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He's stepping out of his last class of the day alongside Jisung who he parts ways with when they reach the dorms. (He has a date with Chenle and he was so nervous about it that he barely paid any attention in their class. Kun called out to him and asked him a question and he got so flustered, Jaemin thought he'd turn into a strawberry.)

When he gets to his room, Renjun is waiting outside. He's sitting with a book and Jaemin can certainly say he missed seeing Renjun read.

Jaemin unlocks the door and steps inside, dropping his things onto his bed and changing into another sweater by the time Renjun walks in. "You know you don't have to change, right?" he asks softly. There's the faint sound of footsteps as he comes closer and Jaemin can feel the light brush of Renjun's hands against his sides as he helps pull down the sweater. Their faces are inches apart, breaths dancing against each other as they continue to stare in silence. Wrapping an arm around Jaemin, Renjun pulls him closer until their lips are touching and it's soft and sweet and far too short for his liking, but it cannot be helped as they pull apart.

"I know, but I felt like I should change before we go," Jaemin insists softly, turning his head.

"I know." Renjun steps away and offers a smile. "You look good," he assures, answering Jaemin's unspoken question to which he is grateful. Not wanting to waste another moment, they step out. Jaemin locks the door and they make and they head out, hand in hand as they walk to his car.

"We should consider getting you a key for the room," Jaemin says suddenly. He's nervous and in his current state, he couldn't handle the silence all too well. Which is most likely why Renjun, who has somehow managed to read Jaemin with a single glance, insists on driving. He doesn't bother fighting it and climbs into the passenger seat.

"I think we should consider that next year," he replies.

"Or we could just ask for a room together."

Renjun pauses, hand mid-air as he's about to turn on the radio. He looks at Jaemin, and the surprise is shining in his eyes. "You mean that?"

"I mean it."

Renjun smiles as he starts the car. Their drive is filled with soft music, humming and occasional hand holding. It consists of constant reassurance from Renjun who assures Jaemin it will be okay. There really isn't anything to worry about, and Jaemin's eventual nod. He looks out of the window, watching the view as it goes by while Renjun hums, eyes on the road.

They make a stop along the way; a little coffee shop on the way up. Without needing to ask, Renjun makes an order for three coffees and then they're back on the road.

When they reach their destination, Renjun finds a parking spot while Jaemin buys a bouquet of flowers from a woman by the entrance. He's joined a moment later and they head down the pathway and up the hill. They pass by trees and graves. People are mourning quietly, but he and Jaemin don't take note as they head up. Soft cries fill the air as babies grow restless, children screeching and running past them, unaware of reality around them. Renjun keeps an arm tightly around Jaemin's shoulder as they pass the graves that are at the end of the hill and they walk until they've reached the one they've come to visit.

Jaemin and Renjun turn.

"It's too bad we couldn't invite his family," Renjun murmurs as Jaemin crouches down and lays the flowers delicately on Jeno's grave. His hands tremble, but maybe that's just because of the cold breeze.

"I told my dad," Jaemin replies. "He'll eventually tell his family."

A hand rests on his shoulder and squeezes softly. Jaemin closes his eyes and sends off a silent prayer. When his eyes flutter open again, Renjun helps him to a stand and they switch places as Renjun crouches this time and Jaemin holds the coffees.

Jaemin stares quietly at the image before him, and though he's gone through a lot and he's had to lose Jeno twice, he'd like to think that his soul is at peace now.

And he'd like to think he's still pretty lucky.

"Coffee?" Renjun says, his voice pulling Jaemin back to reality. He's not crying, but it still hurts. When he looks at Renjun, he knows that it hurts him too. There's an unimaginable amount of pain in his eyes, and Jaemin wonders if they were in other circumstances and Jeno were still alive, if it would be the three of them rather than just the two of them. He'd definitely like to think that in an alternate universe, that was the case.

"Coffee," Jaemin repeats.

This time, they sit down together in front of the grave. Renjun hands Jaemin a cup, takes one for himself and places the third cup next to the gravestone. They bump their cups against it gently and then Jaemin smiles.

"Hey, Jeno," he murmurs softly. 


And that, everyone, is the end. 

I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who are reading. Those of you who have voted, I appreciate it and a huge thank you to those of you who left comments.  I just want to apologize for not answering most of them, I'm terrible with communicating in general and I never quite knew what to say, but the comments put smiles on my face, so thank you.

I so much enjoyed writing this story (and yes, I do apologize for killing off Jeno. Had no idea I was going to do it, but I ended up doing it) and I'm going to miss it a lot. 

And just another thank you all so much for supporting!

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