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When his dad first told him about vampires and vampire hunters, he thought it was some kind of joke. Mind you he was seven at the time.

It wasn't until he was sixteen that he first encountered one. He was on a date with his boyfriend of four years and usually they never stayed out that late and to this day he doesn't remember the reason they had been, but it was getting closer and closer to midnight and the streets were empty and they took their usual route back home but of course that usual route were all the dark alleys; the shortcuts and he'd been panicky about it but his boyfriend insisted and then⁠—

Well, then they were attacked. More precisely, the vampire showed up all dark outfit and bared fangs and his boyfriend, his stupid, honestly dumb boyfriend jumped in front of him and when he opened his eyes, the vampire was gone and so was the boyfriend.

He'd run home as soon as his legs worked and finally went to listen to his dad. He never let himself shed a tear.

And now, he was here.

Standing outside his dorm room. Over the years, he'd learned to not be so panicky and nervous with every single person. His dad taught him. And he had to remind himself that not everyone was vampires (nor did everyone really know of their existence.) However, the nerves he felt this time; the churning of his stomach and the shaking of his hands was for a whole different reason. This was his first time away from home. This is his first big step into the real world and he went ahead and told his dad that he'd be okay and there wasn't a need to escort him all the way here. He kept telling himself that he could do this. The whole car ride consisted of self-motivation.

He takes a deep breath and then he fishes for his key in his pocket. However, way before he can even get to it, the door opens. Nearly knocking him in the process had it not been for him moving back in time. The person who had so quickly opened the door was standing still then and it took a moment before Jaemin actually looked up at the other male. And boy was he glad that he did. Because somehow the male standing before him was absolutely breathtaking (and he meant it literally). He had a fairly round face and hair fell into his face in a way that hid his forehead and only hinted at his eyebrows. His mouth pulled into a smile the moment his eyes sparked with realization and before he knew it, the boy was taking a hold of Jaemin's hand and shaking it vigorously. He seemed overly pleased considering they had yet to exchange names.

"You must be Jaemin-ah. I'm Haechan," he's got this wide smile but only sort of reaches his eyes. Not the way⁠— No, he thinks. He promised he wouldn't anymore.

"Hello," Jaemin smiles softly. Shaking the other boy's hand more gently, he nods in confirmation. "I'm Jaemin. It's nice to meet you."

When required to fill the form, he didn't pick a roommate so it wasn't until he looked at his emails this morning that he found out it was no longer an option and thus he was automatically paired with someone. So he didn't have much time to look up who it was (because they usually told you) and thus it was like rooming with a stranger. Sure it would have been that way regardless but if he had the name before hand and the opportunity to message the person, they would have been people who knew each other by name before getting here.

Without really asking, Haechan tugs Jaemin into the room. And although they'd been given the option to get here days before to see the setup of their room so they could pack what they needed to, Jaemin had chosen to stick it out and hope for the best. So it was his first time seeing the room. Which was surprisingly bigger than he expected. There was enough space between the beds for a carpet to fit (the square or circle kinds. Not those other weird and thin rectangular ones) and there was a closet along the one side of the wall. Both sides of the room had a desk with a lamp as well. It took him a moment to realize that Haechan was speaking so he zoned in on the other in time to hear, "...The closet is divided. I checked and already packed my stuff. Where are your stuff? Do you need help carrying anything?"

A polite smile and a shake of the head is Jaemin's only response. He walks over to the bed he suspects is his (the one that wasn't filled with comforters and sheets and the likes) and places his backpack down.

"I was going to head out," Haechan informs. When he looks up, the other male is looking over at him.

"That's okay. You can just close the door. My stuff's in the car so it''' be a quick trip."

At this, Haechan nods and then they end up leaving the room together. But Haechan turns right while he turns left, much to Jaemin's relief. He didn't feel for long conversations or much having to keep up with one. He just wanted to get his stuff and pass out.


Once he was unpacked, he didn't know what to do with himself. So he figured that a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt. And really that's how he ended up googling the nearest coffee shop as he waited for the elevator.

The nearest coffee shop, to his luck, was close enough to walk. So he follows the map until he finds the place. It's a real debate between to-go or seating and he ends up opting for the latter. When asked, he requests a window seat and lands a booth-window-seat for two. He liked window seats because it gave him the opportunity to observe people.

It had become a habit over the years. Still, he isn't very good at telling the difference between the humans and the vampires but he knows characteristics to look out for. His dad had the gift. He would be able to sit and just whisper vampire and Jaemin would half jump out of his seat before his dad put an arm around him and told him to calm down.

"Hello, may I take your order?"

The waitress has a nasally, high-pitched voice and there's a pencil behind her ear. She looks at him with a smile so sharp, he thinks it could cut glass. A messy bun and a skew apron with the top button of her shirt only half in the hole. And there's a consistent foot tapping on her end that makes him wonder whether she's impatient or annoyed.

"Could I get a coffee please?"

Her eyes spark up, and Jaemin decides that she's annoyed. She looks like she's about to make a comment but then one of her co-workers passes by and he doesn't miss the nudge against her back. She nods and informs him that she'll be right back and disappears into the back.

Odd, he thinks. Very odd.

"Sir, your coffee." The cup is placed down in front of him. Nodding a thank you, he reaches for the cup and sighs.

We should be drinking this coffee together.

Bad Blood [NoRenMin] ✔Where stories live. Discover now