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When Jaemin planned to come down to the bar, he'd been hoping that Taeyong was working or even Doyoung (though he wouldn't have been able to give much answers; it would be like running back to Jeno except warmer), but instead, as his luck would have him, he was met with a smug looking Xiaojun. Luckily for him, however, wherever there was a Xiaojun, there was a Yangyang not too far away. Yangyang was definitely the peace to Xiaojun's 'chaos' (Jaemin cannot find a word to fit him at the moment, but that may just be because his head was filled with everything else that happened. Seeing Jeno definitely through him back into the pool of a mess he managed to get out of not that long ago.)

"Taeyong went out with Doyoung," Xiaojun informs the moment Jaemin enters through the doors. "Did he not tell you?"

"Up until a few minutes ago, I didn't know I was coming," he replies smoothly, taking a seat beside Yangyang. "You're saying they went on a date?"

Xiaojun seems to be preparing something warm rather than the usual cold, non-alcoholic drink (which Jaemin will admit was something he wasn't going to order. He really wanted a beer to haze the thoughts away, but he supposed that it was for the better that he didn't.) His gaze cuts to Jaemin before returning to the cup in front of him. "Not exactly. They were heading to the head to find out more."

"Is Doyoung not human?"

"He is. Kwon Jiyong doesn't care though. If it's hunters and humans, it's alright. He was with a human once too. He understood," Xiaojun explains. "Usually when there's a hunter and a human involved, the hunter has a deeper reason to fight, live and protect. So, as messed up as it is, it's encouraged." When he's finished his story, he slides a cup over. "Coffee. With a bit of a punch to it."

"Xiaojun!" It's Yangyang who exclaims this, seeming horrified.

"It's not much of a punch," Xiaojun retorts easily. Despite his composed exterior, his voice is reassuring. "He seems like he needs it."

"He is right here," Jaemin mutters. "Guess you're not as bad as you appear," he adds. Which is true. From what he's seen and experienced, this coffee as 'something he needs' is the biggest and warmest gesture he could have imagined. It was like being on the receiving end of a hug with Xiaojun.

"That's because I let you see what I want you to see." His gaze shifts somewhere behind them (most likely to customers walking in) and he excuses himself.

Thus, Jaemin is left alone with Yangyang. Though he barely noticed. His head kept filling with thought after thought and question after question. He wanted to know how. How was Jeno still alive? How was he so, so different? Sure people are constantly changing, but this didn't seem like the kind of change over a period of time. It felt more like a change of the person; them being someone else completely. But that's impossible.

"Not that I agree with him giving you a punch in your coffee, but he seems to have the right idea," Yangyang says. His voice has a lilt, Jaemin notes. A lilt that he notices usually belongs to bilingual (or multilingual) people. Jaemin doesn't ask, though because it's clear the other was still speaking. "You seem troubled, and the fact that you came here unannounced."

"Doesn't happen often?" He asks sheepishly.

"With everyone else, sure. Not you, usually, or at least that's what I've heard." A smile shapes across his face, and somehow, Jaemin feels calmer than when he walked in here. Yangyang turns until he's entire body is facing Jaemin, which means he is most definitely going to talk again. "The only times you've shown up unannounced were with Jisung and when you were attacked down at the club."

For a moment, Jaemin feels unsettled that Yangyang knows that. He wonders how it is that the other knows that, but then he reminds himself that of course, Taeyong had been expected to report the attack. That, and the fact that Xiaojun and Yangyang probably spoke about everything together. That, and he doubted there were secrets between the hunters when it came to attacks. When one person was given information, it was shared with the rest of the group. That may just have been the reason they all seemed so brotherly and close.

"You want me to tell you why I came here unannounced, don't you?" He hopes it doesn't come out as rhetoric as it sounded to him. Though Yangyang assures that that is not the case, Xiaojun returns.

"Actually, yes, we would." When Jaemin looks, he's smiling, but it is not the sort of smile that is all inviting and sweet. He's smiling in a way that it resembles a smirk. He looks all smug, full of himself and it comes across as a know-it-all smile. Jaemin rolls his eyes.

"I needed to ask Taeyong a question," he replies simply. The little punch that was put in the coffee had one hell of a kick.

"But Taeyong isn't here, so we're the next best," Xiaojun replies easily. "We're hunters too, and if your question is vampire related, we might definitely have an answer for you."

He assesses Xiaojun for a moment, taking in his expression and considers his tone. Slowly, after much convincing on his part (mentally, of course), he nods. If Xiaojun was being genuine, he supposed he could ask. "The thing is, I don't know what my question is exactly," he admits as an afterthought.

"Well, do you have a situation scenario?" Yangyang queries gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. He seems to just be naturally comforting.

"That." Jaemin points his index finger to Yangyang (who probably looks way more stunned than he needs to.) "Is something I think I can do." So he explains the scenario with a few extractions: "There's this guy who got attacked. Or at least his friend thought that he did. They were walking and the vampire appeared and took the guy away. The friend thought he was dead up until recently," Jaemin finishes off. He considered adding on after, but that was really the most simplified version he could muster up. As he locks eyes with Xiaojun, he knows they have an answer. Both of them kept glancing at each other, sharing these knowing looks and their eyes were, to put it simply, wide and wild.

"You know," Jaemin states. "You know something. Tell me."

"Well," Xiaojun starts. He looks at Yangyang before looking back at Jaemin. "The thing is, when a vampire attacks; when they drain someone of blood, the person does not just survive. Either they die, or they turn."

Jaemin feels his blood run cold.

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