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"Why did Lucas tell you all of this?" Xiaojun queries, leaning against the counter between Yangyang and Kun's seats. After Kun gave them the news, Taeyong disappeared in the back and an hour later, Xiaojun, Yangyang and another male (who Jaemin had never seen before) walked in, though Taeyong hadn't returned. A moment after they seated themselves, or well, in which Yangyang and the other guy seated themselves, he was introduced to Winwin (who, apparently preferred that to his actual name. Jaemin found out that the same went for Yangyang as well as a few other hunters and it went against their pride to give off their names so easily.) Unlike Xiaojun, Winwin was completely quiet during discussions and group conversations, Jaemin noted. Dark hair gelled out of his face showed off the full lips and dark, shaped eyebrows and his face was shaped by a jawline that looked as if it could cut butter. He was pretty, Jaemin had to admit. And by the sounds of things, in the same sort of relationship as Kun; with a vampire. It irritated Jaemin, how they could easily just be with vampires when they were in actual fact the enemy and the ones that were being hunted.

"He was drunk," Kun reminds Xiaojun, his voice pulling Jaemin out of whatever thought process his mind decided to take him on. When he looks over at Kun, he notices the grim expression taking over his entire face. Compared to when he walked in, he seemed to be in a worse state. Kun sighs. "He came over and there was a lot of rambling about how he was being forced to do all of this," he explains.

Unable to help himself, Jaemin queries, "All of what?"

It earns him a pointed glare from Xiaojun which he chooses to ignore. Especially as Kun looks ready to tell him. "The recent attacks on his part as well as the plan that is being put into motion."

"How can he not want to do it?"

"Jaemin!" Jisung hisses. "Now isn't the time."

Rolling his eyes, he looks back at Kun as his brows furrow. "Really. He's a vampire is he not? Why would he need to be forced to do all of that stuff if it's in his nature?" While he could feel the glares directed at him, the fact that Kun wasn't was what kept him from feeling even remotely guilty for asking.

When Kun looked at him, Jaemin straightened. "As much as you would like to think that vampires are only vampires, not all of them are bad," Kun states. "Lucas is a good kid. He doesn't like hurting people," he assures. He's leaned forward, hands folded against the counter and his head lowered. Though Jaemin wanted to ask more; wanting to know why Kun believed him, he chose not to. Instead, he turned in his seat and lifted the cup of coffee to his lips. He chooses not to make eye contact with Jisung who he could feel looking his way.

"Well, we should be thankful that Lucas told us." This time, none of them look up as Taeyong makes his way behind the counter. "Or, well, that he told Kun."

"He said I could tell you," Kun informs.

"As if you wouldn't have told us if he didn't," Taeyong replies instantly. He looks at Kun and offers a smile, though it isn't all that genuine. It's odd not seeing Taeyong with a genuine smile. "We would have eventually found out from Winwin seeing as Yuta wouldn't give a shit whether he told us or not."

"He hasn't told me anything yet," Winwin pipes up. Taeyong nods like he knows this. He straightens again and he's got his hands on his hips.

"We would have found out later. Perhaps even far too late for us to do anything, but we didn't. We've found out sooner," he states as though none of them knew this. His expression changes. His eyes shine with such mischievousness, Jaemin can't help but think how much he resembles a child in that moment. A child with some sort of evil plan. Though when he doesn't say anything for a good few moments, Doyoung, who had walked in with him and taken a seat beside the group, stands and nudges his shoulder with one of his hands, his other hand supporting his weight holding him up on the counter. Taeyong snaps out of it and the look is gone; he's back to grinning. "We can formulate a plan. Get to them before they get to us."

Xiaojun makes a disgruntled noise. His eyes scan the lot of them, like he knows they're all thinking the same thing, and with a shake of his head, he says, "I don't think you can. We first need to go to the head. They're going to need to know about this."

"Where do you think I went?" Taeyong queries, as though there's some sort of punchline that failed to reach the rest of them. "I spoke to the head and he permitted that we be the ones to put a plan in place. We're the ones who protect this area and stop any killings that happen here so the responsibility is in our hands," he explains.

With nothing to say to that, Xiaojun switches places with Yangyang after a lot of silent convincing on the latter's part. Yangyang, now standing, leans onto the counter, eyes falling onto Taeyong. "So then what is the plan?" he asks. His tone is soft and it's clear how unsure he is of what their options could possibly be.

"Well, first," Taeyong starts and he's grinning again as he continues, "We need to get into contact with their head."

Jaemin frowns. His mind comes back blank as he tries to recall any of them mentioning the vampires having a head. Sure it seemed odd that they would all think of the same plan on their own and put it into place and it definitely made no sense that they would operate without a leader; it would cause a chaos that could reveal them for what they really were and that would definitely be a major problem.

"Do we know who their head is?" Jaemin asks despite himself.

He and Taeyong share a look and it suddenly clicks. The previous attacks, Lucas and the attack at the club. It had to be someone with superiority; it's just the way vampires worked, he figured. Someone around for the longest, and there was only one with that sort of position as far as the hunters knew.


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