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When they get to the bar, Doyoung is behind the bar. Kun walks ahead of them, already seated by the time Jisung and Jaemin take their seats. Doyoung greets them with a pleasant smile. "Taeyong will be right with you guys," he informs them before walking over to a customer by one of the tables.

"Is it weird to be nervous?" Jisung whispers. His eyes are darting all over the place while his hands grip tightly at the bar counter, knuckles turning white.

"I don't blame you," Jaemin mumbles in reply. He shifts in his seat as he follows Jisung's gaze to where Taeyong rounds the corner and makes his way behind the bar. He's already made two drinks before he seemed to notice the three of them sitting there. He takes a deep breath before turning fully to face them.

"Xiaojun and Winwin will be here soon," Taeyong says. As if on cue, Xiaojun joins Taeyong behind the bar counter while Winwin takes a seat beside Kun. They're all dressed as if they've just come from a funeral. It is as Yangyang hurries in and takes a seat, dressed the very same way, that Jaemin catches sight of the stake sticking out from his inside pocket. When he catches Jaemin's gaze, he flashes a smile as he adjusts his coat before turning back to Taeyong.

"Have you started anything yet?" Yangyang asks and it's clear that the question is directed at Taeyong. The latter shakes his head in response.

"I thought that I would wait until everyone was here," he explains, although his gaze focuses on Jaemin. "Firstly, I heard about you getting attacked, but I think we can talk about that after." While he's still speaking, Jaemin shoots Jisung a look.

"So, if it's not about Newbie being attacked again, then what is it?" Xiaojun queries. A flare of annoyance rises in his chest, but Jaemin remains silent as he keeps his gaze steady on Taeyong.

"Well," Taeyong starts, taking in a deep breath before his gaze flickers to Winwin and Yangyang before he continues. "We've come to notice that there are attacks happening in daylight."

"Is that even possible?" Jaemin asks. He knows it may be a dumb question, but considering all vampires had a tendency to attack in the evening, he had to. He knew, however possible it had become, that they didn't exactly burn in the sunlight (and no, they definitely did not sparkle, no matter what Stephanie Meyer wrote), but even then they seemed to be content with keeping up their acts of normality and settling for evening attacks.

"Well, we never considered it impossible, but up until recently, none of them have so much as tried to attack during the day," Taeyong supplies.

"And now they have," Jaemin, despite himself, states the obvious. Taeyong nods.

"How did you find out?" Jisung queries. He's leaning forward, wide eyes focused on Taeyong who, sighing, leans forward on both elbows.

"We got word from the head. People have been found dead in their homes and completely drained of blood." There's a long moment of silence as everyone takes in the information that has just been given to them, but the moment it actually settles in, it's, by much surprise, Yangyang who makes a sound of distress.

"Is that what I think it means?" Yangyang asks him. If Taeyong could give them the full story with little to no pauses like he was currently doing, Jaemin thinks they would already be in the phase of dealing with the matter, or rather the discussion of dealing with it.

"Whoever these vampires are, they're being invited inside and feeding off people of the household." He stands up straight and tilts his head, as though he's considering something. His eyes flicker somewhere behind them. Without looking, Jaemin somehow knows that he's looking at Doyoung. When his gaze turns back to them, his eyes are intense and he looks more than just determined. "Once the head investigates the situation a little more, we'll be allowed to hunt out the vampires that are doing this."

"So no plan of action as of yet?" Winwin questions.

Taeyong confirms this with a shake of his head. "Not yet. I wanted to inform you so that you were aware. So you don't easily let down your guards during the day." Once everyone gives their own affirmation, Taeyong turns to Jisung and Jaemin. "So tell me about this attack," he says and though he's looking at Jisung, Jaemin is quite aware that he's the one being spoken to.

"It wasn't at campus or anything," Jaemin says as though trying to reassure Taeyong. "It happened back home," he informs and then goes into an explanation of what had occurred.

"Sounds tough, Newbie," Xiaojun snickers. Jaemin shoots a glare before turning back to Taeyong.

"Although it doesn't matter. It was taken care of. Our main focus has to be the current vampire attacks," he states. "You'll keep us updated?" Though he knows it wasn't even a question, he wanted to make sure.

"Of course."

Considering they just got there, Jaemin, Jisung and Kun stayed for a little while. Occasionally the topic of the daylight attacks would resurface and each time, it made Jaemin worry even more. Not so much for himself but for Haechan and Renjun, hell even Mark. The topic would be shifted to something else and for an hour and a half, they sat sort of laughing. Jaemin got the impression that Xiaojun didn't like him much, but when put together with Yangyang, he was way more civil.

Jaemin, Jisung and Kun got back to campus before it got quite dark. They parted ways and when Jaemin got to his room, Haechan wasn't there. He considered waiting up for Renjun, but the moment his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

When he woke up during the middle of the night, his brows furrowed when he noticed that Renjun wasn't in bed. He considered sending a message, but it was far too late. Instead, he got up to lock the door and shut the window. Despite himself, he sent a message to Renjun before he went back to sleep.

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