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"So you're absolutely sure your dad isn't going to hate me?"

They've been over this before they so much as left the dorm room, never mind leaving the campus yet. To say that Renjun was nervous would be the biggest understatement of the year.

Before they left, Jaemin stopped by to say goodbye to Jisung who even seemed to be able to tell how nervous Renjun was. He tried assuring the other, but when the question of whether he had met Jaemin's father came up, the little, budding relief deteriorated into thin air and Renjun was an anxious ball.

"I'm absolutely sure, Ren," Jaemin murmurs as he pulls into the parking lot of a McDonalds. They were halfway to his house already and he figured they could use the bathroom break; that and they hadn't gotten a chance to eat anything other than snacks so Jaemin figured now was as good of a time as any.

They climb out together and make their way inside. Rather than waiting inside the actual bathroom like some creep, Jaemin goes to place an order when he comes out to find no Renjun. (Considering he already knows what Renjun likes, he figures this would shorten the waiting period for their food. The place was moderately filled with people and there was a short queue.) Accepting the slip, he makes his way over to a table.

Renjun joins him a few moments later and for a brief couple of minutes, they sit in pure silence. Until Jaemin turns to him. "You know, you seem exceptionally nervous about the idea of meeting my dad," he starts. He watches the way Renjun's eyes cloud over and his shoulders tense like he knows there's going to be a question and he isn't sure how to brace himself for it. Nonetheless, Jaemin continues. "Have you met a partner's parents before? Or is this a first?" He questions, hoping to ease his tone as much as possible.

Renjun looks him in the eye and his gaze softens. "I just haven't had the best track record with parents," he admits, gaze flickering over to the counter as they call out a number. "And I kind of just want to make a good impression, you know?"

It means more to him than he would ever admit to Renjun. His dad was the most important person in his life so knowing how much Renjun was willing to do to gain approval was such a heartwarming move. Jaemin smiles and shakes his head. "Just be yourself," he tells his boyfriend. Standing up, he tugs the other boy's sleeve as they go to the counter to collect their items.

"Last I checked, I made a terrible first impression with you," Renjun whines.

He chuckles. "Perhaps, but I thought you were interesting. Last I checked interest isn't such a terrible impression," he reminds him. They climb into the car and they're off again.

After much insistence and proof that he can drive, Renjun switches places with Jaemin. "You're dozing off at the wheel. We cannot be getting into a car accident because you're too stubborn to believe me." His cheeks were all puffed as he said this that Jaemin simply couldn't not give in. And so, for the rest of the drive, he's asleep in the passenger seat (Jaemin plucked in the coordinates to his house so Renjun could follow the GPS.) Renjun shook him awake for what felt like seconds after he'd fallen asleep, but in actual fact was a good half an hour. When he looked up, they were outside the little cottage sized house Jaemin called home. He could barely hold the smile that broke across his face (although that was after the first few moments of him waking up and taking everything in.)

"We're here," he tells Renjun as though the other hadn't been the one to drive them there. "We're actually here, Junnie!" he practically exclaims as he wraps his arms around Renjun in a tight embrace. He's far too excited to be calm right now, and when Renjun returns his embrace just as tightly, he tells himself that it is okay to be excited.

They pull apart and Renjun offers a timid smile. "Shall we go and meet my death in the face?" he jokes. Without waiting for an answer, he climbs out of the car and Jaemin follows a moment later. Together, they grab their bags from the trunk.


"As I'll ever be," Renjun mutters.

Jaemin lifts a hand to knock, but before his hand touches the door, it swings open and he's pulled into a hug. He releases his hold of the bags and wraps his arms around his father in a returning embrace and it's so warm and not like any hug he's received in a while because this is his dad and it's actually him. For a moment, he feels like a kid again. He's always been smaller than his dad, but the way they're hugging now hasn't happened in years.

"Welcome home, Minnie," he hears his dad whisper as they pull apart. Jaemin cannot help but smile.

"Hey, dad."

When his dad's smile falters for a moment, he follows his gaze and he almost smacks himself for forgetting about Renjun. He picks the bags back up and then throws an arm around the other, though Renjun and his dad seem to be having some sort of staring contest.

"Dad," Jaemin practically announces, "This is Renjun. Renjun, this is my dad."

There isn't much acknowledgement from either of them. Though his dad does realize that they've been standing outside for quite some time and steps aside for them to come in (though Jaemin caught their neighbours staring from their balcony so maybe that had to do with why they were being ushered in as though hiding some big secret celebrity.) The door shuts behind them while Jaemin is taking everything in; it's like he's come to something of the past. It's just how he remembers it.

Except a little messier.

"I messed up your return date," his father excuses. "I'll start cleaning up. You and Renjun can settle in."

"Are you sure? I could always help if you need it."

His dad smiles. "No, it's fine. Go and settle in."

Jaemin narrows his eyes, but he's still smiling. "You're going to ask me to make supper, aren't you?"

"I've got all your ingredients ready," his dad grins. It's odd, Jaemin thinks. He's always thought that. His dad had what kids would consider a scary face, so whenever he smiled, it almost didn't seem to fit, or seemed unexpected and out of character. But Jaemin liked it when he was smiling considering it was most of his life. He preferred seeing a smile rather than a scowl. "So you and Renjun can head inside and settle in while I clean up."

Considering the finality in the tone, Jaemin doesn't push further. Instead, he turns around and nudges his head in the direction of the rooms. Renjun follows behind him. It isn't too far of a walk. The house was small, with only two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a and a kitchen that looked out into the backyard. He leads Renjun down the passage to the room at the very end. Considering the door never closed properly, he nudges it open with his hip and walks in. Placing the bags down, he turns around. "Watch the mattress," he says as Renjun walks in.

He places the bags down on the bed and turns around to take in Jaemin's room. It isn't much, but it's home, Jaemin thinks. A desk beside the doorway, his bed along the wall to his left and next to the window, his cupboard on the other side, along the wall to his right and a bookshelf just beside it, filled with books, manga and little collectibles. A kid's room, he thinks as he takes in the marvel, dc and harry potter posters (some even on the ceiling because there wasn't space on the walls.) Definitely what he's seeing. A kid's room, he thinks, and he wants to hide.

"So this is where you grew up?" His voice is gentle, and warm. As he turns around, he's smiling.

"You think it's funny." Jaemin looks away, crossing his arms. He's about to say something else when a set of hands cup the sides of his cheeks and his head is guided until he's lips are touching Renjun's. His eyes flutter closed, and the kiss is brief.

"It's wonderful having the opportunity to see where you grew up," Renjun whispers. Jaemin places his hands over his boyfriend's and smiles sheepishly. He takes a step back and nods toward the door.

They make their way inside where his father has finished cleaning up and after much assurance that it would be okay, Jaemin heads to the kitchen while Renjun sits in the living room with his dad. There's the faint murmur of chatter, which he takes as a good sign. By the time the food is done, his dad and Renjun are watching a movie which the three continue as they eat together around their little coffee table.

This is a great break he's managed to catch, Jaemin thinks, considering all the attacks he's managed to come to face in the last few months.

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