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Luna was in class when she saw her best friend walk in

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Luna was in class when she saw her best friend walk in. Lu spotted the girl and walked to her. "Everyone is bothering me with this whole party thing." Lu complained to the girl.
Luna looked up from the book she was reading to past time. "I can help you organize it, you know?" Luna smiled at the girl. Lu looked at her best friend with a smile before taking the empty seat next to her, "Luna, babe, you realize you're boyfriend is the school's outcast, I love you, I do, but no one will want to run a party organized by a murderer's girlfriend." Lu told the girl, sympathy and sarcasm laced in her voice.

Luna just looked at the girl, her jaw dropped.  "Okay, I can lend you money." Luna tried again, wanting nothing more but to help her best friend, after all she's still there for the girl even when the rest of Lu's friends are against Luna. "No, I can't and won't ask for that, I need to learn how to fend for myself. I will think of something." Lu gave her best friend a kiss on the cheek before walking away. Luna just frowned before continuing her book.
It was the next day at Las Encinas. Luna had gone home only for her brother to call, he wouldn't be home for another week. The girl spent her night studying and reading, she grew to love reading. It felt as if her mind was at peace, all of her problems just fade away when she opens the book.

Lu was handing out invitations to her classmates, "This year valentine's day will be a bit different, and I'll be planning it." Lu handed an invitation to Carla. Luna noticed Carla roll her eyes only causing Luna to sigh and start picking at her nails. "Upside down theme?" Carla questioned the girl. "That's right. Come on, seriously. It's so archaic, boring, cheesy...flowers, chocolate, colors...And we girls act like fucking objects, spending hours at the hairdressers to look pretty for them. It's over." Lu smirked, handing an invitation to Luna before giving her a wink, signaling that she in fact did have it under control. "I had this great idea that it should be the other way around. Let the boys show some...skin. The girls will get dressed up in elegant tuxedos-smoking jackets, to be clear." Lu smirked. "We have to bring our own drinks?" Carla questioned, clearly unimpressed with the idea. "Yes, everything's reversed. The guests bring their alcohol and their food, and I, the hostess of the night, will just enjoy it." Lu smiled, before walking over to hand Nadia an invitation. "That way, the lowlifes, won't think it's an NGO and take everything home." Lu smiled at the class. "Besides, majority of us are rich, it won't kill us to spend a dime on alcohol and food." Luna shrugged, "And if anyone who can't afford to buy any of it, I will buy you some." Luna smiles.

Polo looks at the girl with wide eyes, clearly not wanting to attend the party.  "How clever Lu" Cayetana spoke up, walking over to Polo and Luna. "Whatever, we'll have our own party." Cayetana smiled, Polo smiled back. "No. Polo, Lu is perfectly fine with you coming. Please, if you ever feel uncomfortable, we can leave." The girl begged. Polo was about to say something when Valerio came over to the trio. "Don't mind my sister. You guys coming to the party, like Luna is insisting?" Valerio asked the three.

"No, they're not. Cayetana can, but those two, no." Guzmán spoke up, Luna just rolled her eyes, looking at Polo with a frown. "Is the party at your house now?" Valerio questioned the boy, annoyance laced in his voice.
"No, and you got kicked out of yours. For using, I guess." Guzmán spat at the boy. Luna turned around, ignoring the look of protest on Polo's face, "Guzmán, last I checked you were the one begging Val to give you cocaine to stick up your nose. Did some get stuck up your ass as well?" Luna looked at the boy, making direct eye contact with the boy, to see the death glare he was giving her. "Luna is right, so what is your sudden grudge against drugs?" Val questioned the boy, not daring to make eye contact like Luna did. Guzmán looked at the group, making eye contact with Luna again, as she was giving him a death stare, like the one he had given her moments ago.
"I have something against traitors...and murderers." Guzmán shot back. Luna looked at the boy, "Bloody hell." Luna muttered.

"Why are you defending them? Let me guess, you're sleeping with one of them or knowing of Polo's history with threesomes, maybe both of them." Guzmán questioned the boy, continuing his death stare contest with Luna. "I don't need to explain myself to you." Valerio spat back at the boy. Polo had enough of it, he grabbed Luna's hand gently, in hope of getting her attention off of Guzmán to end the conversation. The girl broke the eye contact with Guzmán and turned to look at the boy, she squeezed his hand, in a way to apologize to the boy. "Enough, Valerio, please." Polo told the boy, avoiding eye contact with anyone, in fear he will break.

"What do you think, Lu?" Guzmán asked the girl. "Me?" Lu pointed at herself in hope she wouldn't be dragged into the mess. "Yes." Guzmán replied. "What a dilemma. It's like I'm switzerland here. A rich, beautiful country that doesn't get involved in anyone's wars. Luna is my best friend, hun, so if she wants to come she can, and if she wants to bring her boyfriend, she can." Lu smiled before walking away.
Luna was walking to meet Polo at the hang out area when Valerio walked over to the girl grabbing her wrist gently. "Don't let him treat you like this." Valerio frowned at the blonde girl. "I won't. Never have, never will." Luna shrugged before walking away only for Valerio to grab her again, flashbacks appearing from when Guzmán did the same except grabbing the girl with such force, causing her to flinch and pull away.
Valerio noticed a change in the girl's behavior before frowning, "I'm sorry. I hate how he treats you. He doesn't just verbally abuse you, but physically as well, the bruises, the way he grabbed you at Samuel's." Valerio was concerned, he was afraid the anger would overwhelm the boy, and he would kill Luna or Polo, maybe even both. "Val, he's angry. What he is doing is awful, but I know him. He would never hurt someone, a woman especially without a reason, even if it's twisted." Luna smiled at the boy.

Valerio couldn't help but feel himself get flustered over the way she said his name. The way it rolled off her tongue like it's nothing. She's gorgeous he knew that, he knew he'd always want something more with the girl. The boy than realized he got lost in his thought and saw the girl walked away, the boy shook away his thoughts, before following the girl.
Valerio saw the girl take a seat next to Polo so he walked behind the pair, "Come. You can't let them exclude you like that." Valerio told the two. Luna looked up at the boy, "Valerio..." Polo interrupted the girl, "What'll we get out of it? A shitty night with everyone ignoring us? "
"You won't be alone. You'll be with me. Besides, i'm sure your friend, Cayetana would tag along." Valerio smiles at them. "As I tell her, it won't do you any good, do you get that?" Polo asked the boy, his voice raising the tiniest bit at the end. "That's too bad. I hate everything that's good for me." Valerio told the two before putting his hands on Polo's shoulders causing Polo to slightly smirk, "I also hate vegetables, exercising," Valerio laughed causing Luna to just smile. The boy noticed that and smirked and continued, "I hate hanging out with the right people...and I hate doing what people expect of me." Valerio smirked, sitting down. "Okay but we can't go as a threesome to a valentine's day party." Luna laughed.
"Why not? I like you both." Valerio asked, inching his face close to Luna's. Polo's eyes widened, as he looked at Luna than Valerio.
"Valerio, I don't know what anyone told you, but the thing between Carla, Christian, and me...didn't end well, besides the whole time he was into Luna." Polo imformed him, Luna wincing and frowning at the mention of Christian, she missed him, a lot.
"Damn, Lu was right, you have to turn all this around. Or maybe you guys don't like me..." Valerio smirked, Luna noticed he did that a lot, she liked it a lot, she found his confidence to turn her on, a lot. "We do." Lun smiles. "We do?" Polo looked at the girl, not expecting her answer.
"But that's not the point, because... this is extremely hot don't get me wrong, but insane. It's crazy, right?" Luna laughed, flustered, both of the boys finding her flustered, extremely cute. "A beautiful kind of crazy." Valerio smiles at the two. "Come to the party with me." Valerio asked the two. Polo let out a small laugh, "Our lives are complicated enough."
Luna just looked at the boys after a long thought during their silence,

"Complicated is never a bad thing." Luna smirked at the two boys, before walking off to her next class, leaving them both confused.

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