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Luna had been laying on Polo's bed while he was sitting on his desk chair brushing his teeth

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Luna had been laying on Polo's bed while he was sitting on his desk chair brushing his teeth. The girl looked up at the boy to see him caught up into something. "What's up?" The girl asked the boy. "I'm looking at a restaurant for tomorrow, want me to book it?" Polo asked the girl, she nodded in response with a smile.

Polo looked at the girl, "What did you mean earlier? Do you want to do this?" Polo questioned the girl. Luna just smirked at the boy, she got up from her spot and sat on Polo's lap, one leg on either side, the girl than took his toothbrush out of his hand before kissing him. "We have so much negativity in our lives. Yes, this threesome with Valerio would make our lives so much more complicated, but we need more positivity, and I think he can give us that." The girl smiled before getting off the boy and grabbing his hand pulling him up. The boy looked at her with so much admiration. The girl brought him to the bathroom so he could rinse out his mouth. She than brought him back to his room before pushing him onto the bed. "Besides love, we are both into him." Luna smirked at the boy before pulling down his sweatpants and boxers.

"Now, it's time to show you how much I love you, since I can tell you have doubts about my love for you." The girl smirked before connecting her mouth to his length.
Luna was following Polo asking him to just tell her where they were going for dinner. It was now valentine's day at Las Encinas, a holiday everyone loved. There were red balloons shaped as hearts all around the school.

"Please, love, one clue." Luna begged her boyfriend following him. "Nope, not one. Maybe if you would just be my official girlfriend, than I would." The boy shrugged. Luna laughed at the boy, "You know why I won't, but please baby." The girl begged again grabbing his hand. The boy just laughed before pulling away his hand so he could caress her face, "Yes, I know, but no clue will be granted at your command."

The girl saw her best friend walking around with a frown, "Lu, love, don't frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile." Luna told her best friend. Lu just smiled in response before continuing to walk causing Luna to frown for a moment before Polo took her hand dragging her away, "I'm sure she's okay, now don't frown, because i'm falling in love with your smile besides we have an amazing date ahead of us." The boy smiled, kissing her nose before continuing to walk with the girl while she kept asking for clues. The boy just kept stopping every few steps to just give her a simple kiss on her lips, cheek, forehead, or nose, showing the girl he isn't going to tell her what is planned.
Luna was in class, playing with Polo's fingers, silently giggling as the boy kept giving her hands kisses. They saw the principal drag Rebe out of class.

She heard the principal tell the girl she was no longer to be attending the school, she heard Rebe yell about getting kicked out and how a murderer is allowed to attend the school, but a child of a parent who is under investigation isn't allowed. The girl got up, kissing Polo's knuckle before walking out.

She heard Guzmán spat, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Luna just rolled her eyes, "Forget your pettiness for one second. Count me in too." The girl looked at the principal for the last part. The principal looked at the students, "I'll try to talk things over with the administration, alright? Now please back to class, all of you." Azucena begged the students.

All of the students went to class, Azucena walked away. Luna went to leave the area only for Rebe to call her name. The girl looked at her, signaling for her to continue.

"You didn't have to do that, we are on two different sides."

"Rebe, for once can there not be sides? You can hate Polo, hell you can hate me, but I did this because despite whatever it is you feel about me, I care about you." Luna smiles at the girl waiting for a response. "I don't hate you, princess. In fact, it's the most opposite of hate, my feelings for you confuse me, a lot." Rebe told the girl, her voice getting quieter after each word. Luna looked at the girl with a smile, "I guess that makes two of us." Luna gave the girl a small smile before walking back into the classroom.
Luna was sitting next to Polo at a club. The boy had convinced the girl to not go to the party, he had heard Lu tell Guzmán she won't let him in, he just didn't want to admit to that.
They were silent during their meals, it was a comfortable silence, they were enjoying eachother's company. Polo had asked the girl if she wanted to go to the club after the meal, the girl accepted with a smile. Truthfully, Luna could care less if they were at a party, club, or just in bed, she's happy with him. She loves him, they both know it, everyone around them knows it, she's just scared to be in a relationship with the boy when she doesn't understand her feelings for Rebe and now Valerio.

Luna had seen Polo looking at the social media stories of the party, the girl took his phone, "Stop stressing. Let's do something fun." Luna offered to the boy. The boy gave her a smile before kissing her. "The meal was amazing, love." Luna smiled at the boy thinking about how good the meal was and trying to think of a topic starter to destroy the silence.

She than spotted Valerio. The girl smiled, "Polo, baby, look." The girl smiled directing both of their attention where Valerio is. They both looked at eachother with a smile. "I think I know what we can do for fun." Luna smirked at Polo, taking his hand dragging him to Valerio.
author note: I just uploaded a JJ fan fiction. So if you watch outer banks and love JJ give it a read,
as always i hope everyone is safe and healthy<3

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