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Thinking about their conversation was scary. The fact that not even the oldest of hunters had faced a vampire this old (because apparently, all hunters have not failed to kill the vampires of their time. But that information got mixed somewhere down the line because Hendery was one of the eighteenth century vampires. Meaning someone in the hunter line either didn't know he existed, couldn't keep up with him, failed to kill him or died themselves.)

Apparently, some hunters are assigned vampires to kill. Or at least, that is how it used to be. Even his dad used to tell him stories like that. But that was way back when they could be in one place altogether. A vampire attack occurred in the late nineteenth century and the hunters organisation (or whatever they wished to be called) decided that for the safety of their hunters, and the higher chances of going unseen when hunting them down, they should split up. And that's how the bars were created. There's one in every city with as little hunters as possible.

He kept thinking back to the night of the attack. The face of the vampire and how he was no longer unknown. Much like Lucas, he now had a name. (A name and a face to place in his nightmares.)

"Are you okay?" Haechan is frowning when Jaemin looks at him. He's been so dazed that he lost himself for a moment.

He offers Haechan a smile. "I'm alright," he says, eyes falling back to the notes in front of him.

Exam week (it's what they called it around here even though it lasted at least two weeks) was practically around the corner and Jaemin would be damned if he let himself fail because he was too busy worrying about a vampire that he hasn't crossed paths with since the club. Nevermind the fact that he was still bothered he and Renjun haven't gotten a chance to speak since their kiss. Which felt even weirder.

"You seem out of it," his roommate notes. He's picked up that Haechan does this often. He tends to ask a question and then he'll note the reason he asked the question. Jaemin knows he doesn't need a reply and so, instead, he apologizes softly. The two go back to work in silence. It's like this for the first three hours, the two ensuring that they take breaks between.

It's into the late afternoon and approximately hour five when there is a knock at their door. Jaemin looks up from his book long enough to share a glance with Haechan who nods his head in the direction of the door. Jaemin rolls his eyes and goes back to looking at the door. There is certainly no point in him answering if it's just going to be Mark again (he always came around hour five, like it was some sort of schedule though knowing the two of them, it probably is.)

"Are you going to answer or should we tell them to come in?" Haechan queries.

"Do I really have a choice?"

"Not really but it usually feels better when you think that you do," Haechan grins. Jaemin cannot help but roll his eyes as he gets up from the bed and goes to open the door. He expects to find Mark standing outside, but instead, when he lifts his gaze, he's surprised to see Renjun instead.

He seems nervous as he stands there with his thumbs hooked into the pockets of his jeans and the rigidness in his shoulders. Despite the fact that he was the one who came here, he looked more surprised than Jaemin felt when he looked up. His lips pull into a smile, but it doesn't seem all too real. It's like he's way too nervous to even be smiling in the first place. His eyes keep flickering from Jaemin to the floor and then to Haechan.

"Hey," he says. There's a twinkle in his eye. A twinkle that tells Jaemin the other has some sort of plan. He isn't just here for Haechan, no. There's something else on his agenda.

"Hey," Jaemin replies politely. He wants to hit himself. "What brings you here?" he adds on, and this time allows a mental pat on the back. He leans against the doorway, arms folded across his chest as he watches the other.

"Could I borrow you for a little bit?"

Jaemin almost smiles. "Borrow me?"

"Yes," he stammers and Jaemin cannot recall a single moment that Renjun ever stammered (and maybe it's the cutest thing ever.) "Borrow you. Not that you're an item to borrow but perhaps we could go somewhere and I could borrow your time," he rushes. This time Jaemin actually smiles because Renjun who always seemed soft and perfect and incapable of nerves was nervous and showing it.

"Sure, you can borrow my time," Jaemin replies. "I wouldn't mind."

Renjun nods and he looks like he's ready to say something but decides against it. Jaemin pushes himself to a stand and tells Haechan he'll be back soon. (He caught Haechan smirking as he shut the door which felt a little weird.)

"So where are you taking me to borrow my time?" Jaemin asks when the silence surrounds them. He and Renjun walk side by side as they make their way down the stairs and he can't help but wonder where he was being taken. The only other thing more prominent in his mind is why his time was being requested for borrowing.

"Thought you might like some coffee." Jaemin glances at Renjun who looks pleased and it's most definitely because he knows he isn't wrong.

They head to the little cafe (God forbid Jaemin ever took note of the name of the place. It had the smallest little sign above the doorway and majority of the time, he barely noticed it when he was entering no matter who he was with. It wasn't like the other little cafes nor the diners that had their name on the window and they didn't have specially marked cutlery with their name. Really it was only that little sign) and sit down at the table Jaemin always managed to occupy when he came around.

"So," Renjun says once the waitress is done taking their order (mostly just asking Renjun wanted and confirming whether Jaemin would have his regular). His hands are folded together in front of him and Jaemin doesn't miss the way he's fiddling with his fingers.

"So," Jaemin repeats, and he offers a soft smile, "It's been a while, hasn't it?" he asks. Of course they've seen each other since the kiss. Renjun is the one often occupying the bed in their dorm room so they always see each other, but it's never long enough. It's been a while since they've gotten to sit the way they're sitting now and he thinks this may have been the reason Renjun showed up. If they didn't talk about the kiss at some point, were they ever going to?

"Yeah, it has." Renjun smiles. The waitress brings their orders and Renjun switches to holding his cup rather than fiddling with his hands. "You probably know that I brought you here for a reason," he chuckles.

"Well, I'd be worried if I didn't."

"I've done some thinking. Since that day," Renjun explains and before Jaemin can so much as try to think over the words placed in front of him, he continues. "Jaemin, will you go out with me?"

His heart stops. For a split second, his heart stops and then it's speeding up and he's too scared to pick up his cup because either his hands will be shaking or he'll only end up dropping it.

"Go out with you?" he manages after a screeching halt of a moment. Renjun's eyes flicker.

"Yeah," he says and clears his throat. He lifts his gaze and they're looking each other dead in the eye as he continues. "Jaemin, will you go out with me? Will you be my boyfriend?"

He looks so nervous that Jaemin wants to reach over the table and hug him. He wants to tell him it's okay. But he doesn't. Instead, he stretches out an arm and places a hand over Renjun's hand and he smiles.

"Yes, I will."

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