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Their decided meetup time is one. They're all squeezed into two cars; Jaemin, Yangyang, Xiaojun and Jisung and in his car (though it's Xiaojun who is driving) and in Taeyong's car was Winwin, Kun and Taeyong himself as well as Johnny and Ten.

Jaemin doesn't ask why they can walk in the sun despite all those myths and what he's read before. He has considered asking Taeyong plenty of times, but never did he want to feel or sound dumb. Next to Jisung, who was younger than him, he was way less experienced. He wished he wasn't.

"You seem to be thinking awfully hard for a simple meetup," Jisung murmurs from beside him. He's looking over with a timid smile and if Jaemin is being honest, he seems more nervous than he's letting on.

"It's not a simple meetup," Jaemin replies. "We're meeting with Vampire King and who knows who he brings along," he points out when Jisung looks ready to argue. "From what Johnny and Ten said, he definitely has numbers."

"And that's why we've brought our own numbers," Xiaojun reminds. "We're hunters. This is what we train for."

He pulls up into an empty parking lot, right as Taeyong pulls up beside them. Jaemin looks out of the window for a brief moment, acknowledging how worn down the buildings around them were. They looked ready to collapse. He climbs out of the car and turns to look at the others. Taeyong is murmuring something to himself before he steps forward. He turns around when he's in front of them and although he smiles, Jaemin notices the slight falter.

"So, Kun and Yangyang, you two will wait here alright? Until I give off the signal," he says. They nod.

When Jaemin looks over, Xiaojun has his arm around Yangyang and he's placing a kiss against Yangyang's temple. The moment is soft and surreal and Jaemin finds it sweet. He looks away so as not to intrude any further in their little moment.

"We'll be okay," Taeyong states. "Now, lets go."

They follow his lead. Jaemin takes in the broken bits of building lying around on the floor, and he wonders if meeting at an abandoned building was Taeyong or Hendery's idea. Though he suspects it to be Taeyong's. They walk into the biggest and possibly most empty spot in the area.

The person on the other side of the area stands from his seated position and approaches. Beside him is another man with messy hair all in his face. He's got a sharp jawline, though his face is smaller. Frankly, despite his height, he seemed so much smaller somehow.

"A little late, are you not?" Hendery asks with a quirk of his brow. None of them respond.

Hendery is dressed as elegantly as ever and Jaemin cannot help wondering how he never picked up that there was something unusual about him. The aura that surrounded him was beyond the usual 'I'm-better-than-everyone-else'. He looked smug. Jaemin didn't like it.

"How ironic," Hendery says, voice dripping with an accent Jaemin doesn't remember. "Or rather, how cliche, meeting at an abandoned building. It seems to always be this way, does it not?" despite asking, it seems more like a rhetoric question than anything else. He's smiling brightly as though he has an upper hand in the situation. Jaemin wonders if he's mocking them.

Taeyong rolls his eyes. "Let's just get this started," he replies, seeming to ignore the entire act Hendery was putting on for them.

Hendery grins, fangs extracting and he looks all too ready to pounce. Until Winwin lifts a hand.

"Just one thing before we start," he explains.

Hendery looks annoyed as his fangs retract. "What?"

"We're not killing anyone," Taeyong replies.

Hendery tilts his head. "Now where is the fun in that?"

Taeyong turns his head, hand lifted in the air as he makes a gesturing motion with his hand. Jaemin notes how Hendery's expression shifts, though he isn't sure what the expression is. A moment after, it shifts into complete horror and when Jaemin turns, Kun and Yangyang are making their way over with Johnny and Ten. Kun held Johnny around his bicep while Yangyang approached with a tight grip on Ten's wrist and bicep. The two norms looked far more annoyed than they should have; definitely more annoyed than Hendery appeared when he was forced to wait another moment.

The man beside Hendery looks annoyed. He lunges forward, but Hendery stops him, arm in front of him in order to stop him from doing anything particularly regretful. "Taeil, calm down." His voice is eerily calm.

"They have Johnny and Ten, Hendery!" Taeil yells, seething. His hands fist beside him and his fangs are bared. He's furious.

"Yes," he admits aloud, "But they're still in one piece." Hendery turns to the group then and he's expression has fallen from the amusing smile, but it is as unreadable as ever.

Taeyong, however, is beyond pleased with the reactions. He smiles. "Now, let us get this started, shall we?"

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