at the girl, anger taking over.

"I will kill him." Polo spat. Luna just stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

She took his face softly, "Polo, baby, i'm okay. it's okay."

Polo just cried, the girl pulled him in for a hug.

They pulled apart from the hug, and just stared at eachother. They felt as if, there were no problems, just them.

Polo leaned in, the girl than connected their lips.

"I love you." Polo whispered to the girl.

Luna looked at the boy, "I love you too." She smiled before kissing him again.

The two just spent the night together, attempting at fixing eachother's broken pieces.
Luna woke up in Polo's arms. They decided to stay home. She kissed his jaw.

The boy woke up, "I forgot what it was like, waking up to you." The girl smiled at him.

"Get used to it. You are stuck with me, forever."
Luna saw the boy she loves body on the ground. The girl ran to him, Guzmán following her.

"Polo! Someone call an ambulance!" Luna screamed.

"Please don't leave me. We haven't lived our forever yet." The girl cried, resting her head on his bloodied chest.

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