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"You still haven't heard from Renjun?" Jaemin queries. He's pulling on a hoodie as he gets ready to leave for his meet up with Jisung; he needed coffee and Jisung needed to study so they came to a consensus to meet up and go to the coffee shop together. It was decided yesterday but Jaemin forgot, his mind having been occupied with Renjun. It's been two days since the four of them went out and the only reason they knew Renjun was okay was because he contacted Mark with the word safe. It isn't enough to satisfy Jaemin's worries.

"Nothing," Mark says from Haechan's bed. "I haven't even seen him around."

The day before, the three of them ended up staying in the room while Haechan was getting over his hangover and they explained to him what happened. Apparently, after Jaemin disappeared, so did Renjun. He hadn't gone to go and find the two and so, when Mark saw Jaemin's messages, he assumed that Renjun was with him. It wasn't until he got back that they saw and Mark contacted Renjun who only left a single worded response. Mark explained that the two of them had been searching for them because Haechan had gone way passed tipsy and decided it was time to go home. Jaemin apologised profusely then, but the two insisted it was quite alright.

"Should we be worried?" Jaemin asks. He'd rather not let on how worried he really was. "He still hasn't contacted you."

Mark smiles like he knows something. "No, I'm sure he'll turn up."

"He's done this sort of thing before then?" He walks over to the desk and grabs his bag before looking over at Mark who nods.

"Not often, but occasionally. And he always comes back," he assures and then makes a waving motion with his hand for him to go. "Go on. Don't keep your friend waiting." Haechan walks in then so Jaemin doesn't feel as weird leaving Mark alone in their room (he's sure Mark has been alone in it before when Haechan goes to shower much like now but those times he wasn't around so he wasn't aware of it, thus it didn't bother him as much as it would have now had Haechan not come in.)

Jaemin meets up with Jisung outside the dorm building and the other is already speaking a mile a minute. Jaemin tenses a little when he hears Taeyong's name and when he looks over, Jisung is looking at him. He looks curious as he stares and Jaemin feels a little uncomfortable. However, rather than admitting to that, he says, "What?"

"I heard about it from Taeyong, but not from you," Jisung says. "I want to hear it from you." Jaemin doesn't need to ask what he's speaking about the attack from the other day and really, he isn't all that surprised that Taeyong told him (because all Jaemin told Jisung was that they were going to have to reschedule their meet up for the day prior.)

"What did you hear?" Jaemin queries. Rather know what he heard first than tell him anything he already knew.

"All I know is that you were attacked and that Taeyong let you stay the night." So he didn't know everything.

So Jaemin fills him in. He tells him all that happened (with the exception of the in between. Jisung didn't need to know about why they had been there and what happened before the attack.)

"So it wasn't Lucas then?" Jisung queries and Jaemin confirms it with a shake of a head. "It's weird how you're always getting attacked," Jisung notes aloud as they make their way into the coffee shop and find their seats. The girl nods and Jaemin thinks she's a little pleased to be seeing them again. He isn't too sure though.

"I'm pretty sure I have some sort of sign hanging over my head," Jaemin grumbles. He pulls out a book and turns back to Jisung who is smiling. "What?" Jaemin asks when he doesn't say anything.

"That, or you must have really tasty blood," Jisung snickers.

Jaemin rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well if you're so funny, let's see how well you remember last week's work."

Jisung's eyes widen, and Jaemin smiles sweetly.


Not wanting to stay out too late, the two head on back when it starts getting dark. Jisung and him part ways when they were on the younger's floor and Jaemin goes to the bathrooms first. After seeing Haechan's message about sleeping out at Mark's again, Jaemin felt a little tight chested. Seeing as Mark still hasn't heard anything from Renjun, Jaemin was going to have to lock the door and shut the window again. He didn't really feel like going to the bathroom in the middle of the night what with his luck with all the attacks lately. Frankly, if he was walking with a sign, he wished they wouldn't attack at random times when he wasn't prepared. Or when he wasn't having fun, because now he just needed Renjun to message Mark so he could know that he was alright. So he could get Renjun off his mind.

And, fuck.

Fuck, not because the room door is open, but because there he was in all his alive glory. (Think of the devil and they shall appear.) He looked completely unharmed; there are no bruises on his face and he looks perfectly fine which has Jaemin feeling a swarm of relief because truthfully, he was half expecting Renjun to show up looking like he became a punching bag. He's walking over quietly and then Renjun turns his head and their eyes lock and Renjun stands up. Jaemin doesn't stop walking until he's right in front of Renjun. They stare for a whole moment before Jaemin hits him on the arm.

Renjun's eyebrows pinch together as his hand flies to cover where Jaemin hit him.

"You had me worried, you asshole!" Jaemin yells without meaning to. It is like the words slipped past and just came out. The frustration in his voice feels as though he's been suppressing it for ages and maybe he was. Maybe him worrying suppressed the frustration toward this whole situation. But he wasn't upset.

"I'm sorry," Renjun murmurs. His eyes are the softest brown and he offers a timid smile. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you are too," Jaemin says. Renjun has said that exact line to him before, Jaemin thinks. The difference was that Jaemin didn't actually reply. This time he did. Because he was. He's so glad that Renjun is okay. They don't say anything this time and instead, walk into the room.

Jaemin goes to put his bag down, and he turns around to say something when hands cup either side of his face and there's the softest brush of lips against his own and against every single sign that is warning him off is brushed aside as Jaemin closes the gap between their bodies and his arms wrap around Renjun's waist to pull him closer (as if that was even possible) and he kisses him back. It's a mess, Jaemin thinks. It's a mess, but it's somehow perfect.

And fuck, if it took an attack to get Renjun to kiss him like this, he supposes he wouldn't mind them as much. As long as Renjun was with him. 

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