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As per the plan, Jaemin and Renjun end up walking around aimlessly, going in and out of stores and roaming through some for a good full hour and they almost lose track of time, be it not for Renjun who points out that they should probably get lunch before they went back home. Though, having a better idea in mind, Jaemin firmly takes hold of the sleeve of his hoodie and tugs him a few blocks down before pulling him into the town's one and only bookstore. He should have brought Renjun here sooner, perhaps during their date or even the days prior to today, but for whatever reason, it slipped his mind.

The little bell jingles upon their entering, and Jaemin lowers his arm. He turns to Renjun and smiles. "Ta-dah." It comes out much softer than he expected but it doesn't matter because it gets across to Renjun just fine and the look on his face is unbelievable. He's smiling the very way he did the night Jaemin took him on their first date. This time, it is Renjun who holds his hand as he leads him through the isles one by one. He takes his time, looking over to Jaemin every so often as if realizing this fact, but Jaemin assures him with one look and tells him that if they don't make it for lunch, they can head out for an early supper instead. This seems to ease Renjun's troubled expression and he goes back to looking through the shelves. Jaemin watches in quiet amazement. He never thought he'd find someone looking so beautiful doing something so simple. Though it feels much shorter, they end up strolling through the bookstore for a good two and a half hours and it is only when Renjun glances at the time that he decides they should leave. Renjun takes only a few seconds at the counter, leaving with four books in his little packet. They walk hand in hand along the pavement again, discussing their dinner options.

"There's this little restaurant that has the best burgers," Jaemin pipes up, turning fully to Renjun as he stops in his tracks.

"Then we should head there." Renjun starts to walk but Jaemin pulls him back and for a moment, the other seems confused until he's dragged into the little restaurant they had been standing in front of. All the seats are like booths and the waiter takes them down to a little seat near the window in the far back.

They sit across from each other. Renjun picks up his menu first, and there's a smile across his face. He can't help but think that since meeting Renjun, the boy has never smiled this much before. He looked much more like a frowner, when Jaemin first met him. A frowner and some sort of bad boy what with all his smirking and eeriness. Like a vampire, Jaemin thinks and then immediately shakes away the thought because he knows it's impossible. While first impressions are everything, had he been a vampire surely his dad would have said something by now. Regardless, seeing Renjun smile this much was somewhat a blessing.

Early dinner is amazing. They're finished with their food and mostly sitting and laughing as one topic after another comes up. It isn't until it starts getting darker that they decide to leave.

"My dad's wondering if we want to do a movie and dessert," Jaemin murmurs. Renjun nods, insisting they should try and hurry back so as not to keep Mr. Na waiting. Laughing at that, he assures his boyfriend they'll be back in no time and after replying to his father, he's running on ahead, pulling Renjun gently.

It's automatic. The route he takes is subconscious and he doesn't even realize it until they're halfway back. He clings onto Renjun who gives him an odd look but doesn't question it, instead choosing to pull Jaemin closer (if that was even possible.)

"You've gotten quieter," Renjun notes after a moment. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah--" He starts before his eyes flicker over to the path ahead of them and he stops walking entirely. Due to their position, this stops Renjun as well, who looks at Jaemin with deep concern. Jaemin wasn't even looking at him, though and when Renjun took note of that, he followed his gaze to the dark figure standing ahead of them. The person wasn't walking, just standing and by the tilt of their head, Jaemin could tell they were looking at him and Renjun. No, he thinks, everything is certainly not alright. He would tell Renjun this right now if he could speak, but it was as if his voice were gone, hell, he couldn't even move. His entire body felt frozen to the spot.

"Jaemin," Renjun murmurs, his grip tightening on him, "It's going to be okay. Is there another way out?"

Jaemin shakes his head. There's only the way they just came from and he didn't know if it would be safe to go back (though considering the options, it was probably the safest route.) "We won't be fast enough."

"You don't know that." He's whispering in his ear now. His breath is warm and tickles at Jaemin's ear, but he tries not to focus too much on that. "On the count of three, we're going to turn around and run, okay?" Still not able to find his voice, Jaemin nods in understanding.

"One," Renjun murmurs. The figure moves closer, walking in their general direction. Jaemin tenses.

"Two," he breathes out softly. It takes everything in Jaemin's power not to look behind him. He takes deep breaths as he tries to focus solely on Renjun.

Jaemin is turned around and before he can even comprehend what is happening, they're already running as Renjun yells, "Three!"

Despite being unable to find his voice or feel his body, he seems to be running just fine, Jaemin notes. He grips tightly onto Renjun and as they run, he cannot help but feel pathetic. He's supposed to be a hunter and every chance he managed to encounter a vampire, he was never able to attack. Hell, he barely got the chance to try. He was always running.

A hand grabs hold of his shoulder and he's pulled back, his hand slipping from its tight grasp. Squeezing his eyes shut, he takes the deepest of breaths as he lands on the ground with a hard thud (the pain is excruciating, but there is no time to be concerned about that) and when he opens his eyes again, he's facing one of the palest people he's ever seen. Dark red eyes gleam down at him with a hunger that unsettles him to no end, and sharp white fangs bare itself out at him. If he wasn't being held down the way that he was, he's pretty sure he would be shaking. They lean closer and a smirk draws upon its face. "It's a little late for supper, but dessert will do just fine," the person whispers with a voice so gravelly and honeyed that Jaemin feels even more unsettled. Jaemin shifts his gaze, taking in every bit of the person as he tries to think. Thinking, however, was not so easy when it came to time-limited situations much like this and the worry he felt for Renjun did not help. As the person leans closer, Jaemin lifts his knee straight into the person's lower area.

They hiss (Jaemin finds it even more astonishing as he watches a flicker of pain flash through the person's eyes) and immediately, their grip loosens. Something hits the side of their head, and the person practically falls to the side. When Jaemin looks up, he finds Renjun standing there in all his glory, clutching a broken chair (which would not have made sense had they not currently been in an alleyway.) His eyes flicker over and their eyes meet. Renjun drops the broken chair and lowers to help Jaemin up.

"We should hurry," he says. "We don't know how long he'll be out."

They've already started walking when Jaemin finally manages out, "You're sure he's out?" Renjun doesn't look back as he nods in response. They do their best to hurry without Jaemin's pain increasing. Currently, Renjun was supporting his back, easing him through the town as Jaemin murmurs directions. When they're back at the house, Jaemin goes straight to his room and buries himself under the heap of blankets, allowing his eyes to shut.

He hears the faint murmur from inside and he wonders whether Renjun is telling his dad the truth. After a moment, he hears his bedroom door close and the faint shifting as, who he assumes is Renjun, walks in.

"Will you lay with me?" He barely recognizes his own voice, but he can tell it is his own. Renjun agrees, albeit softly, and does as asked. Rather than just laying, he pulls Jaemin closer. He barely realizes that he's crying.

"I've got you, it's okay," Renjun whispers. "You're safe, baby." And fuck, Jaemin really hopes so.

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