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After a few messages from Haechan, Jaemin decides that he should head back to campus. He assures Doyoung that he'll be back before it gets too dark out, and he drives back with Jisung who stayed the night before in one of the other spare bedrooms (there were a lot, Jaemin noted when Doyoung finally gave him a proper tour Taeyong had clearly been avoiding.) Their drive somehow seemed shorter now that they had something to discuss. While he hated to admit it, the fact that Kun was one of his professors pulled up a barrier between them; one in which Jaemin didn't know what he could and couldn't talk about. He rarely brought up hunters either. Jisung, on the other hand, didn't seem to have that problem and could talk about anything. So, the fact that there was a plan in place had them discussing the possible outcomes.

Considering they only really needed to focus on phase one of the plan, which was most likely the easiest part of them all, was comforting. They only needed to get in touch with Hendery and get him to agree to meeting up with one of them. Something Winwin had come up with, deciding that they should refrain from allowing him to feel even remotely ganged up on.

The discussion and possibilities took them all the way back to campus to which the three went their separate ways after greeting. Jisung gave Jaemin a look before disappearing on ahead, and he had no idea how to feel about that. He opts to brush it aside as he makes his way up the stairs to his dorm room. Glad he didn't have any classes for the day (the only one in which he did had been cancelled), he hopes Haechan is in the room. Or at least that he wouldn't be facing Renjun if he got there.

However, as life would have it, he wasn't all too lucky.

When he opens the door, there's a brief moment where he's able to take in the room before a set of arms are wrapping around him tightly and the familiar whine of Haechan reaches his ears. Already knowing it wouldn't do much good to try and pry his roommate off, Jaemin lifts his arms to return the embrace which only has Haechan whining even louder.

"You scared the hell out of me, Min!"

Whether it was being called that again since the last time Renjun did, or the fact that Haechan rarely ever called him that (he thinks it may just be the first time, but he could very well be wrong), he finds himself tensing in Haechan's hold. However, he allows himself to ease into it. He doesn't get why Haechan is tightening his grip until he's zoning back in and he hears himself apologizing. As they pull apart, he catches Haechan's gaze and immediately wishes he hadn't just gone off the grid like that. He wishes he had just accepted the calls rather than just message Haechan and offer various excuses as to why he wouldn't let him call. As long as he has known him, he never imagined a situation where Haechan was actually glaring. Unlike any time where he seemed upset, Jaemin realised, was definitely not him upset. His dark eyes are flaring as they narrow in on him and his eyebrows pull in a way that tells Jaemin he definitely isn't pleased despite the hug they just shared. He's mad, and Jaemin doesn't blame him.

"Do you know how worried I've been?" he queries in a tone that is anything but inviting. He feels like he's in a whole and Haechan is throwing the sand back in.

"I'm sorry, Haechan."

"Sorry doesn't just fix this." His expression has softened. "You won't let me call and Renjun has no idea where you are because you're not speaking to him. I've been coming by earlier and leaving later just in case you showed, you know," he points out accusingly. As if he didn't feel guilty enough. Jaemin doesn't know what else he could do other than apologise, so he keeps his mouth shut as he follows Haechan into their room.

An odd buzz flutters through his body. His heart clenches. The room is empty, and for whatever reason, that leaves him unsettled. He should be happy that Renjun isn't here. It's because Mark isn't here, he thinks. Meaning that Haechan was still hoping he would show up. With that thought in his mind, he keeps to it. That can be the only reason he felt so uneasy with the room so empty.

He catches Haechan's eye and takes a seat on the bed.

"I know you said it doesn't fix this," Jaemin starts, shifting forward. "But I am sorry for not communicating with you."

Haechan looks at him for a moment. His teeth pull at his bottom lip and when it releases, he sighs. "I just want to know why, Jaemin." He lifts his head and he looks so tired, Jaemin wants to apologize again. "Why don't you come to the room? Why aren't you and Renjun talking?" There are so many unasked questions in his eyes, Jaemin notes, but these are probably the ones he wanted the answers to the most.

"It's complicated," Jaemin says. He leans his head back as he takes in a deep breath, and he straightens as he faces Haechan again. "That's why I'm here."

"To tell me what happened?"

"To come and talk to you," he corrects. "I wanted to apologise, and to let you know that I won't be back in the room for a bit."

Haechan, seemingly displeased, frowns at this. "Are you and Renjun broken up?"




Haechan groans. "Fine, sorry. I thought you'd give in," he mumbles. His eyes flicker between the floor and Jaemin and, after a few moments accompanying the silence, they land on Jaemin. "Are you in trouble?"

"What?" the disbelief in his voice sounds exaggerated and he looks at Haechan like he can't believe it's an actual question. Haechan seems to read his mind.

"I'm just making sure."

"No, Haechan, I'm not in trouble," he assures.

There's a long moment before Haechan looks ready to speak again, but before he can, the door swings open. Haechan sucks in a breath and Jaemin doesn't have to look up to know who it is. Rather, he looks at Haechan and offers a smile before taking his leave, gaze glued to the floor until he's sure he's passed Renjun and is far enough down the hallway that he may not be followed.

Then he hears his name.

Turning to look, Haechan is standing outside the room with Renjun right behind him. He thinks he's going to be stopped, for a moment. Or Haechan might convince him to wait and talk it out with Renjun. Instead, he's met with a wave and a look of frustration from Haechan.

"Just be safe!" he yells. Passerbys look at him, but he doesn't seem to care.

Neither does Jaemin, who smiles.

"I will."

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