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The next few days come hard for Jaemin; sleep is a complete mystery to him and when he does manage to find it, he's met with flashes of the attack. Renjun asks how he has been sleeping every day after that; Jaemin thinks he knows, but he hasn't said anything so he lies and says he's slept well in reply. He manages in about sixty per cent of his classes for the week while the other forty per cent is a complete blur. When Friday rolls around, he's glad he didn't register for any classes that took place on these days.

He's also exhausted and slightly disappointed in himself. Really, who could blame him? He wanted to be a hunter and here he is getting shaken by every attack that comes his way. So much so that it's elicited night terrors in the process. How could he possibly be a hunter if he constantly ran away like that?

He's cross legged on his bed and going through his mind maps when his phone goes off with a message. It's a reply from Jisung. The morning he decided to message the younger male; it was the first time since the coffee shop incident. He reads it and catches himself smiling. Will be over shortly!!

Class? Jaemin responds.

His phone dings. Screw it. I'll catch up.

A moment later, there's a knock at the door. He untangles himself to go and answer it and before he can even greet Jisung, he's tackled into a hug. Jaemin tenses, eyes wide and surprised. "I should have messaged sooner, but I was still asleep." His arms drop to his sides and he takes a step back, eyes taking in every aspect of Jaemin. "You're not hurt?" He ensures even though that was the first ten messages from the other as soon as he explained over text. Then came the phone call and the scolding and he had to hang up because he needed to head to the showers and then came his reply and, well, here he was.

"I'm not hurt, Jisung. Just as I've told you repeatedly before needing to convince you to head to the showers." Although it's serious, Jaemin smiles teasingly. Jisung immediately eases.

"Well, then, you should get done."

"Done?" Jaemin queries. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Well, yeah. We're going to see Taeyong."


When they get to the bar, there's another person behind the counter. Jisung, as unfazed as ever, walks over and takes a seat. When he casts a glance over, Jaemin sighs and joins him.

"Well hello to you too," Taeyong greets. He's already pouring a glass of coke while the new guy pours the sprite. Involuntarily, Jaemin finds himself eyeing the guy. He's taller than Taeyong, if only by a couple of metres, and he's got this completely innocent look to him; small face, small eyes and dark hair everywhere in his face. He looks as if he's got a permanent pout. When he's finished pouring Jisung's drink, he's eyes flicker to somewhere behind Jaemin and then he turns to Taeyong. "Not too late," is all he says before he steps out from behind the counter and hands over the apron to someone. Instead of walking to the front doors, though, he makes his way to the back area where the stairs are.

In his place comes a male no taller than the man who just left, but still about a centimetre taller than Taeyong himself. He's fingers move quickly as he ties the apron behind him despite Taeyong offering help, and then he leans against the counter, directly in front of Jisung. His lips pull into a smile. He's all thick eyebrows (nicer than Kun's, really) and sharp jawline and thin but wide eyes and floppy dark hair that he brushes away from his face with his hand. Then his eyes flicker to Jaemin and he tilts his head. "You're new," he notes; his voice is thick, but you wouldn't think it was coming from him if you had to match it up with his face; it's melodic in a way, and despite how uninviting and displeased he sounded, his voice was almost soothing the way a cup of tea would be on a cold day. He turns to look at Taeyong. "He's new." He speaks as if Jaemin isn't sitting right in front of the two of them.

"I'm not new," Jaemin scolds and the boy looks over. "You're new. I haven't seen you around since I've been coming here." He turns his attention to Taeyong. "Nor the man he just switched places with."

"Well I haven't seen you around and I've been here for a good couple of years," the male retorts, lifting a single brow.

"The guy from before is Doyoung," Jisung pipes in. "Taeyong's roommate," he explains, adding extra emphasis on the word 'roommate' than necessary. A single glance at Taeyong rolling his eyes is enough to know that there's a story there, but he doesn't think it'll be appropriate to ask. "And this is Xiaojunnie."

"It's Xiaojun," the boy corrects. He's leaning against the counter, arms crossed and openly staring at Jaemin. He doesn't like the vibe this guy gives off, but if he works here, he supposes he can't much have any sort of opinion on it.

Jaemin returns his attention to Taeyong. "So, are they?"

"Doyoung isn't involved in any of this," he informs. "And he won't have anything to do with it as far as I'm concerned," he looks at Jisung as he says this and the younger pouts but remains silent.

"But he is?" Jaemin gestures to Xiaojun.

"Yeah. One of the best, actually," Taeyong comments.

Jaemin nods. Jisung places both hands firmly against the counter to get their attention and when all three sets of eyes are on him, he lowers into his seat and pulls a face. "Look, we came here because we needed to talk to you, Taeyong. Jaemin was attacked again."

"Again?" The surprise in Taeyong's tone leaves him fairly unsettled as he watches the way the male's eyes widen. Then they return to their normal size and his expression turns serious as though he's processing or contemplating the information that has just been given to him. Jaemin wonders if it's odd.

"Do you want to explain?" Xiaojun queries. Jaemin realizes that it's him the other male was talking to.

"In the last few weeks I've encountered a vampire twice," he supplies. "I'm not too sure why they're surprised."

Xiaojun's eyes flicker in understanding. "It's not often that you get to encounter a vampire twice. Both were at your university, as well?" When Jaemin nods, the male continues. "Then that's definitely unusual. Were they the same one? If so, it could be that they've targeted you."

"Targeted me? What do you mean by that?"

Xiaojun hums while Taeyong and Jisung remain silent.

"I mean that vampires have a tendency to target their prey. Once their eyes have landed on whatever it is they're hunting, they won't let it go until they've gotten their prey's blood." He leans back against the counter, eyes glued to Jaemin though he suspects it's out of interest. "You never said whether they were the same."

"I never caught sight of the first attacker. Not the way I saw this one." For some reason, he feels embarrassed to admit. Especially with how smug Xiaojun looked right in that moment.

"Well then, if it happens again, I think it'll be safe to assume you've been targeted."

"It's what most hunters wish for," Taeyong pipes in then and Jaemin looks at him. "It's easier to get a first kill that way."

Despite what he says, Jaemin cannot help but feel incredibly uneasy. Especially with the way Xiaojun made it sound. It made him feel useless and completely inexperienced in the hunting department. He still didn't much like the vibe the guy gave off. He was far too proud for Jaemin's liking; the complete opposite to the submissiveness of Taeyong. If he compared their vibes, Taeyong was much more humble and seemingly respectful no matter your class.

As Jisung and he leave, Taeyong suggests the two go and see Kun. Jaemin almost forgot that Taeyong knew the professor. It almost felt like the two were two whole words apart.

"We should go tomorrow," Jisung suggests and Jaemin easily agrees. It's far too late to find Kun now and it might be considered inappropriate if they went to the lecturers building, especially this late.

When Jaemin gets to the room, Renjun is still awake.

"You alright?" Renjun asks while Jaemin changes. He locks the door and goes to bed. He glances over at the window; Renjun closes it and shuts the latch.

"I'm alright," Jaemin assures. When his head hits the pillow, he's out like a light.

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