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There's something oddly satisfying and heartwarming about waking up beside someone you care about. For Jaemin, it's a little different than waking up in the same room as they have been for the past half of the year. When he wakes up, he's on the mattress (which is in the pull out bit of the bed) and he looks up to find Renjun fast asleep. His head rests on the pillow and his arm and he can see the way that he's breathing; Jaemin releases a breathy sigh.

Inside, his dad is already up.

"Morning," Jaemin murmurs, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"You sleep alright?" his dad queries, cracking an egg into a bowl. "You two were up late," he notes and Jaemin thinks he catches sight of a smile across his face, though he could just be imagining it.

"Yeah," he assures his father. "Just settling in. It's the first time we've gotten a proper chance to talk without the weight of exams," he explains although he knows he doesn't need to. He knows he doesn't need to be explaining himself, especially not to his dad, but this little piece of information felt worth sharing. The conversation they had last night was one of the best; for the first time it wasn't about exams or vampires. It was about everything and nothing and he felt remarkably normal for those couple of hours.

"That's good." His tone sounds off, however. As if there were something else that were bothering him. Jaemin watches his father closely, his mind flashing back to when they arrived and he'd seen Renjun, and he cannot help but wonder whether there was something wrong there. But was it even possible? Before he can ask anything, his father speaks up again. "How long are you two together now?"

"Oh, well, we started dating right before exams," Jaemin replies. "We've known each other since the beginning of the semester though."

"And he treats you fine?"

Jaemin tilts his head. "Better than fine, actually."

This time, his father looks about ready to say something, half turning so he could focus on the mixture in front of him while looking at his son. But then, footsteps sound just as Renjun rounds the corner. Hair sticking out all over the place and eyes still half open, Jaemin can't help the snicker that leaves him.

"Good morning," Renjun murmurs raspily. He stands beside Jaemin and presses his forehead into Jaemin's shoulder.

"You can still sleep if you want," Jaemin giggles, but Renjun is already shaking his head. So instead, he looks to his father and asks him for a moment before he leads Renjun to the living room and eases him onto the couch. He pulls the blanket that is folded on the couch footrest onto Renjun and turns the television on before he disappears back into the kitchen. "Is the mixture done?" he queries and when his dad nods, he ushers him out of the kitchen and takes over.


After some coercion on his dad's part (and some advice for Jaemin while Renjun was getting done), he and Renjun exit the house together. They climb into his car and Jaemin drives off.

"So you really won't tell me where we're going?" Renjun asks after switching on the radio. The soft tunes of an acoustic song fills the air and Jaemin finds himself smiling giddily. He doesn't want to tell Renjun in fear of getting his hopes way too high.

"Not even a hint." Jaemin grins. He glances over at Renjun just in time to catch the other rolling his eyes. "Trust me, it will be worth the surprise," he practically whispers and when Renjun doesn't respond, he silently hopes that he wasn't heard.

About half an hour later, they're pulling into the drive through, and Jaemin manages to find an empty parking spot somewhere in the middle. He's practically grinning as he climbs out and goes to the other side of the car to help Renjun out. He's met with an odd, unsure look. Jaemin leans forward and plants a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek and he clasps his hand as he pulls away. "Come on or all the good snacks will be gone." And damn, he hates that he cannot even so much as hide the excitement in his voice. He's even giddier than when they started the drive.

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