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He hasn't seen Haechan in weeks.

The week prior to Renjun's staying over, they exchanged numbers (which according to Haechan had been way overdue) and so, he's been constantly updated with whether his roommate would be coming home or not. Of course, it was especially due to their overlapping class schedules which kept them from running into each other when they stopped by their room between classes.

This also means that Renjun has spent a lot of weeks around the room. Not that Jaemin could really complain because for one, he did initially agree to this arrangement and for another, it didn't really bother him that the other male was around. Sometimes it was distracting.

The only thing he worried about was whether his roommate was still alive and okay. As per the schedule, Jaemin has been training alongside Jisung for about two weeks now with the help of Taeyong, and of course, because Jisung was ahead of him in training, occasionally him as well. In these two weeks, Jisung has managed to constantly keep the student site uptodate (Jaemin never really brought it up, even when they were alone. He didn't want to talk aloud in the event they could be overheard.) The amount of disappearances that occurred only increased and he ended up texting Mark (because Haechan insisted they exchange numbers in case he couldn't be reached) who he hasn't heard from either. When Mark replied an hour later, Jaemin sighed in relief.

"You did well today," Taeyong says as he returns from the bathroom. "You know, for only four years of training, you're actually better than some hunters who have trained for like ten years." Taeyong wasn't like Jisung. He complimented and awarded achievements where he thought the person deserved them. Jisung would subtly hint at him being good but sometimes you couldn't tell whether he was insulting you or whether he was joking (it was always a joke.)

"Is that even possible?" Jaemin asks curiously.

"Usually when they get to their fifth or sixth year, they believe they've accomplished all that they can and they tend to stop training the way they should. So really while you have your four years, you've kept training. Maybe you didn't have the same advantages or tools or luxuries or environment they had but you continued. By the time you're in your sixth year, they'd be stuck there even though they've been a hunter for ten years," he informs and then he smiles like he's proud and maybe he is but Jaemin doesn't want to think that he's made the other proud because maybe he's just imagining it. "It's pretty cool that you only want to improve. I hope you don't stop like the rest of them did," he says.

"I hope so too." Jaemin smiles.

"Sorry you're out so late," he apologises when he checks the time. "Will you be okay to head out on your own?"

Jaemin nods. "Yeah, I will. Thank you." Jisung didn't come today. He had a big test for one of his other classes that he was struggling with and so, he and a few other students had a study session for today. He messaged a little before Jaemin started getting ready to inform him that he wouldn't be able to make it; the session was running later than planned.

Taeyong walked him out; the training room was up the stairs that Jaemin had spotted when he first came here. The upstairs was divided into two sections and the other half happened to be Taeyong's bedroom (because apparently, he found it easier managing a bar that way.)

He's just about to climb into his car when he catches sight of a sign. Turning around, he spots a coffee shop two stores away from the bar. Taking a glance at the time, he thinks he has enough time for just a cup so instead, he locks his car again and then heads to the place. It's completely empty except for a group of people at a table in the corner. Even the employees seemed disinterested.

He gets seated immediately and is thankful when they ask whether he wished for a particular seat. He gets a window seat and a menu is placed in front of him. He doesn't bother looking at it as he pulls out his phone. After replying to Jisung and Mark, he lifts his head and looks out of the window. There's a bookstore (a sign; the bookshoppe hovers over it) which, from what he can make out, is still open. He starts taking in the passersby (which were way less than there were during the day.)

Just as the waiter comes to get his order, he hears his name called out softly. Without even looking up, he knows who it is. He's spent two weeks in a dorm room with this person (more than two weeks, really, but that's beside the point.) They've been helping each other study and they've managed to not once bring up the occurrence of the attack.


The waiter turns to him. "Are you two together?"

Renjun and Jaemin share a look and then Renjun nods. "Yeah. But you can take our orders. I know what I'll have," he says and the waiter smiles. He seems pleased with this and so, he does as he's asked. When he leaves, Renjun takes a seat across from Jaemin and tilts his head. "What brings you here?" he asks.

"I come through on weekends now. I was actually about to leave when I saw this place." He looks at the other. "What about you?"

"I came through for some things and stopped at the bookstore over there," he says, nudging his head in the direction of the store across the street. "One of my favourites."

"You come here often?" Jaemin asks. "How good is their coffee?"

At this, Renjun's lips pull into one of the widest smiles and Jaemin finds himself flustered. "Their coffee does not disappoint. I promise you that."

When the waiter returns, he places their drinks down and walks off. Jaemin and Renjun share a smile before passing each other's drinks over. He grabs a sugar sachet and stirs his coffee. He looks up at Renjun who was already looking at him. They've been trading off conversation topics when his phone goes off with a message.

"Check it," Renjun says. "It's okay."

He does. "It's from Haechan. He's staying at Mark's again," Jaemin informs the other male. Renjun nods and Jaemin locks his phone before looking up. "It's actually getting pretty late," he says. "We should head back." They call the waiter for the bill and he brings it shortly after.

Renjun looks at him, eyebrows disappearing under the hair covering his forehead. "We?"

Jaemin tilts his head. "Well, yeah. We're going to the same place and since Haechan is sleeping out again, you're going to be in the room," he says. Drinking the last of the coffee, he pulls out his wallet. "There's no need for you to be heading back with a bus or cab or something."

Before he can so much as pull out any cash, the bill is placed down with the money sticking out from underneath. Jaemin looks up.

"If you're giving me a ride, I can at least pay the bill." Renjun stands up and without another word, Jaemin stands up after and they walk out together. They're practically shoulder to shoulder as they make it to the car and Jaemin makes his way to the driver seat while Renjun climbs into the passenger seat. Jaemin waits until they've got their seatbelts on before he starts the car and drives off.

"Mind if I put on the radio?"

"Mind?" Jaemin almost scoffs. "Please, go ahead," he says. It's been forever since he's put the radio on. Every time he and Jisung came to this side, they were constantly talking (mostly from Jisung's side) so it stayed off and since he never really used the car alone, he's gotten used to keeping it off.

When the familiarity of the Ed Sheeran song fills the car, he finds himself almost smiling.

"I can turn it up right?" Renjun confirms before actually turning it up. "I love this song."

"Really?" Jaemin smiles. "Me too." When he glances at Renjun, the other is smiling. He leans himself against the window and he's looking out of it. His hair is all messy and covering parts of his face and his entire body is slumped into the passenger seat.

"You've got good taste," he hears Renjun murmur just as he returns his gaze to the road. Jaemin wants to tell him that so does he, but he doesn't. His voice feels so completely gone and he doesn't know why. All he knows is that somehow, as he glances at Renjun who now had his eyes closed, he can't help but think how absolutely, remarkable and astonishingly beautiful the other made someone being human look.

And really how it scared the hell out of him. 

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