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Beauty Pov: It took me about 20mins to get to the hospital... I walked right up to Catherine room. She still looked the same but her skin color was coming back to her normal color!

"Catherine I really do miss you a lot girl.... it just not the same without you! I mean like me and your brother don't know what we want! Girl I barley go places now! It's just NO fun without you! I really hope you get well and get out this hell whole! You gotta get up! You know they can't hold a pimp down for ever " I said while holding her hand!

I stayed at the hospital with cat all night! I didn't feel like going home cause even though me and jaquan kissed doesn't mean we're on good terms! So I pulled up the chair and started watching tv the nurse put on! It was only 9pm so I decided to go get me something to eat then come back and stay with Catherine!

At Subway!!!!

Beauty Pov: I sat down and ate my subway pizza! Y'all I promise you they pizzas are the BEST! But anyway I'm sitting up here eating down when I feel a shadow appear so I looked up and it was a girl standing up in front of me now don't get me wrong she wasnt ugly at all but she couldn't touch me If she tied! She was light skinned, a little butt and her hair stopped like down her back!

"May I help you" I asked while whipping my face!

"Um my friends told me that your the one that lives with Big J so can you do me a favor and tell him next time he don't have to live so early! "She said with a smile on her face!

"I'll be glad to tell him" I said with an attitude!

"I can't help but notice your attitude but if your mad cause he was at my house then maybe you should be doing your job "she said back!

"Let me tell you something you little bitch! Trust and believe I'm always doing my job and baby your job for Jaquan is to let him hit and for you to be on your knees! The last time I checked I never been on my knees and baby girl still have her virginity! Something you don't have so yeah your doing your job very well ..." I said with a smirk on my face!

She looked at me with a guilty look on her face! But I surely didn't care but oh well she came to me all wrong and got what she was asking for! She looked at me one last time and handed me a piece of paper with her number on, at first I wasn't going to take it but oh well I got the paper and walked off .


I finally made it back to the hospital , got in my chair and watched me a little tv. Soon as I was about to go to sleep my phone started ringing it was Jaquan but I didn't care I sent him straight to voicemail! He kelp calling me over and over again but oh well I finally went to sleep!

Jaquan Pov: Mann it's 11 some at night and Beauty still haven't came home yet! She got a Nigga worrying like hell over here! I done called her phone so many times but I haven't got no reply... So I just said fuck it shit wherever she at I hope she safe!

It's like I can't get over her but we never went together it's just this feeling I get when I'm around her! Like one minute I can be mad at her but then I'll forget everything I'm mad about! I hate seeing her with other niggas that shit pisses me all the way off!

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