twenty four

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It was the day the girl was dreading

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It was the day the girl was dreading. Polo's funeral, Ceaser has tried to come but there were no early flights available so he had been stuck in America.

The girl had worried everybody, she hasn't answered any calls. She has stayed in her bed and only got up for food and the bathroom.

The girl rolled out of bed and went to the shower. It was hard for her to be at home, it was like every spot had a memory of Polo. She sees him everywhere and always gets flashbacks.

Once she got out of her shower she had put her hair in Polo's favorite hairstyle of hers, it would be a braid on the side that goes into a low bun. Many would think it's to fancy, but everyone that knew her and Polo's relationship would know it's his favorite hairstyle on the girl, it has been since they were young.

The girl than slid on a simple black  midi dress- it was long sleeve and had a small slit on the side and black heels. She than walked to her vanity and got her ring out of its usual hiding spot and took a big breath before sliding it on.

She than walked to her car before looking at her lockscreen and seeing the photo of Polo watching the sunset.

"I love you so much." The girl cried out silently before wiping away her tears and driving to the graveyard.

Luna had been at Polo's grave. The funeral had ended and she had just stood at the grave.

Carla had walked over to the girl, "How are you, Luna?"

"I'm, i'm not, but i'm done isolating myself. Polo made me promise to live my life and I will do just that." Luna answers the girl before asking her the same question.

"I feel...guilty and sad. I wish I could have shown him the same treatment we showed Lu. He killed her for me... for us. I shouldn't have betrayed him the way I did." Carla answered truthfully.

Luna pulled the girl in for a hug.

"He was never mad at you. He understood why you did it, don't beat yourself up over any of this, okay?"

Carla looked at the girl with a smile, "I missed you so much, Luna."

"I missed you too, Carla."

Begoña and Andrea has made there way over to the two asking to talk to Luna. They were offering to pay for the girl's university, when she graduates next year.

"You have been by his side, since he was born. Besides you are like a daughter to us."

Luna smiled at the woman before calling for Cayetana.

"Cayetana was always at his side. I had my moments when I would leave him for himself. Yes, she's hurt me, but she deserves it more than I do."

Cayetana looked at Luna than the women in front of her, "No, I don't deserve it. Besides, public universities is great. Seriously, and I think... It's time I accept that my resources are limited... that I have the family I have and that my last name is what it is. And I can still achieve what I put my mind to. The truth is, I was so caught up in my fantasy world I hurt Luna and Polo in the process...and I'm so sorry."

Luna looked at the girl with a small smile, "It's okay, he was so grateful for you. I forgive you Cayetana, now you need to forgive yourself." Luna told the girl with a smile and pulling her in for a hug.

"Forgive yourself." Luna repeated once more to the girl very quietly knowing she was beating herself up over protecting Lu, emailing those tweets, and for ending things off on a bad note with the boy before giving her shoulders a tight squeeze and walking back over to Polo's grave and sitting next to it.

"I really miss you, P." Luna whispered.

"I made a promise to you, and i will keep that promise."

Luna sat there for more moments until she felt a presence next to her. Luna looked up at the person and saw Guzmán.

"The moment I saw Polo fall through that glass, my heart stopped, all of the hatred, anger I had for him left. I realized in that moment I left two of my closest friends, and never gave them a chance to explain." Guzmán paused for a moment before grabbing the girl's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze for not only her comfort but his own as well.

The boy continued, "I know if I were in your position I would have done the same-as I am doing for Lu, you both could have had feelings for other people, date other people, but I know, everyone knows, your love for eachother was so strong, you would always make your way back to eachother. You would do anything for him, and I know it was mutual. Luna I'm so sorry for everything, I painted you to be the monsters because I knew it would be easier than to forgive, but I do forgive you, I forgive you both." Guzmán told the girl tears were evident in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Guzmán, I'm so sorry for the pain I- we costed you." Luna told the boy staring at Polo's grave and wiping away her tears.

"I'm here, I want to be there for you, I want us to slowly work our way back. I would have done the same with Polo, if I knew his life would have been taken away from him so soon. The truth is Luna, I miss him so much. The guilt, everything, he was my best friend and I abandoned him." Guzmán cried to the girl, she has seen him at his weakest state so he didn't mind letting his guard down in front of the girl.

"None of this is your fault, you had every right to hate us. You don't need to be there for me, Guzmán. I don't deserve it." Luna told the boy not believing what he was saying. She never expected him to forgive her, ever.

"No, you do deserve it. You deserve to move on from this nightmare, you were never a monster neither of you were, Rebe was right, Ander and Carla are just as fault as you, and if I can forgive them, I know I can forgive you. We would be hypocrites if we didn't forgive you, Lun." Guzmán told the girl, he than placed a kiss on her forehead before placing his attention on the grave.

The two sat in silence for a moment until Luna felt another presence on the other side of her. She than heard Ander's voice speak up before she even had the chance to look and see who it was.

"Polo would be so happy to see this moment."

"It feels like the days before everything went to shit." Guzmán replied back to the boy.

"You know what Polo would say?" Luna questioned the boys before waiting a moment and reaching her hand to touch his grave stone as a way to feel like he's there with them.

The girl was about to speak before Guzmán spoke before the girl.

"Let's stop frowning and go get some drinks." Guzmán spoke with a small smile.

"Bingo." Luna laughed softly.

"Meet me at my car?" Luna questioned the boys.

The two boys said their goodbyes before walking towards Luna's car allowing her some privacy.

"I love you so much, Leopoldo." Luna whispered before placing her lips on his gravestone and wiping one last tear away from her cheek and grabbing her purse and walking away.

"so much."

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