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"So we haven't heard from the vampire king yet?" Jaemin questions. He's adapted to calling Hendery that in order to separate him from the other vampires. It was more of a labelling of class than anything else.

It's still early hours of the morning. The bar, despite being open, is completely empty. The only ones occupying the bar seats are Winwin, Yangyang and Taeyong (who, after much pleading on Doyoung's side, is taking a day of leave. The only reason he is still here is because he lives right upstairs, and because there wasn't anywhere he needed to go or need to be.) Doyoung was still upstairs, fast asleep (Jaemin was going to wake him and received a glare from Taeyong that made him second guess his decision) and so, it was only him and Xiaojun manning the counters. The tables across the room are ghosted.

"Actually," Taeyong stars, already grinning. "He contacted me just this morning."

Sometimes Jaemin thinks it's just a little weird that he's always grinning in situations like this. Then he tries to tell himself that maybe it gives off a sense of purpose and he no longer finds it weird. Nevertheless, there isn't much time to dwell on that when the words finally register and he looks over at Taeyong, eyes wide. "You're joking."

"What did he say?" Winwin queries. His head is tilted so he can look over at Taeyong from where he is seated.

"He's going to meet with us," Taeyong replies smoothly. "We can call the shots and he'll show up."

Jaemin felt a sharp tingle through his body. The thought that their plan would work felt way too unreal. He couldn't possibly imagine it. Though here it was, the first gear to their plan clicked itself into place.

With that piece of information, their conversation takes a turn. The air seems lighter, as though they've all been tensed that Hendery would say no; that the plan wouldn't even have a chance of showing itself. Now, as Jaemin stood behind the counter, he watched as the others laughed among themselves.

"It's pretty rare." Jaemin looks over at Xiaojun whose eyes were set on Yangyang. Unlike the usual glare, his expression was soft and gentle. "Seeing them laugh like this." Although he says them, Jaemin feels like he's speaking solely about Yangyang.

"That's what makes it more special though," Jaemin finds himself saying before he realizes it. He's looking at all of them, but somehow, his mind is trailing back to Renjun. He wishes it wouldn't.

Doyoung is making his way over when the door to the bar slams open. A tall, lanky guy and behind him is a smaller, right-out-of-a-magazine looking guy. Both seem oddly familiar, but Jaemin cannot put a finger on it.

"You can't do whatever it is you're planning," Tall lanky dude says, stopping right behind the row of seats by the bar. If Jaemin was being honest, he also looked like a right-out-of-a-magazine guy. He's got a fairly round face with a sharp jawline if you look closely enough, and he has this parting in his hair though it's natural unlike others he's seen before.

"Who are you?" Taeyong deadpans, standing up from the seat and looking right at them. He takes place in front of the others as though attempting to be a shield.

Tall lanky guy's eyes widen and then this smile forms and he looks goofier than before. All the seriousness washes away for a single moment. "I'm Johnny. This is Ten." He gestures to the guy beside him.

"Alright Johnny. Ten. So, what brings you here?" He crosses his arms.

Before they can say anything, Jaemin clicks his fingers which only has them all looking his way. "Just realized where I knew them from," he murmurs mostly to himself, though it seems that everyone hears him given their surprised faces.

"You know them?" Taeyong asks, seemingly quite surprised.

"You recognize us?" Johnny queries, sounding just as surprised.

In response, he nods. "I saw you guys when Hendery attacked that evening." His eyes narrow. "Why are you guys here?"

The moment Johnny frowns, the goofy aura that radiated around him only moments before is gone instantaneously. There's a glint in his eye as he looks at the lot of them. Jaemin can tell, even from where he is, that he's gritting his teeth. "Whatever you're planning, we're not going to let you do it," he states firmly.

It's Ten who steps forward though, eyes glaring and hands curling into fists. "We won't let you kill them," he says. His tone is smooth and milky despite his evident frustration. "I will not let you kill Hendery," he adds on and this time, the anger seeps through his voice. It's loud and messy and Jaemin doesn't understand. He wants to, but he just cannot understand why they were defending these people; vampires who felt nothing, being defended by, norms, as they appeared to be.

Hell, he could barely understand hunters and vampires. He tries giving Winwin and Kun the benefit of the doubt. Often he tries to explain it to himself in a way that makes sense and a way he could understand, but there was nothing he could possibly understand about this situation.

"You two aren't vampires," Taeyong points out simply.

"They're sure as hell not hunters either," Xiaojun adds.

"Did you hear a word we just said?" Ten demands. His knuckles tighten and Jaemin can see the way they're turning white with little blood flow reaching his hands. He doesn't say anything.

"We heard you," Taeyong replies. He crosses his arms and leans against the counter of the bar, standing between two of the others. "But I cannot promise anything. We never said we were killing anyone, although we won't tell you our plan."

"You need to promise us you won't kill them!" Johnny exclaims in utter desperation. His voice resounds with the plea that shines in his eyes. His eyes land on Johnny's hands and they're trembling. The desperation makes him want to understand even more.

But he won't. He doubts he possibly could.

"We can't make any promises," Taeyong states. He's completely unfazed by their shaking exterior and Jaemin finds it remarkable.

"Why are you trying to save them?" Jaemin queries aloud, looking at the two in a way as though they were rubix cubes.

"We love them," Johnny replies. It's the 'them' part that catches his attention. Meaning there were more of them with Hendery. He worries that maybe that is why Hendery agreed to meet them. He had numbers. "And they love us."

Jaemin laughs. It's bittersweet and one hundred per cent mocking. "They're vampires," he states. "Vampires are liars. They're monsters. They don't feel."

There's a moment of silence. Unease in the atmosphere as everyone stares at someone. Their group splits stares; half of them looking at Ten while the other half stare at Johnny. Ten's brows furrow. "Renjun loves you."

Jaemin's heart squeezes. There's a pain that shocks its way through his chest and it takes everything in him not to react. His hands grip at the counter tightly, knuckles whitening. "Vampires don't love. And love doesn't lie." There's a quiver in his voice. He wants it to go away. He pauses. "You know him?"

"We know them," Johnny explains. "The ones aligned with Hendery. They were all once saved by Hendery."

Taeyong hums, eyes set on Jaemin for a moment before he looks back over at Johnny and Ten. He smiles and clicks his fingers. "Fine," he says. "We won't kill them."

There's a moment of uproar from their side. Doyoung, however, jumps in. "You won't?"

Taeyong shakes his head. "No," he assures, but his gaze never wavers from Johnny and Ten who are seemingly pleased with what has been decided. Taeyong grins wider. "We won't kill him, but Johnny and Ten are going to help us."

An eerie feeling surrounds them. Jaemin can't help the worry that sets in.

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