Chapter 1 The Impact

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How can such a loud noise, put me to sleep? How can such a jolt, keep me still? Why am I spinning while being absolutely free of movement? My head is so heavy. My neck like rubber; arms like water; my feet with nothing solid under them. Fingers tingling. My ears deafened by a ringing worse than nails on a chalkboard. My eyelids feel glued shut. I am confused. Clarity evades me. I am dazed and disorientated. I feel outside of my body. I succumb to darkness.

I slowly come to and everything is a blur. There is the slightest amount of light sneaking in past my eyelids. What is that smell? I feel bile rising in my throat. My eyes shoot open. I get sick from all my senses being overwhelmed at once. It hurts everywhere. I get sick again. Then a third time.

The sunset is extremely bright; brighter than if I was staring directly into the sun at mid-day. My head is pounding louder than any drum I have ever heard. I can count my heartbeats. I try to adjust the position I am in, but I am hopelessly stuck. I quickly assess what my brain is trying to comprehend. I see My Love across from me. His eyes dwindling with little of the life I know him to have.

"Love?" I say with little more than a whisper. "Love, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He is still silent. "Tell me you're okay. Answer me please." I plead. I try to reach him but he grows further away. I feel helpless.

I try to focus on my surroundings. Blood. I can smell it. It is over powering. The rawness of it. I look around and see so much blood. Not my own. I do not think at least. I do not feel like I am bleeding. If I am not bleeding than it must be My Love's. He must be hurt. I begin to struggle to get to him but freedom from my seat escapes me. My exertion forces me to lose my senses and sends me back to darkness.

The windshield is cracked into the most beautiful snowflake pattern. I can only hear humming and feel the thump of my pulse slamming into my temples. I can hardly move. I cannot get my seat-belt to unfasten. I am pinned between my seat and the steering wheel. Panic has struck. Tears. My eyes are on fire. Now I am yelling for help. Can no one hear me? I am yelling other things but my words are lost on me. My throat burns with every sound. I am so disoriented. What happened? I try to force myself to remember. I am getting dizzy. I know sleep is upon me.

I must think quickly. I flow through the events from tonight. Dinner... Drive... Deer? A deer. A damn deer. Then the sound followed by that smell.

I try to reach My Love again but I cannot get to him. I am trying so hard to touch him. My arms grow shorter with every attempt. My hands cannot find him. They refuse to make contact. The dizziness is turning into nausea. My breath quickens. My eyes begin to roll. The darkness claims my mind again.

"Miss. Miss are you okay?"

I open my eyes to see a lady in a uniform. I cannot focus enough to make out what type of uniform.

"We are going to get you out of here. Everything is going to be okay. Can you hear me?"

I nod slightly.

"Okay. Now be still."

I'm assuming she is instructing me to stay still because I'm trying to sit up to see My Love. I notice it is now dark out.

"Miss, please try and be as still as possible," she continues to plead with me.

I look over to My Love only to see an empty space where he should be. Panic returns, "Is he okay? Where is My Love? Why isn't he answering me? Where is he? I don't see him." I seem to keep asking the same questions over and over. My breath is labored.

My head is still pounding. Outside of her voice, I hear sirens and other people talking. I cannot make out any words but they sound so concerned, upset even. I hear metal. I get sick again, choking on what little is left from dinner. That sound is the last thing I heard before I woke-up stuck in my current position. The sound of metal crushing or scraping or breaking. I am not sure which it is, I just know it is an awful sound.

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