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The next few days are a little dull, but having Renjun there was better than what other college kids tend to do during this time, or at least so he has heard.

His dad is often out, working so it's always just Renjun and himself. Their days consist of Jaemin showing him around while their evenings consisted of watching movies while eating take-out. Renjun insisted they should cook at least once, but Jaemin said that was for people who weren't on break, which last he checked, they were. Though it was mostly joking on his part and Renjun seemed to pick up on that.

This morning when he wakes up, his dad isn't home. There's a note taped to the fridge explaining his whereabouts, which brings relief to Jaemin. Somewhat. His dad no longer worked as a vampire hunter, so he was glad he remained safe in whatever his current job is.

Jaemin starts on breakfast, figuring Renjun would be up any time soon and food already prepared would be better than food he would still be required to prepare. He's halfway through when his phone goes off. He takes a single glance at the screen before swiping accept, eyes focused on the pancakes in front of him. "A little early for a phone call, don't you think?" he says jokingly. But when Jisung doesn't respond, Jaemin frowns. "Sung, is everything alright?"

Murmur in the background indicates speaking, and then a moment later, he's clearing his throat. "Hey, sorry. I know it is early." Jisung sounds so apologetic that Jaemin insists it is quite alright.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?" Jaemin asks out of genuine curiosity. He and Jisung have barely even messaged each other since the semester break started so completely skipping over that step and going straight to the phone call was just a tad bit worrying.

"Can't I check up on my friend?" Jaemin doesn't respond, which leads to a sigh from Jisung. "Fine," he mutters. "I did want to check up on you, but that wasn't why I was calling."

"Clearly," Jaemin bites sarcastically.

"Kun phoned me not too long ago," Jisung explains. Which couldn't be good news. Considering their lecturer only spoke when they were in class or in a state of emergency. That, and the fact that he had gone as far as calling Jisung, he couldn't help feeling unsettled. "He called about Hendery. Apparently there was an attack at campus. A lot of the kids who were staying over break are missing right now and they have no idea what to do."

Jaemin sucks in a breath. "He called to tell you because you run the site," he voices aloud, which Jisung confirms with a hum.

"I just thought to tell you before you got to campus to find a bunch of flyers or before you decided to check the site and see that it's been updated quite a bit," the younger boy explains.

"Yeah, I would have killed you for not telling me." This has Jisung snickering. "Thanks for telling me," he adds, almost as an afterthought. "Can I trust you'll keep me updated?"

"Of course." That signals the end of their conversation, both boys exchanging goodbyes after a little catch up on their part (Jisung apparently went home alone. When Jaemin asked about Chenle, Jisung only seemed to grow quieter. So, Jaemin changed the topic of the conversation, much to the clear relief of Jisung), and Jaemin puts his phone down on the table. Flipping the pancakes, he adds it to the batch that has already finished. He should have asked how they were so sure it was Hendery, but he only thought of it now.

"Is everything alright?" Jaemin turns around so fast, his body actually hurts a little. Scrunching his face, he grips the counter tightly to keep him from falling.

"Yeah, yeah, everything is fine," Jaemin assures. Though his words don't seem to reach Renjun in the way they should have as he comes to stand in front of Jaemin and eases him into standing up straight. His eyes flicker across every single part of him before he wraps his arms around Jaemin and smiles.

"You better not be lying," Renjun whispers. He leans his head forward and for a moment, Jaemin thinks he's going to kiss him, but then his head is beside his own and Renjun is peaking into the pan. "Looks good," he comments. Laughing, Jaemin shoves him away.

"That counts as exploitation," he says between chuckles, turning around to flip the pancake. "Go and sit down. Breakfast will be ready shortly." Rather than the retreating footsteps he expects to hear, the sound of the kettle turning on sounds through the kitchen. Cupboards opening and closing until the sound of clinking cups sound, and Jaemin has to hold back a smile as he points to the drawer with the cutlery. A faint, murmured thank you is offered as Renjun passes him. He doesn't need to ask what it is Jaemin wants so he finishes up the coffee as Jaemin finishes the last pancakes.

"For the record, it may be considered the furthest thing from exploitation," Renjun whispers in his ear. Jaemin flushes, accepting the two plates being offered. He gets the butter, chocolate spread, whip cream and sprinkles and the two make their way to the living room. They're at least a seat apart as they dig into the breakfast, Jaemin settling for some cartoon with bears and a catchy as hell theme song to play in the background. He leans into Renjun when he's finished and closes his eyes, humming along to the tune of the theme song as the next episode plays.

"What do you have planned for today?" Renjun queries in the midst of a sip. He's looking over at him as he awaits a reply.

Jaemin hums. "Nothing special. Today's the perfect weather for walking around aimlessly. Maybe we can do a lunch date after," he replies. When he looks over, Renjun is smiling. "Does that sound alright?" he asks hesitantly.

"Sounds perfect."

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