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He's waiting outside the dorm building.

There wasn't a specific place as to where they were going to meet up, but he figured if there were going to be a place, unspoken, it would be here. He's staring at the ground; he doesn't have the heart to look through the crowd.

"What are we staring at?"

Jaemin jolts in surprise. When he looks up, Renjun is standing beside him, a gentle smile gracing his face as he looks at him with the softest and warmest of eyes. He never thought he'd be so glad to see a vampire, and yet here he was, smiling brightly at the sight of one. "I was waiting for you," he responds. He expects a reply, but they stare at each other in silence for a good few seconds. Seeming to realize, Renjun nods and intertwines their hands together.

He should pull away, but something stops him. Instead, he allows Renjun to pull him along as they head to the coffee shop. He watches the way Renjun is smiling. Occasionally, he glances back as if to check and make sure Jaemin is still there. As if their hands intertwined wasn't assurance enough.

They make their way into the coffee shop and Renjun only untangles their hands as they take their seats. The waitress is there in a flash, but she doesn't ask what they want to order; she already knows. Instead, Jaemin catches sight of a smile across her face when he looks up.

"Welcome back," she says softly. "I'll be right back with your orders." With that said, she disappears to the back. Jaemin swears he sees a skip in her step.

"It's been a while since we've been here," Renjun says, pulling Jaemin's attention back to their table. He isn't looking at him but rather at the little menu that they've added to the tables; it's laminated and handwritten in fancy script accompanied by cute little drawings of certain items. Rather than replying, Jaemin graces the statement with a nod. He's thumbing at the cafe name on the menu.

"I won't do it you know." His voice is soft, but firm. There was no point beating around the bush. More than anything he wanted to continue their conversation from the other day. He wanted to address the unspoken topic. When he looks up, Renjun is already looking at him. Today, his eyes are a soft, light hazel brown, and it takes all of his power not to fall into their trap.

"Do what?"

Jaemin rolls his eyes. "You know what."

"Yeah," he admits, almost bashfully. "So you won't do it."

"No, I won't."

"Because you love me?"

Jaemin considers it for a moment. For a moment, he tells himself that that is why he can't do it, and maybe it's part of the reason, but he knows better. It's not the entire reason.

"Because you want to die. With that in mind, I suppose the true pain would be letting you live. So, I won't do it," he explains, folding his hands on the table in front of him.

Their conversation comes to a halt as the waitress returns, placing down their cups in front of them. She hesitates for a moment before placing down two plates with chocolate cake on. When they look up, she's smiling. "It's on the house," she assures. "As a welcome back." She bows her head and tells them to enjoy their day before she disappears to the back again. Jaemin is left staring.

"Welcome back, huh?" Renjun murmurs mostly to himself, though Jaemin catches it and turns his attention back to him.

"You're good, Renjun."

Renjun looks up, taken aback. "Excuse me?"

"You are so good, Renjun," Jaemin repeats without missing a beat. "You're not like Lucas or Hendery or those that attack and target and kill. You're better than them. And so, I want you to live. Plus, Mark would definitely kill me if you die."

Renjun's lips twitch into a smile and he lowers his head. "You two spoke then."


"So you know."

"I do."

Renjun stays quiet. He's taking a bite out of his piece of cake, eyes fluttered shut and lashes kissing his cheeks. He looks absolutely beautiful and as mesmerizing as ever. He clears his throat.

"One more reason," he says.

Renjun nods. "Shoot."

"Life without you would suck," he says, pointing the cake fork at him for emphasis. "Or at least I'd hate it. So I think you sticking around would be great." He digs the fork into the cake and starts eating his piece.

"Life without you would suck too," Renjun murmurs.

The atmosphere around them has dulled completely. Jaemin stares at his piece for a while, the silence around them seeming to intensify. He lifts his head and they're staring at each other again.

"I have to say, though, I don't know how I'd feel dating a vampire," he keeps his voice low so their conversation doesn't travel nor is it overheard.

Renjun is fighting a smile as he lowers his head, but it's horrible; he sucks at fighting off the smile because the next thing Jaemin knows, the smile is reaching Renjun's eyes and he looks brighter than when they met up. Hell, he looks brighter than he has the last few days.

"Well," he says with a soft chuckle, "If I can date a hunter, surely you can date a vampire." Renjun takes Jaemin's hand in his own and he's smiling again, just a tad softer this time.

And Jaemin supposes that this is okay. After everything they've been through, he supposes it wouldn't be so bad to try this out.

He gives Renjun's hand a gentle squeeze.

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