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He's back at the bar in the span of a not even an hour. When Xiaojun and Yangyang spot him, they share a look, but neither of them say a word as he takes a seat. He takes the glass offered to him, and it takes everything in him to keep it steady.

"So," Xiaojun says abruptly, earning a hit against his shoulder from Yangyang. A muttered 'ow' is heard from Xiaojun but otherwise, any sort of conversation that may have started comes to an end right then and there.

Jaemin sighs, shaking his head. "It's okay," he assures, because it is. He really could use all the talking and distraction from whatever the hell just happened back in the room. Hell, he could even use all the snarky, unwanted unacceptance from Xiaojun. If it distracts him, he'd gladly accept it.

"You don't have to say that," Yangyang shoots back, seeming to see right through him (but with how Jaemin was feeling, he figured a blind man would be able to see right through him.)

"It really is okay," Jaemin says again. This time he looks at Yangyang. "I didn't come in here to spoil the mood or end any conversations," he explains, looking back at the glass in his hand. "What is this?" he murmurs in question.

"It's cooldrink," Xiaojun states. "I don't plan on giving you an extra kick again no matter how much you feel you need it," he adds with a pointed stare and that speaks for itself; he's serious.

Though, that wasn't what Jaemin had in mind. He gently places the glass down before meeting Xiaojun's gaze and after a few moments of silent blinking, he manages to get the question through his mouth. "Do you think I could get coffee?"

"Coffee?" Xiaojun echoes, almost disbelievingly. His eyebrows disappear behind the hair in his face and his lips actually pull into a sort of 'o' shape. He doesn't know why, but Jaemin finds it amusing.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" Jaemin finally asks, glancing back at his cup. He doesn't feel up to holding eye contact for longer than he needs to.

"Because you came here, looking like shit may I add, looking for advice. You leave looking like someone killed your puppy and not even an hour later, you're back looking shittier than before," Xiaojun states veraciously. "And one would expect you to order a beer or a brandy. Hell, I half thought you were going to ask for tequila."

"Way to soften the blow, love," Yangyang mutters, shooting a glare at Xiaojun who pouts. (He pouts and if he were in a better mood, Jaemin swears he would take a picture of this as a momento.) As if feeling Jaemin's stare, Xiaojun looks over and immediately composes himself.

"So, yeah," Xiaojun says after clearing his throat. "Do you want to tell us what happened?"

"Xiaojun," Yangyang says. "Be a little more sensitive."

"You did not marry me for my sensitivity and we both know that," Xiaojun points out. Jaemin can't help the surprise that pushes through at the statement.

"You're married?"

Yangyang nods in confirmation, as if knowing Jaemin wouldn't trust Xiaojun's word on it. "For a year now," he replies.

"Aren't you guys my age?" He cannot help the tone of accusation that seeps through his voice and he really hopes they don't take offense because it was the last thing he wanted.

"Yeah, but we've been together since middle school," Yangyang says with a smile. "But when you're a vampire hunter, the trouble of having time for romance let alone knowing how long you have is very limited and so, if you find it, you find it." He's smiling again and Jaemin thinks it's the most he's ever seen Yangyang smile. As he processes the words, he feels his chest tighten and though he somehow feels happy for the two, he can't help but feel down. He looks at the cup of coffee placed in front of him and thumbs the handle.

"So," Xiaojun says again, this time more gently. "What happened, Jaemin?" It's the first time he isn't being called Newbie and this is why he looks up.

After careful mental debate, he decides that nothing could go wrong in telling them. "My story earlier was referencing myself and my ex-boyfriend. I just found out he wasn't dead and you guys confirmed that he's turned." He pauses, taking in a deep breath before he continues. "And then I went back to my room. I was going to crash, but my boyfriend was there and we had the whole conversation and I basically found out that he's a vampire." With each word, his voice only got softer while his chest only tightened.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and he doesn't have to look up to know that it's Yangyang.

"That sounds rough kid."

Jaemin turns his head in time to catch Taeyong walking in alongside Doyoung. They make their way behind the bar counter and Xiaojun trades his waist apron with Doyoung. Taeyong catches Jaemin's gaze and offers a small smile though it comes out more sympathetic than anything else.

"You're back," Jaemin notes. He doesn't care that he's stating the obvious and, to his luck, neither does Taeyong.

"Our trip wasn't too long," Taeyong replies. He starts making drinks in two glasses before handing them to Xiaojun and Yangyang. He looks back at Jaemin and smiles. "So, after all that happened, you decided to come here?" he queries.

"You heard everything?"

"Yes and my apologies. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything," he explains. "We came back a little bit ago and Doyoung and I got caught up talking with an old friend that stopped by. We were close enough to hear."

Understanding, Jaemin nods. "I didn't know where else to go." He sighs and leans his chin on his arms. "I don't know where to go," he murmurs in annoyance. "The only people I know live at campus or are you guys."

"I'm sure you can figure something out," Taeyong assures.

"I hope so," he murmurs. He really does. There was no way he was going back to the dorms; at least not today. Everyone goes quiet, the only sounds heard are the soft murmur of the people behind them. Jaemin looks at them, wondering whether they were like them, or whether they were born lucky and were norms. Maybe that would make his life easier; hell, he knows his life would be easier if he didn't know about vampires or hunters or the likes.

But then he wouldn't know some of the people that he did.

"What if you stayed with us?" It's sudden and out of the blue. Jaemin nearly jumps out of his seat. Turning around, he locks eyes with Doyoung who looks at him in a way that Jaemin knows it was him who spoke.

"Stayed with you guys? You and Taeyong?" He queries disbelievingly.

"We have a few extra rooms upstairs and I'm almost pretty sure you don't want to go back," Doyoung states and then he's smiling. "Taeyong and I wouldn't mind."

He looks to Taeyong for confirmation (he's looking at Doyoung in a beautiful, adoring way; he's not mad. He seems almost happy that Doyoung suggested it) and when he nods, Jaemin smiles for the first time that night.

"If you're both sure, then yeah," he says softly. "Okay."

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